Remember Me

Representative Text

1 Jesus, Thou art the sinner's friend,
As such I look to Thee.
Now in the depths of Thy great love,
O Lord, remember me.

2 Remember Thy pure word of grace,
Remember Calvary,
Remember all Thy dying groans,
And then remember me.

3 Thou wondrous advocate with God,
I yield myself to Thee.
While Thou art sitting on Thy throne,
O Lord, remember me.

4 I own I'm guilty, own I'm vile,
Yet Thy salvation's free.
Then, in Thy all abounding grace,
O Lord, remember me.

5 Howe'er forsaken or distressed,
Howe'er oppressed I be,
Howe'er afflicted here on earth,
Do Thou remember me.


Source: African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #277

Author: Richard Burnham

Burnham, Richard, b. 1749, d. 1810, was for many years pastor of a Baptist Church in London, first in Little Chapel Street, and afterwards in Grafton Street, Soho. He is said to have been an excellent preacher. His hymns, 452 in all, were published as follows:— New Hymns on Divers Subjects, Lond., Gilbert and Plummer, 1783. This contained 141 hymns. A 2nd edition with 74 additional hymns as New Hymns on Various Subjects (same publishers), 1785. To this was added New Hymns on Divine Love, chiefly designed for Love Feasts or Christian Societies (25 hymns and 2 poetical pieces), Lond., W. Smith, but no date (cir. 1787). The 3rd edition of the Hymns, &c, is dated 1794, the 4th 1796, and the 5th, 1803. This last contains 452 hymns. In additio… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Jesus, Thou art the sinner's friend, As such I look to Thee
Title: Remember Me
Author: Richard Burnham
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 5 of 5)
TextPage Scan

African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #277

The Baptist Hymnal #391


The Cyber Hymnal #3450

The Sacred Harp #58


The Sacred Harp #58

Include 360 pre-1979 instances
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