1 My God, my everlasting hope,
I live upon Thy truth;
Thine hands have held my childhood up,
And strengthened all my youth.
2 My flesh was fashioned by Thy power,
With all these limbs of mine;
And from my mother's painful hour,
I've been entirely Thine.
3 Still has my life new wonders seen
Repeated every year;
Behold, my days that yet remain,
I trust them to Thy care.
4 Cast me not off when strength declines,
When graying hairs arise;
And round me let Thy glory shine,
When'er Thy servant dies.
5 Then, in the hist'ry of my age,
When men review my days,
They'll read Thy love in every page,
In every line Thy praise.
Source: Psalms of Grace #71a