Author: Albert Knapp, 1798-1864 Appears in 32 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Father, who hast created all
In wisest love, we pray,
Look on this babe, who at Thy call
Is entering on life's way.
Bend o'er it now with blessing fraught,
And make thou something out of naught.
2 O Son, who diedst for us, behold
We bring our child to Thee!
Great Shepherd, take it to Thy fold,
Thine own for aye to be:
Defend it through this earthly strife,
And lead it in the path of life.
3 Spirit, who broodest o'er the wave,
Descend upon this child;
Give endless life, its spirit lave
With waters undefiled:
Grant it, while yet a babe, to be
A child of God, a home for Thee!
4 O God, what Thou command'st is done;
We speak, but Thine the might;
This child, which scarce hath seen the sun,
Oh, pour on it Thy light.
In faith and hope, in joy and love,
Thou Sun of all below, above!
Topics: Baptism Used With Tune: DU FRIEDEFÜRST, HERR JESU CHRIST
Father, Who Hast Created All