Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The glorious gates of righteousness
throw open unto me,
and I will enter them with praise,
O LORD, my God, to thee,
and I will enter them with praise,
O LORD, my God, to thee.
2 This is thy temple gate, O LORD,
the just shall enter there.
My Savior, I will give thee thanks,
O thou that hearest prayer;
my Savior, I will give thee thanks,
O thou that hearest prayer.
3 The stone rejected and despised
is now the cornerstone;
how wondrous are the ways of God,
unfathomed and unknown;
how wondrous are the ways of God,
unfathomed and unknown!
4 In this the day that thou hast made,
triumphantly we sing;
send now prosperity, O LORD;
O LORD, salvation bring;
send now prosperity, O LORD;
O LORD, salvation bring.
5 Hosanna! Ever blest is he
that cometh in God's name.
The blessing of our Savior's house
upon you we proclaim;
the blessing of our Savior's house
upon you we proclaim.
6 The light of joy to shine on us
the LORD our God has made;
now be the precious sacrifice
upon his altar laid;
now be the precious sacrifice
upon his altar laid.
7 O LORD, my God, I praise thy name,
all other names above;
O give him thanks, for he is good,
and boundless is his love;
O give him thanks, for he is good,
and boundless is his love.
8 O praise the LORD, for he is good;
let all in heav'n above
and all the saints on earth proclaim
his everlasting love;
and all the saints on earth proclaim
his everlasting love. Topics: Christ As King; Christ Resurrection of; Christ Triumphal Entry of; Church Christ's Presence in; God Wisdom of Scripture: Psalm 118:19-29 Used With Tune: ZERAH Text Sources: The Psalter, 1912; alt.
The Glorious Gates of Righteousness