Small Church Music

Let us be your Church musician
The SmallChurchMusic site was launched in 2006, growing out of the requests from those struggling to provide suitable music for their services and meetings.
Rev. Clyde McLennan was ordained in mid 1960’s and was a pastor in many small Australian country areas, and therefore was acutely aware of this music problem. Having also been trained as a Pipe Organist, recordings on site (which are a subset of the site) are all actually played by Clyde, and also include piano and piano with organ versions.
All recordings are in MP3 format. Churches all around the world use the recordings, with downloads averaging over 60,000 per month.
The recordings normally have an introduction, several verses and a slowdown on the last verse. Users are encouraged to use software: Audacity ( or Song Surgeon ( (see for more information) to adjust the MP3 number of verses, tempo and pitch to suit their local needs.

Copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Non-commercial use of these recordings is permitted. For permission to use them for any other purposes, please contact


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Performer: Clyde McLennan
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
7294Halld, kegyelmes Istenünk (Hear, my God, Your people)[Hear my God Your people] (Unknown Composer)Audio
7295Esdve kérlek (Please God, help me )[Please God help me ] (French tune)Audio
7296Itt a szívem, égi Atyám (Here is my heart, heavenly Father)[Here is my heart heavenly Father] (Steiner)Audio
7297Ember, gondolj a megtérésre (Man, think of repentance)MIR IST ERBARMUNGAudio
7298Hívtál, Uram, megyek (You called me, I'm going)[You called me I'm going] (English Melody)Audio
7299Itt a szívem, vegyed (Here is my heart)[Here is my heart] (Rappard)Audio
7300Ím, nagy Isten (Behold, God is great)[Behold God is great] (Farkas)Audio
7301Győzhetetlen én kőszálom (I wandered around)[I wandered around] (melody)Audio
7302Szelíd szemed, Úr Jézus (Look with kindness, Lord Jesus)[Look with kindness Lord Jesus] (Nyberg)Audio
7303Új szívet adj (Give me a new heart, O Lord)[Give me a new heart O Lord] (Balla Péter)Audio
7304Vágyom melletted élni, Jézus (I long to live beside you, Jesus)[I long to live beside you Jesus] (Békefi Pál)Audio
7305Velem vándorol utamon Jézus (Jesus walks with me)[Jesus walks with me] (Finnish Melody)Audio
7306Istennel én megbékülék (God and reconciliation)[God and reconciliation] (Glaubensstimme)Audio
7307Keresztyének, zengjetek (Christians, sing a new song to God)[Christians sing a new song to God] (Tárkányi_Zsasskovszky)Audio
7308Elmém, szívem, dicsérjétek (My mind, my heart, praise)[My mind my heart praise] (Boltze)Audio
7309Égi Atyám hozzád (Heavenly Father, you are my everything)[Heavenly Father you are my everything] (Géza)Audio
7311Zengjen hálaének (All lips give thanks with gladness)[All lips give thanks with gladness] (Pál)Audio
7312Minden helyen (You are with me )[You are with me ] (Bach)Audio
7313Drága Uram, benned bízom (Dear Lord, I trust in you)[Dear Lord I trust in you] (Chinese melody)Audio
7314Mindenkoron áldom (I will always bless the Lord)[I will always bless the Lord] (Kolozsvár)Audio
7315Atyám a mennyekben (My heavenly Father is caring for me)[My heavenly Father is caring for me] (Warren)Audio
7316Az Úr csodásan működik (The Lord works wonderfully)[The Lord works wonderfully] (Margit)Audio
7317Testvérek, menjünk bátran (Brothers and sisters, let us boldly)[Brothers and sisters let us boldly] (Bastiaans)Audio
7318Gondviselő jó Atyám vagy (My dear God, good Father)[My dear God good Father] (Cruger)Audio
7319Irgalmazz, Úr Isten (Have mercy on me, O God)[Have mercy on me O God] (Debrecen)Audio
7320A lelkem vágya száll hozzád (My soul desires to stay with you)[My soul desires to stay with you] (Ahlström)Audio
7321Az Úr mondja (The Lord says, in our trouble)[The Lord says in our trouble] (Stötzel)Audio
7323Jézus Krisztus, Mesterünk (Jesus Christ, our living Lord)[Jesus Christ our living Lord] (Gábor)Audio
7322Jézusért élek egészen (All for Jesus)[All for Jesus] (Evangeliums Sanger)Audio
7324Jöjj velem, Jézus (Come with me, Jesus, my king)[Come with me Jesus my king] (Finnish Melody)Audio
7325Világíts nékem, Jézus (Illuminate my heart, Jesus)[Illuminate my heart Jesus] (Bellerby)Audio
7326Hű Jézusom kezébe (Hands of Jesus)[Hands of Jesus] (Danish Melody)Audio
7327Meredek és szűk az út (The steep and narrow road)[The steep and narrow road] (Berlin)Audio
7328Jézus, Te égi, szép (Jesus is the heavenly beauty)[Jesus is the heavenly beauty] (Sőrlie)Audio
7329Fogadd éltem, Jézusom (I take Jesus)[I take Jesus] (Swiss MelodyAudio
7330Oly drága kincsem (So precious a treasure)[So precious a treasure] (Jugendpsalter)Audio
7331Maradj immár, tünde játék[Maradj immár tünde játék] (Coelestis)Audio
7332Ha megáldott az Úr (If the Lord has blessed)[If the Lord has blessed] (Jackson)Audio
7333Jól küzdj (Well they fight, in the Lord's grace)[Well they fight in the Lord's grace] (Herrnhag)Audio
7334Szent alázat, szent szelídség (Holy humility, holy gentleness)[Holy humility holy gentleness] (Gábor)Audio
7335Ó, Krisztusunk, adj (O, Christ, give us true peace)[O Christ give us true peace] (Norén)Audio
7336Jézus, téged kereslek (Jesus, I look for You)[Jesus I look for You] (Sándor)Audio
7337Egy az óhajom (I desire You, Lord Jesus)[I desire You Lord Jesus] (Thommen)Audio
7338Föl, testvérem (Up, brother, ready to fight)[Up brother ready to fight] (Jenö)Audio
7339Légy Jézus Krisztus harcosa (Be a fighter for Jesus Christ)[Be a fighter for Jesus Christ] (Eickhoff)Audio
7340Mit használ a krisztusi név (The Name of Jesus)[The Name of Jesus] (Rung)Audio
7341Én törekszem (I strive until I reach Salvation)[I strive until I reach Salvation] (Wurttemberg)Audio
7342Tisztítsd meg szíved (Cleanse your heart)[Cleanse your heart] (Tinódi)Audio
7343Engedd most orcád szemlélnünk (Let us now contemplate Your face)[Let us now contemplate Your face] (Cruger)Audio
7344Hangozzék fel hálaének (Perhaps it sounds)[Perhaps it sounds] (Glaubensstimme)Audio
7345Szent Isten, téged dicsérünk (Holy God, we praise You)[Holy God we praise You] (Mason)Audio
7346Halleluja, legszebb hajnal (Hallelujah, beautiful morning!)[Hallelujah beautiful morning] (Webbe)Audio
7347Jézusomnak szent nevében (The sacred name of Jesus)[The sacred name of Jesus] (András)Audio
7348Örülj, szívem (Rejoice, my heart)[Rejoice my heart] (Kolozsvár)Audio
7349Teérted véremet adtam (Do you understand I gave my blood)[Do you understand I gave my blood] (Gebhardt)Audio
7350Bárányok vére folyt (The blood of Lambs flowed)[The blood of Lambs flowed] (Popkes)Audio
7352Abode of PeaceI ROSENS DOFTAudio
7353Adj kezet, testvér (Give me your hand)[Give me your hand] (Doane)Audio
7354Szent forrás (Holy God, Thirsty people)[Holy God Thirsty people] (Glaubensstimme)Audio
7355Almighty Father, Lord Most HighALMONDSBURYAudio
7356After the Mist and Shadow[After the Mist and Shadow] (Preston)Audio
7357Megjelentem, dicső Felség (I appeared, glorious Majesty)[I appeared glorious Majesty] (Glaubensstimme)Audio
7358Mintha köztünk Jézus járna (As if Jesus would have us)[As if Jesus would have us] (Enekek)Audio
7359After the Life-Paths[After the Life_Paths] (Showalter)Audio
7360Almighty Father, UnoriginateOLD 50THAudio
7361Nagy hálát adjunk (Give great thanks to God the Father)[Give great thanks to God the Father] (Breslau)Audio
7362Áldásoddal megyünk (We go with Your blessing)[We go with Your blessing] (Sándor)Audio
7363Imádkozzatok és buzgón kérjetek (Pray fervently and ask)[Pray fervently and ask] (Tinódi)Audio
7364Te égből jött nagy fényesség (You came from heaven a great light)[You came from heaven a great light] (Clark)Audio
7365Krisztus munkatársi (Follower of Christ, get ready)[Follower of Christ get ready] (Groos)Audio
7366Szent, örök Isten (Sacred, eternal God)[Sacred eternal God] (Barnby)Audio
7367Egy kis názáreti házban (In a small house in Nazareth)[In a small house in Nazareth] (Schulz)Audio
7368Új nap virradt felettem (A new day for me)[A new day for me] (Fink)Audio
7369Adjon Isten jó éjszakát (God give us safe night to send holy angels)[God give us safe night to send holy angels] (Pál)Audio
7370Ha alkonypír bíborba vonja[Ha alkonypír bíborba vonja] (Gebhardt)Audio
7371Rohan könyörtelen az idő (The relentless rush of the time)[The relentless rush of the time] (Düssler)Audio
7372Elfutnak éveink (The years fly by)[The years fly by] (Swedish folk)Audio
7373Ez esztendő fordulóján (At the turn of the year)[At the turn of the year] (Hungarian Canticle)Audio
7374Áldjuk Istent az új évért (God bless the new year)[God bless the new year] (Corner's Gesangbuch)Audio
7375Nézz szét (Look into my heart)[Look into my heart] (Harder)Audio
7376Eljő az Úr, halleluja (The coming of the Lord, hallelujah)[The coming of the Lord hallelujah] (Ogden)Audio
7377Istennek népe, készen légy (God's people will meet Him in the air)[God's people will meet Him in the air] (Sion énekei II)Audio
7378Újjáteremt az Úr mindent (The Lord makes all things new)[The Lord makes all things new] (Dutch Melody)Audio
7379From Olive's hill[From Olive's hill] (Runyan)Audio
7380All Glory to Jesus[All Glory to Jesus] (Vaughan)Audio
7383As in the Days of Haggai WhenFLANDRENSISAudio
7384Alas! Elisha's Servant CriedLOUELLAAudio
7385Mary beheld Him[Mary beheld Him] (Rader)Audio
7386All, All for Thee[All All for Thee] (Dungan)Audio
7387If we tremble in our fear[If we tremble in our fear] (Jones)Audio
7388Thou only art holy[Thou only art holy] (Sweney)Audio
7390Take up the battle cry[Take up the battle cry] (Tullar)Audio
7391All the Day[All the Day] (Black)Audio
7392Almost, but still I resisted[Almost but still I resisted] (Bilhorn)Audio
7393Almighty Lord, with One AccordPATTENAudio
7394Always Enough of Grace[Always Enough of Grace] (Merritt)Audio
7395Awake, My Heart; Arise, My TongueMORRISONAudio
7397Tossing on the billow[Tossing on the billow] (Gould)Audio
7398All nations, clap your handsSILVER STREETAudio
7399And now the wants are toldWEYBRIDGEAudio

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
Suggestions or corrections? Contact us