1803 - 1871 Person Name: Henry J. Buckoll Translator of "Come, my soul, thou must be waking" in The Hymnal =========
Buckoll, Henry James, M.A., son of the Rev. James Buckoll, Rector of Siddington, near Cirencester, Gloucester; born at Siddington, Sept. 9,1803. He was educated at Rugby and Queen's College, Oxford, graduating B.A.in 1826, and became Assistant Master at Rugby the same year. He took Holy Orders in 1827, and died at Rugby June 6, 1871. He was probably the editor of the first edition of the Rugby School Collection. In 1839 he edited a Collection of Hymns for the Rugby Parish Church, and in 1850 compiled, with Dr. Goulburn, a new edition of the Collection for the Rugby School Chapel. That collection contains 14 of his hymns, a few of which were translations from the Latin and German. His Hymns translated from the German were published 1842. It contained 67 translations from Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, most of which are in the original metres, and are annotated in this work under their first lines in German. Buckoll's hymns and trs. are mostly found in the hymn-books of the Public Schools.
-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
H. J. B.