Hymnal: The New Sabbath School Hosanna #185a (1870) Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Toil on, teachers! toil on boldly!
Labor on, and watch and pray,
Men may scoff and treat you coldly,
Heed them not, go on your way;
Jesus is a loving master;
Cease not, then, his work to do;
Cleave to him still closer, faster,
He will own and honor you.
2 Toil on, teachers! earnest, steady,
Sowing well the seed of truth,
Always willing, cheerful, ready,
Watching, praying for your youth
Patient, firm and persevering,
Leaning on the promise sure;
Prayer will surely gain a hearing,
Faithful to the end endure.
3 Toil on, teachers! you are doing
What the Saviour well approves;
Satan seeks young souls to ruin,
Jesus to redeem them loves;
Kindly still he looks upon them,
Tenderly he calls them near,
Sheds his grace and mercy on them
While his blessed voices they hear.
4 Toil on, teachers! in due season
Reaping-time will surely come;
You shall yet have glorious reason
To rejoice in harvest-home;
Many a shining one in glory.
As the endless ages roll,
Shall reveal the welcome story
How by you Christ saved his soul.
Toil on, teachers! toil on boldly!