1823 - 1923 Person Name: Mrs. O. B. Author of "Close to My Saviour" in Heart Hymns Jean Bearl Bohannan was married to Franklin W. Bearl who died in 1904. In 1906 she married Ord Bohannan. The Bohannans were traveling performers and lecturers in the Lyceum movement, as well as composers. Bohannan composed over 100 pieces, both religious and secular. She died in New York and was buried in Pittsburgh.
Dianne Shapiro from "Jean Bohannan, Composer, organist, pianist, Lyceumite" by Dr. Anna Stephan-Robinson on "Women Composers of the A. P. Schmidt Company" blog (http://apschmidtwomencomposers.blogspot.com/2016/03/jean-bohannan-composer-organist-pianist.html) (accessed 8/28/2024)
Jean Bohannan