# | Text | Tune | | | | | | |
7294 | Halld, kegyelmes Istenünk (Hear, my God, Your people) | [Hear my God Your people] (Unknown Composer) | | | | | | |
7295 | Esdve kérlek (Please God, help me ) | [Please God help me ] (French tune) | | | | | | |
7296 | Itt a szívem, égi Atyám (Here is my heart, heavenly Father) | [Here is my heart heavenly Father] (Steiner) | | | | | | |
7297 | Ember, gondolj a megtérésre (Man, think of repentance) | MIR IST ERBARMUNG | | | | | | |
7298 | Hívtál, Uram, megyek (You called me, I'm going) | [You called me I'm going] (English Melody) | | | | | | |
7299 | Itt a szívem, vegyed (Here is my heart) | [Here is my heart] (Rappard) | | | | | | |
7300 | Ím, nagy Isten (Behold, God is great) | [Behold God is great] (Farkas) | | | | | | |
7301 | Győzhetetlen én kőszálom (I wandered around) | [I wandered around] (melody) | | | | | | |
7302 | Szelíd szemed, Úr Jézus (Look with kindness, Lord Jesus) | [Look with kindness Lord Jesus] (Nyberg) | | | | | | |
7303 | Új szívet adj (Give me a new heart, O Lord) | [Give me a new heart O Lord] (Balla Péter) | | | | | | |
7304 | Vágyom melletted élni, Jézus (I long to live beside you, Jesus) | [I long to live beside you Jesus] (Békefi Pál) | | | | | | |
7305 | Velem vándorol utamon Jézus (Jesus walks with me) | [Jesus walks with me] (Finnish Melody) | | | | | | |
7306 | Istennel én megbékülék (God and reconciliation) | [God and reconciliation] (Glaubensstimme) | | | | | | |
7307 | Keresztyének, zengjetek (Christians, sing a new song to God) | [Christians sing a new song to God] (Tárkányi_Zsasskovszky) | | | | | | |
7308 | Elmém, szívem, dicsérjétek (My mind, my heart, praise) | [My mind my heart praise] (Boltze) | | | | | | |
7309 | Égi Atyám hozzád (Heavenly Father, you are my everything) | [Heavenly Father you are my everything] (Géza) | | | | | | |
7311 | Zengjen hálaének (All lips give thanks with gladness) | [All lips give thanks with gladness] (Pál) | | | | | | |
7312 | Minden helyen (You are with me ) | [You are with me ] (Bach) | | | | | | |
7313 | Drága Uram, benned bízom (Dear Lord, I trust in you) | [Dear Lord I trust in you] (Chinese melody) | | | | | | |
7314 | Mindenkoron áldom (I will always bless the Lord) | [I will always bless the Lord] (Kolozsvár) | | | | | | |
7315 | Atyám a mennyekben (My heavenly Father is caring for me) | [My heavenly Father is caring for me] (Warren) | | | | | | |
7316 | Az Úr csodásan működik (The Lord works wonderfully) | [The Lord works wonderfully] (Margit) | | | | | | |
7317 | Testvérek, menjünk bátran (Brothers and sisters, let us boldly) | [Brothers and sisters let us boldly] (Bastiaans) | | | | | | |
7318 | Gondviselő jó Atyám vagy (My dear God, good Father) | [My dear God good Father] (Cruger) | | | | | | |
7319 | Irgalmazz, Úr Isten (Have mercy on me, O God) | [Have mercy on me O God] (Debrecen) | | | | | | |
7320 | A lelkem vágya száll hozzád (My soul desires to stay with you) | [My soul desires to stay with you] (Ahlström) | | | | | | |
7321 | Az Úr mondja (The Lord says, in our trouble) | [The Lord says in our trouble] (Stötzel) | | | | | | |
7323 | Jézus Krisztus, Mesterünk (Jesus Christ, our living Lord) | [Jesus Christ our living Lord] (Gábor) | | | | | | |
7322 | Jézusért élek egészen (All for Jesus) | [All for Jesus] (Evangeliums Sanger) | | | | | | |
7324 | Jöjj velem, Jézus (Come with me, Jesus, my king) | [Come with me Jesus my king] (Finnish Melody) | | | | | | |
7325 | Világíts nékem, Jézus (Illuminate my heart, Jesus) | [Illuminate my heart Jesus] (Bellerby) | | | | | | |
7326 | Hű Jézusom kezébe (Hands of Jesus) | [Hands of Jesus] (Danish Melody) | | | | | | |
7327 | Meredek és szűk az út (The steep and narrow road) | [The steep and narrow road] (Berlin) | | | | | | |
7328 | Jézus, Te égi, szép (Jesus is the heavenly beauty) | [Jesus is the heavenly beauty] (Sőrlie) | | | | | | |
7329 | Fogadd éltem, Jézusom (I take Jesus) | [I take Jesus] (Swiss Melody | | | | | | |
7330 | Oly drága kincsem (So precious a treasure) | [So precious a treasure] (Jugendpsalter) | | | | | | |
7331 | Maradj immár, tünde játék | [Maradj immár tünde játék] (Coelestis) | | | | | | |
7332 | Ha megáldott az Úr (If the Lord has blessed) | [If the Lord has blessed] (Jackson) | | | | | | |
7333 | Jól küzdj (Well they fight, in the Lord's grace) | [Well they fight in the Lord's grace] (Herrnhag) | | | | | | |
7334 | Szent alázat, szent szelídség (Holy humility, holy gentleness) | [Holy humility holy gentleness] (Gábor) | | | | | | |
7335 | Ó, Krisztusunk, adj (O, Christ, give us true peace) | [O Christ give us true peace] (Norén) | | | | | | |
7336 | Jézus, téged kereslek (Jesus, I look for You) | [Jesus I look for You] (Sándor) | | | | | | |
7337 | Egy az óhajom (I desire You, Lord Jesus) | [I desire You Lord Jesus] (Thommen) | | | | | | |
7338 | Föl, testvérem (Up, brother, ready to fight) | [Up brother ready to fight] (Jenö) | | | | | | |
7339 | Légy Jézus Krisztus harcosa (Be a fighter for Jesus Christ) | [Be a fighter for Jesus Christ] (Eickhoff) | | | | | | |
7340 | Mit használ a krisztusi név (The Name of Jesus) | [The Name of Jesus] (Rung) | | | | | | |
7341 | Én törekszem (I strive until I reach Salvation) | [I strive until I reach Salvation] (Wurttemberg) | | | | | | |
7342 | Tisztítsd meg szíved (Cleanse your heart) | [Cleanse your heart] (Tinódi) | | | | | | |
7343 | Engedd most orcád szemlélnünk (Let us now contemplate Your face) | [Let us now contemplate Your face] (Cruger) | | | | | | |
7344 | Hangozzék fel hálaének (Perhaps it sounds) | [Perhaps it sounds] (Glaubensstimme) | | | | | | |
7345 | Szent Isten, téged dicsérünk (Holy God, we praise You) | [Holy God we praise You] (Mason) | | | | | | |
7346 | Halleluja, legszebb hajnal (Hallelujah, beautiful morning!) | [Hallelujah beautiful morning] (Webbe) | | | | | | |
7347 | Jézusomnak szent nevében (The sacred name of Jesus) | [The sacred name of Jesus] (András) | | | | | | |
7348 | Örülj, szívem (Rejoice, my heart) | [Rejoice my heart] (Kolozsvár) | | | | | | |
7349 | Teérted véremet adtam (Do you understand I gave my blood) | [Do you understand I gave my blood] (Gebhardt) | | | | | | |
7350 | Bárányok vére folyt (The blood of Lambs flowed) | [The blood of Lambs flowed] (Popkes) | | | | | | |
7352 | Abode of Peace | I ROSENS DOFT | | | | | | |
7353 | Adj kezet, testvér (Give me your hand) | [Give me your hand] (Doane) | | | | | | |
7354 | Szent forrás (Holy God, Thirsty people) | [Holy God Thirsty people] (Glaubensstimme) | | | | | | |
7355 | Almighty Father, Lord Most High | ALMONDSBURY | | | | | | |
7356 | After the Mist and Shadow | [After the Mist and Shadow] (Preston) | | | | | | |
7357 | Megjelentem, dicső Felség (I appeared, glorious Majesty) | [I appeared glorious Majesty] (Glaubensstimme) | | | | | | |
7358 | Mintha köztünk Jézus járna (As if Jesus would have us) | [As if Jesus would have us] (Enekek) | | | | | | |
7359 | After the Life-Paths | [After the Life_Paths] (Showalter) | | | | | | |
7360 | Almighty Father, Unoriginate | OLD 50TH | | | | | | |
7361 | Nagy hálát adjunk (Give great thanks to God the Father) | [Give great thanks to God the Father] (Breslau) | | | | | | |
7362 | Áldásoddal megyünk (We go with Your blessing) | [We go with Your blessing] (Sándor) | | | | | | |
7363 | Imádkozzatok és buzgón kérjetek (Pray fervently and ask) | [Pray fervently and ask] (Tinódi) | | | | | | |
7364 | Te égből jött nagy fényesség (You came from heaven a great light) | [You came from heaven a great light] (Clark) | | | | | | |
7365 | Krisztus munkatársi (Follower of Christ, get ready) | [Follower of Christ get ready] (Groos) | | | | | | |
7366 | Szent, örök Isten (Sacred, eternal God) | [Sacred eternal God] (Barnby) | | | | | | |
7367 | Egy kis názáreti házban (In a small house in Nazareth) | [In a small house in Nazareth] (Schulz) | | | | | | |
7368 | Új nap virradt felettem (A new day for me) | [A new day for me] (Fink) | | | | | | |
7369 | Adjon Isten jó éjszakát (God give us safe night to send holy angels) | [God give us safe night to send holy angels] (Pál) | | | | | | |
7370 | Ha alkonypír bíborba vonja | [Ha alkonypír bíborba vonja] (Gebhardt) | | | | | | |
7371 | Rohan könyörtelen az idő (The relentless rush of the time) | [The relentless rush of the time] (Düssler) | | | | | | |
7372 | Elfutnak éveink (The years fly by) | [The years fly by] (Swedish folk) | | | | | | |
7373 | Ez esztendő fordulóján (At the turn of the year) | [At the turn of the year] (Hungarian Canticle) | | | | | | |
7374 | Áldjuk Istent az új évért (God bless the new year) | [God bless the new year] (Corner's Gesangbuch) | | | | | | |
7375 | Nézz szét (Look into my heart) | [Look into my heart] (Harder) | | | | | | |
7376 | Eljő az Úr, halleluja (The coming of the Lord, hallelujah) | [The coming of the Lord hallelujah] (Ogden) | | | | | | |
7377 | Istennek népe, készen légy (God's people will meet Him in the air) | [God's people will meet Him in the air] (Sion énekei II) | | | | | | |
7378 | Újjáteremt az Úr mindent (The Lord makes all things new) | [The Lord makes all things new] (Dutch Melody) | | | | | | |
7379 | From Olive's hill | [From Olive's hill] (Runyan) | | | | | | |
7380 | All Glory to Jesus | [All Glory to Jesus] (Vaughan) | | | | | | |
7383 | As in the Days of Haggai When | FLANDRENSIS | | | | | | |
7384 | Alas! Elisha's Servant Cried | LOUELLA | | | | | | |
7385 | Mary beheld Him | [Mary beheld Him] (Rader) | | | | | | |
7386 | All, All for Thee | [All All for Thee] (Dungan) | | | | | | |
7387 | If we tremble in our fear | [If we tremble in our fear] (Jones) | | | | | | |
7388 | Thou only art holy | [Thou only art holy] (Sweney) | | | | | | |
7390 | Take up the battle cry | [Take up the battle cry] (Tullar) | | | | | | |
7391 | All the Day | [All the Day] (Black) | | | | | | |
7392 | Almost, but still I resisted | [Almost but still I resisted] (Bilhorn) | | | | | | |
7393 | Almighty Lord, with One Accord | PATTEN | | | | | | |
7394 | Always Enough of Grace | [Always Enough of Grace] (Merritt) | | | | | | |
7395 | Awake, My Heart; Arise, My Tongue | MORRISON | | | | | | |
7397 | Tossing on the billow | [Tossing on the billow] (Gould) | | | | | | |
7398 | All nations, clap your hands | SILVER STREET | | | | | | |
7399 | And now the wants are told | WEYBRIDGE | | | | | | |