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Scripture:Psalm 71:1-14

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Psalm 71 Part 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 309 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:14-16 First Line: My Savior, my almighty Friend Lyrics: My Savior, my almighty Friend, When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end, The numbers of thy grace? Thou art my everlasting trust, Thy goodness I adore; And since I knew thy graces first, I speak thy glories more. My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road, And march with courage in thy strength, To see my Father God. When I am filled with sore distress For some surprising sin, I'll plead thy perfect righteousness, And mention none but thine. How will my lips rejoice to tell The vict'ries of my King! My soul, redeemed from sin and hell, Shall thy salvation sing. My tongue shall all the day proclaim My Savior and my God; His death has brought my foes to shame, And drowned them in his blood. Awake, awake, my tuneful powers; With this delightful song I'll entertain the darkest hours, Nor think the season long. Topics: Courage in death; Hope of resurrection; Resurrection of the saints; Death and the resurrection; Resurrection and death; Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Old age and resurrection; Psalm for old age; Righteousness from Christ; Strength from Christ

Psalm 71 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 116 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:5-9 First Line: My God, my everlasting hope Lyrics: My God, my everlasting hope, I live upon thy truth; Thine hands have held my childhood up, And strengthened all my youth. My flesh was fashioned by thy power, With all these limbs of mine; And from my mother's painful hour, I've been entirely thine. Still has my life new wonders seen Repeated every year; Behold, my days that yet remain, I trust them to thy care. Cast me not off when strength declines, When hoary hairs arise; And round me let thy glory shine, Whene'er thy servant dies. Then in the hist'ry of my age, When men review my days, They'll read thy love in every page, In every line thy praise. Topics: Courage in death; Hope of resurrection; Resurrection of the saints; Death and the resurrection; Resurrection and death; Aged saint's reflection and hope; Christ our strength and righteousness; Old age and resurrection; Psalm for old age; Righteousness from Christ; Strength from Christ
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Now thank we all our God

Author: Martin Rinkart (1586-1649); Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878) Meter: Appears in 697 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:6 Lyrics: 1 Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom his world rejoices; who from our mothers' arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today. 2 Oh, may this bounteous God through all our life be near us, with ever-joyful hearts and blessèd peace to cheer us, to keep us in his grace, and guide us when perplexed, and free us from all ills in this world and the next. 3 All praise and thanks to God who reigns in highest heaven -- the Father and the Son and Spirit -- now be given: the one, eternal God, whom earth and heaven adore; for thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore. Topics: Our Response to God in adoration and gratitude; Family and Friends; God in Trinity; Mothering Sunday; Providence Used With Tune: NUN DANKET
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Jesus, I come

Author: William T. Sleeper Appears in 254 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:4 First Line: Out of my bondage, sorrow and night Topics: Repentance Used With Tune: [Out of my bondage, sorrow and night]

Lord of All Hopefulness

Author: Jan Struther Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:5 First Line: Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy Topics: Aspiration; Passing Days Used With Tune: SLANE

Fill now our life, O Lord our God

Author: Horatius N. Bonar (1808-1889) Meter: Appears in 96 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:8 Lyrics: 1 Fill now our life, O Lord our God, in every part with praise, that our whole being may proclaim your being and your ways. 2 Not for the lip of praise alone, nor even the praising heart we ask, but for a life made up of praise in every part: 3 Praise in the common things of life, its goings out and in; praise in each duty and each deed, though humble and unseen. 4 So, gracious Lord, you shall receive from us the glory due; and so we shall begin on earth the song for ever new. Topics: The Living God Our Response to God - in adoration and gratitude; Adoration Of God; Praise Used With Tune: BILLING

All my hope on God is founded

Author: Joachim Neander (1650-1680); Robert Bridges (1844-1930) Meter: Appears in 71 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:5-6 Lyrics: 1 All my hope on God is founded, all my trust he will renew; safe through change and chance he guides me, only good and only true. God unknown, he alone calls my heart to be his own. 2 Human pride and earthly glory, sword and crown betray God's trust; though with care and toil we build them, tower and temple fall to dust. But God's power, hour by hour, is my temple and my tower. 3 God's great goodness lasts for ever, deep his wisdom passing thought: splendour, light, and life attend him, beauty springing out of naught. Evermore, from his store new-born worlds rise and adore. 4 Day by day the mighty Giver showers gifts on us below; his desire our souls delight in, pleasure leads us where we go. See love stand at his hand, joy awaits at his command! 5 Still from earth to God in heaven sacrifice of praise be done, high above all praises praising for the gift of Christ his Son. Hear Christ call one and all: those who follow shall not fall. Topics: Our Response to God in adoration and gratitude; Change; Hope; Providence Used With Tune: MICHAEL
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In Thee I put my stedfast Trust

Appears in 31 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 Lyrics: 1 In Thee I put my stedfast Trust, defend me, Lord, from Shame: Incline thine Ear, and save my Soul; for righteous is thy Name. 2 Be Thou my strong Abiding-place, to which I may resort: 'Tis thy Decree that keeps me safe; Thou art my Rock and Fort. 4,5 From cruel and ungodly Men protect and set me free; For thou my earliest Youth till now, my Hope has been in Thee. 6 Thy constant Care did safely guard my tender infant Days; Thou took'st me from my Mother's Womb, to sing thy constant Praise. 7.8 While some on me with Wonder gaze thy Hand supports me still: Thy Honour therefore, and thy Praise, my Mouth shall always fill. 9 Reject not then thy Servant, Lord, when I with Age decay: Forsake me not, when, worn with Years, my Vigour fades away. 10 My Foes, against my Fame and me, with crafty malice speak; Against my Soul they lay their Snares, and mutual Counsel take. 11 "His God, say they, forsakes him now, "on whom he did rely: "Pursue and take him, whilst no Hope "of timely Aid is nigh." 12 But Thou, my God, withdraw not far: For speedy Help I call; 13 To Shame and Ruin bring my Foes, that seek to work my Fall. 14 But as for me, my steadfast Hope shall on thy Pow'r depend; And I in grateful Songs of Praise my Time to come will spend. Part II 15 Thy righteous Acts, and saving Health, my Mouth shall still declare; Unable yet to count them all, tho' summ'd with utmost Care. 16 While God vouchsafes me His Support, I'll in His Strength go on; All other Righteousness disclaim, and mention His alone. 17 Thou, Lord, hast taught me, from my Youth, to praise thy glorious Name: And ever since thy wondrous Works have been my constant Theme. 18 Then now forsake me not, when I am grey and feeble grown; 'till I to these, and future Times, thy Strength and Pow'r have shown. 19 How high thy Justice soars, O God! how great and wond'rous are The mighty Works which Thou hast done! who may with Thee compare! 20 Me, whom thy Hand has sorely press'd, thy Grace shall yet relieve; And from the lowest Depth of Woe with tender Care retrieve. 21 Through Thee, my Time to come shall be with Pow'r and Greatness crown'd; And me, who dismal Years have pass'd, thy comforts shall surround. 22 Therefore, with Psaltery and Harp, thy truth, O Lord, I'll praise; To Thee, the God of Jacob's Race, My Voice in Anthems raise. 23 Then Joy shall fill my Mouth, and Songs employ my chearful Voice; My grateful Soul, by Thee redeem'd, shall in thy Strength rejoice. 24 My tongue thy just and righteous Acts shall all the Day proclaim; Because Thou didst confound thy Foes, and brought'st them all to Shame.

Psalm 71: O Lord, my hope and confidence

Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 First Line: O Lord, my hope and confidence Lyrics: 1O Lord, my hope and confidence is plac’d in thee alone; Then let thy servant never be put to confusion. 2And let me, in thy righteousness, from thee deliv’rance have; Cause me escape, incline thine ear unto me, and me save. 3Be thou my dwelling-rock, to which I ever may resort: Thou gav’st commandment me to save, for thou’rt my rock and fort. 4Free me, my God, from wicked hands, hands cruel and unjust: 5For thou, O Lord God, art my hope, and from my youth my trust. 6Thou from the womb didst hold me up; thou art the same that me Out of my mother’s bowels took; I ever will praise thee. 7To many I a wonder am; but thou’rt my refuge strong. 8Fill’d let my mouth be with thy praise and honour all day long. 9O do not cast me off, when as old age doth overtake me; And when my strength decayed is, then do not thou forsake me. 10For those that are mine enemies against me speak with hate; And they together counsel take that for my soul lay wait. 11They said, God leaves him; him pursue and take: none will him save. 12Be thou not far from me, my God: thy speedy help I crave. 13Confound, consume them, that unto my soul are enemies: Cloth’d be they with reproach and shame that do my hurt devise. 14But I with expectation will hope continually; And yet with praises more and more I will thee magnify. 15Thy justice and salvation my mouth abroad shall show, Ev’n all the day; for I thereof the numbers do not know. 16And I will constantly go on in strength of God the Lord; And thine own righteousness, ev’n thine alone, I will record. 17For even from my youth, O God, by thee I have been taught; And hitherto I have declar’d the wonders thou hast wrought. 18And now, Lord, leave me not, when I old and gray-headed grow: Till to this age thy strength and pow’r to all to come I show. 19And thy most perfect righteousness O Lord, is very high, Who hast so great things done: O God, who is like unto thee? 20Thou, Lord, who great adversities, and sore, to me didst show, Shalt quicken, and bring me again from depths of earth below. 21My greatness and my pow’r thou wilt increase, and far extend: On ev’ry side against all grief thou wilt me comfort send. 22Thee, ev’n thy truth, I’ll also praise, my God, with psaltery: Thou Holy One of Israel, with harp I’ll sing to thee. 23My lips shall much rejoice in thee, when I thy praises sound; My soul, which thou redeemed hast, in joy shall much abound. 24My tongue thy justice shall proclaim, continuing all day long; For they confounded are, and sham’d, that seek to do me wrong.

Psalm 71

Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 First Line: In you, O LORD, I take refuge Refrain First Line: I will sing, I will sing, I will sing Topics: Psalms Used With Tune: [I will sing, I will sing, I will sing] Text Sources: Verses: The Revised Grail Psalms; Antiphon: Lectionary for Mass


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