1867 - 1947 Author of "Sweet home in heaven" Born: May 16, 1867, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Buried: Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
Son of Augustus and Catherine Esenwein, Berg was a minister. He married Caroline Miller in 1889 in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. His works include:
Writing the Short-Story; A Practical Handbook on the Rise, Structure, Writing, and Sale of the Modern Short-Story (New York: Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, 1909)
Writing the Photoplay: A Complete Manual of Instruction in the Nature, Writing, and Marketing of the Moving-Picture Play, with Arthur Leeds, 1913
The Art of Public Speaking, with Dale Carnegie, 1915
Children’s Stories and How to Tell Them, 1917
Short-Story Masterpieces
The Art of Story Writing
How to Attract and Hold an Audience
The Book of the Epic: The World’s Great Epics Told in Story, with Hélène Adeline Guerber
The Art of Versification
Writing for the Magazines
Joseph Berg Esenwein (1867-1946) was an American editor, lecturer and writer. He was noted for contributions to the Library of the World's Best Literature.
Esenwein was born in Philadelphia, and educated at Albright College, Millersville Normal School, Lafayette College, Richmond College and the University of Omaha. He was president of Albright Collegiate Institute in 1895-96, and in the following year held the position of educational director of the Y. M. C. A. at Washington Heights, New York City.
After a year of foreign travel, he became professor of English in the Pennsylvania Military College at Chester, subsequently giving up teaching (1903) to become manager of the Booklovers' Magazine. Two years later he was made editor and manager of Lippincott's Magazine, a position which he held until 1914 while teaching a private course on short-story writing. In 1915 he became editor of The Writer's Monthly, Springfield, Mass. He is known both as a lecturer and writer.
J. Berg Esenwein