1 All men living are but mortal
and will surely fade as grass;
only through death's gloomy portal
to eternal life we pass.
When this body here has perished,
then will heav'nly joys be cherished
where the saints, in glorious dress,
live and reign in righteousness.
2 Therefore, when my God shall choose it,
willingly I'll yield my life,
nor will grieve that I should lose it,
with its sorrow, pain, and strife.
In my dear Redeemer's merit
peace has found my troubled spirit,
and in death my comfort this:
Jesus' death my source of bliss.
3 Jesus for my sake descended
my salvation to obtain:
death and hell for me are ended,
peace and hope are now my gain.
With great joy I leave earth's sadness
for the home of heav'nly gladness,
where I shall forever see
God, the Holy Trinity.
4 There is joy beyond our telling,
where so many saints have gone;
thousands, thousands, there are dwelling,
worshiping before the throne.
There the angel hosts are shining,
evermore in chorus joining:
"Holy, holy, holy, Lord!
Triune God, by all adored!"
5 Patriarchs of sacred story
and the prophets there are found;
twelve apostles, bright with glory,
on twelve seats are there enthroned.
All the saints are there ascended
age on age, through time extended,
there in blissful concert sing
hallelujahs to their King.
6 O Jerusalem, how glorious
are your heav'nly mansions fair!
I can hear the tones victorious
ever sweetly sounding there.
Oh, the bliss that there surprises!
Look, my soul, the sun now rises,
and the breaking day I see
that shall never end for me.
7 Now I see what here was told me,
see that wondrous glory shine,
feel the spotless robes enfold me,
know a golden crown is mine.
Thus before the throne so glorious
now I stand, a soul victorious,
filled with purest joy and peace
that in Christ shall never cease.
Source: Christian Worship: Hymnal #840
First Line: | All men living are but mortal |
Title: | All Men Living Are But Mortal |
German Title: | Alle Menschen müssen sterben |
Author: | Johann Georg Albinus |
Translator (sts. 1-4, 6, 7): | Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878, alt.) |
Translator (st 5): | Anonymous |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |