1 Round the throne of glory,
Circling seraphim
Raise their hallowed voices
In the sacred hymn.
True their notes are blended,
Loud the strains they raise;
Thro' the courts eternal
Rolls the song of praise:
Holy, Holy, Holy,
Blessed Trinity!
Heav'n and earth are filled
With Thy Majesty!
2 Earth hath many voices
Blended with the sea,
Pealing forth the anthem
Of their praise to Thee;
Night and day it rises,
Mingling with the song
Which these sacred singers
Endlessly prolong. [Refrain]
3 One our heav'nly Father,
Round whose throne we meet,
One our great Redeemer,
One our Paraclete;
Bound in living union,
By one holy tie,
In Thy sacred presence,
Triune God, we cry. [Refrain]
4 Raise the hymn of triumph,
Heav'n and earth and sea;
Roll your thousand voices
Forth in harmony:
Voices young and aged,
Voices grand in song,
Blend them, singers holy;
Loud the strain prolong. [Refrain]
Source: The New Christian Hymnal #29