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Showing 1 - 10 of 89Results Per Page: 102050

Be thou my Guardian and my Guide

Author: Rev. Isaac Williams Meter: Appears in 39 hymnals Topics: Lent; Prayer Used With Tune: ABRIDGE

Great Shepherd of Your People

Author: John Newton Meter: Appears in 214 hymnals First Line: Great Shepherd of your people, hear Lyrics: 1 Great Shepherd of your people, hear! your presence now display; as you have given a place for prayer, so give us hearts to pray. 2 Within these walls let holy peace and love and friendship dwell; here give the troubled conscience ease, the wounded spirit heal. 3 May we in faith receive your word, in faith present our prayers; and in the presence of our God unburden all our cares. 4 The hearing ear, the seeing eye, the contrite heart bestow; and shine upon us from on high, that we in grace may grow. Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns; liturgical Opening Hymns; God Shepherd; Opening Hymns; Service Music Gathering, Call to Worship, Greeting Used With Tune: ABRIDGE

主耶穌最奇妙君王, (O Jesus, King most wonderful)

Author: Bernard of Clairvaux Appears in 1,169 hymnals Used With Tune: ABRIDGE
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O Thou whose own vast temple stands

Author: W. C. Bryant Appears in 240 hymnals Used With Tune: ABRIDGE
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God moves in a mysterious way

Author: W. Cowper Appears in 1,137 hymnals Used With Tune: ABRIDGE
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Praise ye the Lord: him praise, my soul

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Praise ye the Lord: him praise, my soul. 2 I’ll praise God while I live; while I have being to my God in songs I’ll praises give. 3 Trust not in princes, nor man’s son, in whom there is no stay: 4 his breath departs, to’s earth he turns; that day his thoughts decay. 5 O happy is that man and blest, whom Jacob’s God doth aid; whose hope upon the Lord doth rest, and on his God is stayed: 6 who made the earth and heavens high, who made the swelling deep, and all that is within the same; who truth doth ever keep: 7 Who righteous judgment executes for those oppressed that be, who to the hungry giveth food; and sets the prisoners free. 8 The Lord doth give the blind their sight, the bowed down doth raise: the Lord doth dearly love all those that walk in upright ways. 9 The stranger’s shield, the widow’s stay, the orphan’s help is he: but yet by him the wicked’s way turned upside down shall be. 10 The Lord shall reign for evermore: thy God, O Zion, he to generations all shall reign. Praise to the Lord give ye. Scripture: Psalm 146 Used With Tune: ABRIDGE (ST STEPHEN)
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Blessed be the everlasting God

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 190 hymnals Topics: The Christian Life The Life Everlasting Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-5 Used With Tune: ST. STEPHEN
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Give thanks to God, call on his name

Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Give thanks to God, call on his name; to men his deeds make known. 2 Sing ye to him, sing psalms; proclaim his wondrous works each one. 3 To glory in his holy name unite with one accord; and let the heart of every one rejoice that seeks the Lord. 4 The Lord Almighty and his strength, with stedfast hearts seek ye: his blessed and his gracious face seek ye continually. 5 Think on the works that he hath done. Which admiration breed; his wonders, and the judgments all which from his mouth proceed; 6 O ye that are of Abraham’s race, his servant faithful known; and ye that Jacob’s children are, whom he chose for his own. 7 Because he, and he only, is the mighty Lord our God; and his most righteous judgments are in all the earth abroad. 8 His covenant he remembered hath, that it may ever stand: to thousand generations he his promise did command. 9 Which covenant he firmly made with faithful Abraham, and unto Isaac by his oath, he did renew the same: 10 And unto Jacob, for a law, he made it firm and sure, a covenant to Israel, which ever should endure: 11 he said, I will give Canaan’s land for heritage to you; 12 while they were strangers there, and few, in number very few: 13 While yet they went from land to land without a sure abode; and while through sundry kingdoms they did wander far abroad;1 4 yet, notwithstanding, suffered he no man to do them wrong: yea, for their sakes, he did reprove kings, who were great and strong. 15 Thus did he say, Touch ye not those that mine anointed be, nor do the prophets any harm that do pertain to me. 16 He called for famine on the land, he brake the staff of bread: 17 but yet he sent a man before, by whom they should be fed; Even Joseph, whom unnaturally sell for a slave did they; 18 whose feet with fetters they did hurt, and he in irons lay; 19 until the time that his word came to give him liberty; the word and purpose of the Lord did him in prison try. 20 Then sent the king and did command that he enlarged should be: he that the people’s ruler was did send to set him free. 21 To be the Lord of all his house he raised him as most fit; to him of all that he possessed he did the charge commit: 22 That he might at his pleasure bind the princes of the land; and also teach his senators wisdom to understand. 23 And down into the land of Ham, to Egypt, Israel came; down into Egypt came; and for a season Jacob then did sojourn in the same. 24 And he did greatly by his power increase his people there; and stronger than their enemies they by his blessing were. 25 Their heart he turned then to hate his people bitterly; with those that his own servants were to deal in subtlety. 26 His servant Moses he did send, Aaron his chosen one: 27 by these his signs and wonders great in Ham’s land were made known. 28 Darkness he sent, and made it dark; his word they did obey. 29 He turned their waters into blood, and he their fish did slay. 30 The land in plenty brought forth frogs in chambers of their kings. 31 His word all sorts of flies and lice in all their border brings. 32 For showers hail and flaming fire into their land he sent: 33 and he their vines and fig-trees smote; trees of their coasts he rent. 34 He spake, and caterpillars came, locusts did much abound; 35 which in their land all herbs consumed, and all fruits of their ground. 36 He smote all first-born in their land, chief of their strength each one. 37 With gold and silver brought them forth, weak in their tribes were none. 38 Egypt was glad when forth they went, their fear on them did light. 39 He spread a cloud for covering, and fire to shine by night. 40 They asked, he sent the quail, and bread of heaven on them bestowed; 41 the rock he opened rocks, waters gushed, streams in the desert flowed 42 For on his holy promise he, and servant Abraham, thought. 43 With joy his people, his elect with gladness, forth he brought. 44 And unto them the pleasant lands he of the heathen gave; That of the people’s labour they inheritance might have. 45 That they his statutes might observe according to his word; And that they might his laws obey. Give praise unto the Lord. Used With Tune: ABRIDGE (ST STEPHEN)

When Bending O'er The Brink Of Life

Author: William B. Collyer Meter: Appears in 95 hymnals First Line: When bending o’er the brink of life Lyrics: 1 When bending o’er the brink of life, My trembling soul shall stand; I wait to pass death’s awful flood, Great God, at Thy command! 2 When weeping friends surround my bed, And close my sightless eyes, When shattered by the weight of years This broken body lies— 3 When every long loved scene of life Stands ready to depart, When that last sigh which shakes the frame Shall rend this bursting heart— 4 O, Thou great source of joy supreme, Whose arm alone can save, Dispel the darkness that surrounds The entrance to the grave! 5 Lay Thy supporting gentle hand Beneath my sinking head; And with a ray of love divine, Illume my dying bed! 6 I lean on Thy dear faithful breast As I resign my breath! And in Thy fond embraces, lose The bitterness of death! Used With Tune: ABRIDGE Text Sources: Hymns Partly Collected and Partly Original (London: 1812)
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Through all the changing scenes of life

Appears in 478 hymnals Topics: General Hymns Used With Tune: ABRIDGE


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