Hymnal: TIS1999 #3 (1999) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, our Lord, your glorious name
all your wondrous works proclaim;
in the heavens with radiant signs
evermore your glory shines.
2 Lips of infants you ordain
wrath and vengeance to restrain;
weakest means fulfil your will,
mighty enemies to still.
3 Moon and stars in shining height
nightly tell their Maker's might;
when I see your heavens afar
then I know how weak we are.
4 What is humankind that we
should be cared for lovingly,
raised by you to angels' height,
crowned with honour in your sight?
5 As creation's crown we stand
over creatures of your hand,
all the fish and birds and beasts
in the field and air and seas.
6 Lord, our Lord, your glorious name
all your wondrous works proclaim;
yours the name of matchless worth,
excellent in all the earth.
Topics: Adoration and praise; Creation; Environment; Fulfilment; God's Love to Us; Humility; Justice; Majesty of God; Name/s of God; Sovereignty of God; Unity of Humanity Scripture: Psalm 8 Languages: English Tune Title: ONE-FIFTY
Lord, our Lord, your glorious name