Hymnal: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs #I.XIX (1776) Lyrics: 1 See, O my Soul, with Wonder see,
Array'd in Flesh, thy God,
Cloath'd with my whole Humanity,
And deeply drench'd in Blood!
2 My Flesh, my Blood, and Bone espous'd;
(O the amazing Plan!)
From Nature's Death and Darkness rous'd,
When God became a Man.
3 My Frame, once pure, was marr'd and harm'd,
Between his Hands quite spoil'd;
But now a nobler Vessel form'd,
When God became a Child.
4 At Bethl'hem was my purer Birth,
The Virgin-mother mine,
His Heav'n married to my Earth,
In Christ, the Man divine.
5 Emmanuel is God with me,
In our exalted Lamb;
In whom I'm reconcil'd and free,
All Praise attend his Name.
6 His Sonship proves my sin forgiv'n,
Makes my Salvation sure,
Prepares for me a Seat in Heav'n,
And keeps my Joy secure.
7 In him accepted; and, as him,
Receiv'd in Realms above;
In him I triumph, soar, and swim,
In everlasting Love.
8 All my Religion and my Life,
Art thou, my Lamb, my God;
I'm fix'd, from hence my future Strife
Shall be to praise thy Blood. Scripture: Job 19:26-27 Languages: English
See, O my Soul, with Wonder see