Author: Miss F. E. Pettingell Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Praise the great Jehovah,
Magnify His name,
In a song of triumph
Sound aloud His fame;
For the vast creation
Speaks the sov’reign might,
Let His loyal children
In His praise delight.
Praise the great Jehovah,
Magnify His name,
In a song of triumph
Sound aloud His fame.
2 Serve the Lord with gladness,
With the heart and voice,
For He reigns for ever
Let the earth rejoice;
O true deep compassion
Fond parental care,
Gave His Well Beloved
Human life to share. [Refrain]
3 He the “Man of sorrow”
Conquer’d all our foes,
From the last dread conflict
Victor He arose.
Praise the gracious Giver
For this mighty Friend,
In triumphant chorus
Let our praises blend. [Refrain] Used With Tune: CHICAGO
Praise the great Jehovah, Magnify His name