The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship

Publisher: H. Gaine (Printer), New York, 1793
Denomination: Episcopal Church
Language: English
Notes: Hymns (H) are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
LXVI.ILet all the lands, with shouts of joyPage Scan
LXVI.IIO! all ye nations, bless our GodPage Scan
LXVIITo bless thy chosen racePage Scan
LXVIII.ILet God, the God of battle, risePage Scan
LXVIII.IIThou gav'st the word; we sally'd forthPage Scan
LXVIII.IIIWhen, marching to thy blest abodePage Scan
LXIXSave me, O God, from waves that rollPage Scan
LXXO Lord, to my relief draw nearPage Scan
LXXI.IIn thee I put my stedfast trustPage Scan
LXXI.IIThy righteous acts, and saving healthPage Scan
LXXII.ILord let thy just decrees the kingPage Scan
LXXII.IIHis providence for needy soulsPage Scan
LXXIII.IAt length by certain proofs, 'tis plainPage Scan
LXXIII.IITo fathom this my thoughts I bentPage Scan
LXXIV.IWhy hast thou cast us off, O God?Page Scan
LXXIV.IIBut, Lord, how long wilt thou permitPage Scan
LXXIV.IIIRemember, Lord, how scornful foesPage Scan
LXXVTo thee, O God, we render praisePage Scan
LXXVIIn Judah the Almighty's knownPage Scan
LXXVIITo God I cry'd with mournful voicePage Scan
LXXVIII.IHear, O my people, to my lawPage Scan
LXXVIII.IIYet still they sin'd nor would affordPage Scan
LXXVIII.IIIYet still they tempted, still provok'dPage Scan
LXXIXBehold, O God, how heathen hostsPage Scan
LXXX.IO Isr'el's shepherd, Joseph's guidePage Scan
LXXX.IIThou brought'st a vine from Egypt's landPage Scan
LXXX.IIITo thee, O God of hosts, we prayPage Scan
LXXXI.ITo God, our never failing strengthPage Scan
LXXXI.IIWhilst I my solemn will declarePage Scan
LXXXIIGod in the great assembly standsPage Scan
LXXXIII.IHold not thy peace, O Lord, our God!Page Scan
LXXXIII.IIBut let such vengeance come to themPage Scan
LXXXIVO God of Hosts, the mighty LordPage Scan
LXXXVLord, thou hast granted to thy landPage Scan
LXXXVI.ITo my complaint, O Lord, my GodPage Scan
LXXXVI.IITeach me, O Lord, thy sacred wayPage Scan
LXXXVIIGod's temple crowns the holy mountPage Scan
LXXXVIIITo thee, my God and Saviour, IPage Scan
LXXXIX.IThy mercies, Lord, shall be my songPage Scan
LXXXIX.IIBut if his heirs my law forsakePage Scan
XC.IO Lord, the Saviour and defencePage Scan
XC.IIBut who thy anger's dread effectsPage Scan
XCIHe that has God his guardian madePage Scan
XCIIHow good and pleasant must it bePage Scan
XCIIIWith glory clad, with strength array'dPage Scan
XCIV,IO God! to whom revenge belongsPage Scan
XCIV.IIBless'd is the man, whom thou, O LordPage Scan
XCVO come, loud anthems let us singPage Scan
XCVISing to the Lord, a new made songPage Scan
XCVIIJehovah reigns, let all the earthPage Scan
XCVIIISing to the Lord a new-made songPage Scan
XCIXJehovah reigns; let therefore allPage Scan
CWith one consent, let all the earthPage Scan
CIOf mercy's never-failing springPage Scan
CIIWhen I pour out my soul in pray'rPage Scan
CIIIMy soul, inspir'd with sacred lovePage Scan
CIV.IBless God, my soul: thou, Lord, alonePage Scan
CIV.IIYet thence in smaller parties drawnPage Scan
CIV.IIIThe trees of God, without the carePage Scan
CIV.IVBut still the vast unfathom'd mainPage Scan
CV.IO render thanks, and bless the LordPage Scan
CV.IITo Egypt then, invited guestsPage Scan
CVI.IO render thanks to God abovePage Scan
CVI.IIBut from these wonders they forgotPage Scan
CVI.IIIYet, unreclaim'd, this stubborn racePage Scan
CVI.IVNor did these savage crueltiesPage Scan
CVII.ITo God your grateful voices raisePage Scan
CVII.IISome sit, with darkness compass'd roundPage Scan
CVII.IIIRemorseless wretches, void of sensePage Scan
CVII.IVThey that in ships, with courage boldPage Scan
CVII.VA fruitful land, where streams aboundPage Scan
CVIIIO God, my heart is fully bentPage Scan
CIX.IO God, whose former mercies makePage Scan
CIX.IIBecause he never mercy show'dPage Scan
CXThe Lord unto my Lord thus spakePage Scan
CXIPraise ye the Lord: our God to praisePage Scan
CXIIThat man is bless'd who stands in awePage Scan
CXIIIYe servants of th' almighty KingPage Scan
CXIVWhen Isr'el freed from Pharaoh's handPage Scan
CXVLord, not to us, we claim no sharePage Scan
CXVIMy soul with grateful thoughts of lovePage Scan
CXVIIWith chearful notes let all the earthPage Scan
CXVIIIO praise the Lord, for he is goodPage Scan
CXIX.alephHow bless'd are they who always keepPage Scan
CXIX.bethHow shall the young preserve their waysPage Scan
CXIX.gimelBe gracious to thy servant, LordPage Scan
CXIX.dalethMy soul lies cleaving to the dustPage Scan
CXIX.heInstruct me in thy statutes, LordPage Scan
CXIX.vauThy constant blessing, Lord, bestowPage Scan
CXIX.zainAccording to thy promis'd gracePage Scan
CXIX.chethO Lord, my God, my portion thouPage Scan
CXIX.tethWith me thy servant thou hast dealtPage Scan
CXIX.jodTo me, who am the workmanshipPage Scan
CXIX.caphMy soul, with long expectance, faintsPage Scan
CXIX.lamedFor ever and for ever, LordPage Scan
CXIX.memThe love that to thy laws I bearPage Scan
CXIX.nunThy word is to my feet a lampPage Scan
CXIX.samechDeceitful thoughts and practeicesPage Scan
CXIX.ainJudgment and justice I have donePage Scan
CXIX.peThe wonders which thy laws containPage Scan

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