Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #XCII (1816) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Comforter of God come down
And cause our hearts to be thine own;
Thy heav'nly light in us to shine,
Would fill our hearts with grade divine.
2 Thou blessed gift from God above,
Thou heav'nly light and fire of love;
O let thy pow'r and grace be felt,
And cause our hard'ned hearts to melt.
3 Our sinful state to us reveal,
And Godly sorrow let us feel;
Thy sacred gifts to us impart:
and write thy laws upon each heart.
4 O, fill our souls with heav'nly grace,
Till we thy sacred love embrace;
Thy work begun in us renew,
And finish our Salvation too.
5 Grant us a true and living faith,
And make us faithful unto death;
Help us escape the snares of sin
And grant us joy and peace within.
6 Teach us the father to confess,
The son, our life and righteousness;
O Holy Ghost, thy gifts be giv'n,
And fit us for the courts of heav'n. Topics: Whitsunday Languages: English
O Comforter of God come down