Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXXIII (1791) First Line: Eternal Majesty on High Lyrics: 1 Eternal Majesty on High,
Thou God of Pow'r and Love,
Thy Hands have spread the starry Sky,
And form'd the World above.
2 This Globe below shews forth thy Might,
Thy Goodness and thy Skill;
The Sun, the Moon, the Day, the Night,
Thy Pleasure do fulfil.
3 Beasts, Birds, Fish, Insects all declare
Thou art the mighty God;
Fire, Hail, and Storms, Earth, Water, Air,
Declare thy Name abroad.
4 Trees, Mountains, Rivers, Rocks, and Plains,
Gardens, and fruitful Lands,
Proclaim "The God of Goodness reigns;"
And will while Nature stands.
5 All Things below, and all above,
God, Wise, Good, Great proclaim;
Then let the Children of his Love
Delight to bless his Name.
6 The heav'nly Father, and the Son,
And Spirit we adore;
'Tis now as 'twas when Time begun,
And shall be evermore. Topics: Being and Perfections of God
Praise to the Creator