Author: John Needham Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The rolling year, almighty Lord!
Obeys Thy powerful nod:
Each season as it silent moves
Declares the present God.
2 The varied months are full of Thee,
With Thy rich bounty crowned:
The circling days, and fleet winged hours
Thy various praise resound.
3 Waked by Thy voice, out steps the spring
In living green new dressed:
On hills, in vales, thro’ fields and groves
Thy beauties stand confessed.
4 Now joy the living tribes inspires;
The birds sweet music bring:
The bleating flocks the concert join,
And rivers seem to sing.
The sun calls forth the summer months,
Nor do the hours delay:
The fruits with varied colors glow
Beneath his ripening ray.
5 ’Tis now, almighty God! we see
The forkèd lightnings fly:
Now ’tis Thy voice in thunder roars,
And shakes the lower sky.
6 Thy bounty, Lord, in autumn shines,
And spreads a common feast:
He that regards His favorite, man,
Will not neglect the beast.
7 When winter rears her hoary head,
And shows her furrowed brow,
In storms and tempests, frosts and snows,
How awful, Lord, art Thou!
8 The rolling year, almighty Lord!
Obeys Thy powerful nod:
Each season as it silent moves
Declares the present God. Used With Tune: PRAYER Text Sources: Hymns Devotional and Moral on Various Subjects (Bristol, England: S. Farley, 1768)
The Rolling Year, Almighty Lord!