Author: P. C. Paulsen; P. S. Vig Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #138 (1930) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How gladly I my place have taken
Among the flock of God's elect!
With them I have the world forsaken
And Jesus' coming now expect.
Redeemed by His unbounded love,
My home will be with Christ above.
2 How sweet the words, how reassuring,
That I to God am reconciled!
His pardon for my sins securing,
My soul no longer is defiled.
The peace of God I now possess,
Which ev'ry evil can redress.
3 I bid the wicked world defiance,
Tho' fiercely it God's Word deride;
In Him I place my firm reliance
Whose promise ever shall abide;
Tho' earth and heaven pass away,
His Word shall ever be my stay.
4 How gladly I His promise ponder!
Tho' sinful, yet in grace I stand;
A heritage awaits me yonder,
And heaven is my fatherland.
My Lord, as Victor in the strife,
Awards to me the crown of life.
5 How good to hear my Savior calling,
To see Him even face to face!
What bliss, before Him prostrate falling,
To find with Him a resting place
And with the saints in sweet accord,
To sing the praise of Christ, my Lord! Topics: The Means of Grace Faith and Justification Languages: English Tune Title: VIG
How Gladly I My Place Have Taken