Piano Organ File download from Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Level 3 • Chosen especially to enhance those moments of personal reflection during the service of Holy Communion, these seven handsomely designed musical movements, based on familiar Eucharistic hym… | |
Piano Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $31.00 If you have served "on the bench" for any denomination that celebrates the Lord's Supper, these settings will help you get through the panic when Communion takes longer than planned or the choir doesn… | |
Piano Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $22.95 Moderately Easy • For Pentecost and all year 'round, Lani Smith's "Reflections on the Holy Spirit" focuses on hymns about the third Person of the Trinity. There are reflective pieces that will serve… | |
Piano Pentecost File download from Lorenz Publishing $22.95 Moderately Easy • For Pentecost and all year 'round, Lani Smith's "Reflections on the Holy Spirit" focuses on hymns about the third Person of the Trinity. There are reflective pieces that will serve… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $39.00 Now includes a Bonus CD!Charles Callahan is not only known as a respected composer and recitalist, but is also known as a creative church
musician. His years of leading worship from the console are… | |
Organ Pentecost File download from Lorenz Publishing $33.00 The liturgical season from Easter to Trinity Sunday is a significant period in the life of the church, but it can often present programming challenges for even the most gifted organist. Here, organize… | |
Organ Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 The liturgical season from Easter to Trinity Sunday is a significant period in the life of the church, but it can often present programming challenges for even the most gifted organist. Here, organize… | |
Piano Organ Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Level 3 • Chosen especially to enhance those moments of personal reflection during the service of Holy Communion, these seven handsomely designed musical movements, based on familiar Eucharistic hym… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $12.00 Poignant reflections of the major events of Holy Week. Includes two Palm Sunday, one Maundy Thursday, and one Good Friday piece. Detailed Composer's Note included. Includes: Let All Mortal Flesh Ke… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Thanksgiving Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $9.00 Includes: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven LAUDA ANIMA Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng MARION Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord! MENDON Now Thank We All Our God NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT Instruments: Organ… |