Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Show me thy ways, O Lord,
and teach thy paths to me;
guide thou my footsteps in thy truth,
teach me to follow thee.
For thou the very God of my salvation art;
anew each day I look to thee,
to make thine own my heart.
2 Thy tender mercies, Lord,
remember thou, I pray;
thy lovingkindnesses recall,
for from of old are they;
my youthful sins forget,
as mercy is with thee;
as thou art merciful and good,
O Lord, remember me.
3 The Lord is good indeed,
and faithful he abides;
he in the way of righeousness
repentant sinners guides.
He teaches humble souls
his justice to discern;
he leadeth humble souls that they
his way of life may learn.
4 All the Lord's ways arelove;
he faithful is and true
to those who keep his covenant,
his precepts' path pursue.
I wait for thee, O God;
to thee, O Lord, I call;
Redeemer be to Israel
from their distresses all.
Scripture: Psalm 25 Used With Tune: OLD 25TH Text Sources: The Murrayfield Psalms (1954) (adapted from)
Show Me Thy Ways, O Lord