1842 - 1895 Author of "The Straight-line club" Warner, Daniel Sidney. (near Marshallville, Wayne County, Ohio, 1842--1895). Church of God. Reared on an Ohio farm. During the Civil War, he substituted for a brother. Later he taught school. He attended Oberlin College briefly in 1865. By 1867 he was licensed to preach by the Western Ohio Eldership of the Church of God (Winebrennerian). His experience in preaching was gained on circuits in Nebraska and Ohio. In 1874 he was in trouble with the Eldership for preaching entire sanctification. Soon he joined the Indiana Eldership. In 1881 he was in trouble with this Eldership over sectism.
Warner was an associate editor of the Herals of Gospel Freedom in 1878. this paper was merged with the Pilgrim about 1881, and the new paper was called the Gospel Trumpet, with Warner as its editor. Warner was forced to move the paper about, seeing for firm financial foundations. The publishing work was at last established in Grand Junction, Michigan, enabling Warner to travel more extensively with a group of evangelists. Warner's time was spent in editing the Trumpet, writing books, tracts, and songs, and making evangelistic tours of the United States.
--John W.V. Smith, DNAH Archives
Daniel Sidney Warner, 1842-1895
Born: June 25, 1842, Bristol (now Marshallville), Ohio.
Died: December 12, 1895, Grand Junction, Michigan, of pneumonia.
Buried: Near Grand Junction, Michigan, at the edge of the Church of God campground that was once there.
As of 1880, Warner was living in Rome City, Indiana. His works include:
Echoes From Glory, with Barney Warren (Grand Junction, Michigan: The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Company, 1893)
Ah Poor Alien Far from the Fold of Love
Ah Poor Sinner, Think of Calvary
All This World, Its Wealth and Honor
All Ye People, Come Down to the Judgment Begun
Along a Dark and Gloomy Path
Are You of the Holy Remnant
Are You Ready, Waiting for the Lord?
Are You Sowing Seeds of Kindness?
Asleep in Jesus, Oh, How Sweet
A Gentle Hand Unseen by Us
A Long Time I Wandered Away
Beautiful, Peaceful Zion
Behold a Form upon the Lonely Mount
Behold, What Love, What Boundless Love
Bond of Perfectness, The
Borne Away in Mind and Spirit
Brighter Days Are Sweetly Dawning
By Thy Blessed Word Obeying
Can the Spirit of a Mortal
Church of God, Thou Spotless Virgin
Church of the Living God
Come, Behold the Love of Jesus
Come unto Me, All Ye That Labor
Come, Within That Upper Chamber
Dear Friends, We Have Precious Tidings of Old
Don’t Resist the Holy Spirit
Down into the Flowing River
Do You Triumph, O My Brother?
Ere Christ Will Reign Within Thy Heart
Fair City of the Gospel Day
Far Down o’er the Ages a Promise Divine
Fill Me with Thy Spirit
From My Soul and All Within
From the Mount of Heavenly Vision
God Is Sitting in the Awful Valley
God Is Sweeping through the Nations
God of Mercy, God of Love
Great Peace Have They That Love Thy Law
Hallelujah to Jesus!
Hark, in the Bible a Warning
Hear the Tidings of a Kingdom
Hear the Voice of Our Commander
Hear Ye the Moan of a Soul That Is Lost
Here We Meet and Part in Jesus
His Yoke Is Easy
How Often I’ve Pondered My Struggles Within
How Sweet Is My Walk with Jesus!
How Sweet This Bond of Perfectness
I Am Resting in Jesus, Hallelujah!
I Know My Name Is There
I Heard the Dear Redeemer Say
I Lost My Life for Jesus on the Cross
I Ought to Love My Savior
I Seem to Hear an Angel Choir
I Will Be with Thee, O, Child of Love
I Will Part with Thee, Old Master
I Will Trust Thee, O My Father
If Thou Wilt Know the Fountain Deep
I’ll Sing of a River Divine
In the Chambers of Thy Bosom
In the Light of God
In the Morning of the Lord
Is the Spirit Glowing in Thy Heart?
It Is Written in the Bible
I’ve Found a Friend in Jesus
I’ve Found My Lord and He Is Mine
I’ve Reached the Land of Pure Delight
Jesus Drank the Cup of Sorrow
Jesus Has Taken My Load of Sin
Jesus, Thou a Fountain Art
Last Great Day, The
Let Us Sing an Invitation
Let Us Sing a Sweet Song of the Home of the Soul
Let Us Sing the Name of Jesus
Life Is Not a Mystic Dream
Light in Our Darkness, Brother
Lord Our Shepherd, The
Listen, Sinner, to the Voice
Lord, the Shades of Night
Lo, Heaven Now Opens to Rapturous View
Lo the Kingdom of Heaven We See
Lo, wisdom Crieth in the Streets
Mansion Is Waiting in Glory, A
Men Speak of a Church Triumphant
Mighty Messengers Are Running
My Jesus Died for Me upon the Cross
My Name Is in the Book of Life
My Soul in Trouble Roamed
My Soul Is Satisfied
My Soul Is Saved from Sin
Not in the Temples Made with Hands
Now My Pilgrim toils Are Over
Now the Great King of Babel
O Blessed Jesus, for Thee W Are Waiting
O Blessed Jesus, Thy Love Is Supreme
O Careless Sinner, Wake to Mercy’s Call
O God, Inspire Our Morning Hymn
O How Can Anyone Refuse
O How Sublime Is the Life of the Christian
O Let Us Sing the Mighty Love
O Love Divine, Unfathomed!
O Praise the Lord, My Soul Is Saved
O Precious Bible! Burning Words from Heaven
O Sinner, Come Home to the Savior
O W Love the Children’s Meeting
O What Deep and Pure Compassion
O Worship God, the Father
O Ye Pilgrims, Sing an Exhortation
O’er the Door of Heaven’s Kingdom
Oft My Heart Has Bled with Sorrow
Oh, Worship God the Father, Just and True
Oh, Come and Praise the Lord Today
Oh, When We Remember the Goodness
O Who Can Stand the Judgment Day
Oh, Why Should I Be Lost
Onward Moves the Great Eternal
Our God Is Love, the Angels Know
Perishing Souls at Stake Today!
Pilgrim of Jesus, o’er Life’s Troubled Sea
Praise the Lord with Songs of Glory
Rejoice, Little Ones, in the Promise Divine
River of Peace
Salvation Is the Sweetest Thing
See the Great King of Babel
Shall I Tell You Why I Ceased from Folly?
Shall My Soul Ascend with Rapture
Shield of Faith, The
Since I Have Found My Savior
Sing of Salvation, O, it Was Love
Sinner, will You Lose Your Soul
Sunbeams Sparkling and Glancing
Sweet Fellowship, Thy Crystal Tide
Sweetly Whispered the Lord in My Mind
Take the Shield of Faith, My Brother
Tell Me, Pilgrim, Traveling Homeward
Tell Me, Watchman, Oh, What of the Morning
There Are Some Rays of Hope Divine
There Are Tidings of a Land Far Away
There Is a Blest Pavilion
There Is a Grace Few Mortals Find
There Is a Story I Often Must Ponder
There Is Joy in the Service of the Master
There Was a Bright and Lovely Boy
There’s an Angel of Mercy from Heaven
There’s a Fact No Mortal Ever Can Deny
There’s a Fountain of Blood That Atones for the Soul
There’s a Land of Everlasting Song
There’s a Peaceful Valley of Decision Found
There’s a Song We Love to Sing
There’s an Awful Day That’s Coming
There’s Mercy, Poor Sinner, for Thee
There’s Music in My Soul
This Is Why I Love My Savior
Tho’ All Along My Happy Pilgrim Race
Time Enough, the Sluggard Cries
Time Onward Flows Like a River Vast
Trusting in Jesus, My Savior and Friend
’Twas Sung by the Poets
Two Little Hands Are Sweetly Folded
Unheeding Winter’s Cruel Blast
Universe Is God’s Domain, The
We Are Coming, Hallelujah!
We Are Going Home to Heaven’s Golden City
We Are the Happy Children
We Have Met Today on the Old Campground
We Have Reached an Awful Era
We Have Read in Sacred Story
We Stand upon the Sea of Glass
We Tread upon the Awful Verge
We Will Work for Jesus
We’ll Follow the Lord All the Way
We’re a Happy Christian Band
What Awful Darkness Shrouds All the Earth!
When Lost in the Darkness of Guilt and Despair
When We Pass the Golden Summer
Where Art Thou, Wand’ring Sinner?
Where Shall We Look for Help in Affliction?
While Sleeping Careless on the Brink
Whiter Than Snow
Who but the Christian Is Happy and Free?
Who Can Sing the Wondrous Love of the Son Divine??
Who Is My Life but Christ Alone?
Who Will Suffer with the Savior?
Why Should a Doubt or Fear Arise?
Why Should a Mortal Man Complain?
Wonderful Fountain of Glory
D. S. Warner