Author of "Almighty God, who made all things" Van Burkalow, Anastasia. Daughter and granddaughter of Methodist ministers, served as organist in a number of churches. Professor of Geology and Geography at Hunter College, New York City.
--The Hymn Society, DNAH Archives
Anastasia Van Burkalow is professor of Geology and Geography at Hunter College, New York City, and chairman of this department. As the daughter and granddaughter of Methodist ministers she has long had an interest in hymns and church music and has served as organist in a number of churches. She is a member of America's oldest Methodist Society, the John Street Methodist Church in New York City. She is chairman of the Hymn Origins Committee of the Hymn Society of America.
--Fifteen New Bible Hymns, 1966. Used by permission.
Anastasia Van Burkalow