Organ Moderately Difficult Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $11.00 These three settings provide contrasting styles and moods for Lenten services. Rockingham is gentle and reflective. The interpretation of Herzlich tut mich verlangen/Passion Chorale is heartrendingly… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $12.00 Accessible service music for Lent, with sustained pedal parts and lots of opportunity to explore solo colors if you have them at your disposal. The writing is calm and solemn in style. Contains prelu… | |
Organ Easy Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $10.00 Two settings of Rockingham Old. Begins with a Prelude that is to be played freely and thoughtfully, followed by a solemn Meditation. Both settings give an introspective view of this much-loved tune.… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $19.00 Includes many long-time favorites of past generations. A variety of styles and all are readily accessible. Includes: Beneath the Cross of Jesus St. | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $12.00 Poignant reflections of the major events of Holy Week. Includes two Palm Sunday, one Maundy Thursday, and one Good Friday piece. Detailed Composer's Note included. Includes: Let All Mortal Flesh Ke… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Thanksgiving Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $9.00 Includes: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven LAUDA ANIMA Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng MARION Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord! MENDON Now Thank We All Our God NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT Instruments: Organ… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $21.00 Many of the harmonizations for Set 5 came into existence because of the composer's need for suitable settings, particularly of quiet hymns, which are too often ignored by many composers. The harmoniza… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $17.25 A useful and creative collection of materials to aid organists in their preparation for the Lent and Easter seasons. Tunes include: Bourbon Christ is erstanden Herzliebster Jesu Llanfair O Fil… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Pentecost Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $11.00 Practical, straight-forward. Includes: O Thou Who Camest from Above HEREFORD Christ the Lord Is Risen Today LLANFAIR More Love to Thee, O Christ MORE LOVE TO THEE When I Survey the Wondrous Cross… |