Author: E.H. Bickersteth Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #310 (1913) Lyrics: 1 Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbs
With trembling hand that from Thy table fall,
A weary, heavy-laden sinner comes
To plead Thy promise and obey Thy call.
2 I am not worthy to be thought Thy child,
Nor sit the last and lowest at Thy board;
Too long a wanderer, and too oft beguiled,
I only ask one reconciling word.
3 One word from Thee, my Lord, one smile, one look,
And I could face the cold, rough world again;
And with that treasure in my heart could brook
The wrath of devils and the scorn of men.
4 And is not mercy Thy prerogative--
Free mercy, boundless, fathomless, divine?
Me, Lord, the chief of sinners, me forgive,
And Thine the greater glory, only Thine.
5 I hear Thy voice; Thou bidst me come and rest;
I come, I kneel, I clasp Thy piercéd feet;
Thou bidst me take my place, a welcome guest
Among Thy saints, and of Thy banquet eat.
6 My praise can only breathe itself in prayer.
My prayer can only lose itself in Thee;
Dwell Thou for ever in my heart, and there,
Lord, let me sup with Thee; sup Thou with me. Topics: The Church Year Holy Thursday; The Church Year Holy Thursday; Humility Tune Title: [Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbs]
Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbs