Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #16A (2012) First Line: When in the night I meditate Lyrics: 1 When in the night I meditate
on mercies multiplied,
my grateful heart inspires my tongue
to bless the LORD, my guide.
2 Forever in my thought the LORD
before my face shall stand;
secure, unmoved, I shall remain,
with God at my right hand.
3 My inmost being thrills with joy
and gladness fills my breast;
because on him my trust is stayed,
my flesh in hope shall rest.
4 I know that I shall not be left
forgotten in the grave,
and from corruption, thou, O LORD,
thy holy one will save.
5 The path of life thou showest me;
of joy a boundless store
is ever found at thy right hand,
and pleasures evermore. Topics: Church Year Advent; Church Year Easter; Comfort and Encouragement; Daily Prayer Night Prayer; Darkness; Disciples / Calling; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Eternal Life; Fear; God Light from; God as Refuge; God as Guide; God's Presence; God's Way; Hope; Life Stages Death; Longing for God; Salvation; Trust; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, Easter, 2nd Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 13-19; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 26-July 2 Scripture: Psalm 16 Tune Title: MAITLAND
When in the Night I Meditate