Author: John Christian Jacobi; Augustus Montague Toplady; Paul Gerhardt Meter: 8.7 Appears in 195 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness,
Pierce the clouds of sinful night;
Come, Thou Source of sweetest gladness,
Breathe Thy life, and spread Thy light!
Come, Thou best of all donations
God can give, or we implore!
Having Thy sweet consolations,
We need wish for nothing more.
2 From that height which knows no measure,
As a gracious shower descend,
Bringing down the richest treasure
Man can wish, or God can send.
Author of the new creation!
Come with unction and with power;
Make our hearts Thy habitation;
On our souls Thy graces shower.
3 Manifest Thy Love for ever;
Fence us in on every side;
In distress be our reliever;
Guard and teach, support and guide.
Hear, oh hear our supplication,
Loving Spirit, God of peace!
Rest upon this congregation,
With the fulness of Thy grace. Topics: The Holy Spirit; Sexagesima Sunday; Easter Season, Fifth Sunday; Sunday after Ascension; Whit-Sunday; Tenth Sunday after Trinity Used With Tune: SCHMÜCKE DICH, O LIEBE SEELE
Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness