Dayspring of eternity!
Hide no more Thy radiant dawning!
Light from Light's exhaustless sea,
Shine on us afresh this morning!
And dispel with glorious might
All our night.
Let Thy mercies' morning dew
Rouse our conscience from its blindness:
Gladden life's dry plains anew
With the rivers of Thy kindness;
Water daily us Thy flock
From the rock.
Let the glow of love distroy
Cold obedience faintly given,
Wake our hearts to love and joy
With the flushing eastern heaven;
Let us truly rise ere yet
Life hath set.
Brightest Star of eastern skies!
Grant that at Thy last appearing
These frail bodies may arise,
Joyfully Thy summons hearing,
Strong their heavenward course to run
As the sun.
Through this dark and tearful place
Never be Thy light denied us,
O Thou glorious Sun of grace,
To yon world of gladness guide us,
When to joys that never end
We ascend!
First Line: | Dayspring of eternity! Hide no more Thy radiant dawning |
German Title: | Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit |
Translator: | Catherine Winkworth |
Author: | Freiherr Christian Knorr von Rosenroth |
Language: | English |