Author: BartholomaĆ¼s Crasselius; Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #216 (1908) Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises,
For where is found a glorious God like Thee?
To Thee my heart its anthem raises,
O give Thy quick'ning Spirit's aid to me,
That I may sing in Jesus' name alone,
In strains which find acceptance at Thy throne.
2 To Thy dear Son, O Father, lead me,
That He again to Thee may lead my soul;
Thy Spirit in green pastures feed me,
And all my powers of heart and mind control,
That I may sing in praise of Thee, and never cease.
3 Grant me, O Lord, this priceless treasure,
Then shall my humble worship grateful be;
Then beautiful will be the measure
With which in heart and truth I worship Thee;
Then near to Thee Thy Spirit shall me bring,
And I a worthy psalm of praise shall sing.
4 For He can intercede with groanings,
Which my poor tongue is powerless to express;
He comes to soothe my cheerless moanings,
And with the prayer of faith my soul to bless:
Makes me joint-heir with Christ of wealth on high,
And bids me ever, Abba, Father! cry.
5 Thine eye with tenderness beholds me,
When by the Spirit's power my cry ascends;
Thine arm with gentleness enfolds me,
And all Thy love to meet and bless me bends,
E'er ready all my wishes to fulfill,
Which upward rise according to Thy will.
6 And what to ask Thy Spirit teaches,
Must ever with Thy holy will accord;
My soul in Jesus' name beseeches,
And therefore wilt Thou every gift afford;
I am in Him Thine own dear child and heir,
And grace for grace receive to crown my prayer.
7 How richly this assurance blesses!
With comfort, peace, and joy, it fills my heart;
I know that Thou whom faith addresses,
Each needful gift wilt graciously impart,
And more than I can ask or understand
Thou shower'st me more than I can ask or understand
8 I ask in Jesus' name, believing,
Who ever intercede in heaven for me;
Through Him each perfect gift receiving,
In whom is Yea whate'er I ask of Thee:
How blest am I! my soul forever bless
The name of Him who grants such happiness! Topics: The Catechism Prayer; Sunday after Christmas; Eighth Sunday after Trinity; Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Languages: English Tune Title: CRASSELIUS (Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen)
To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praises