I. Lord JESU, blessed Prince of Peace,
True God, and very man,
By thee our Troubles rise and cease,
Whose Life is but a Span.
The Saving Name is what we claim
Before thy heav'nly Father.
II. We are best with great Distress
Of War and Pestilence,
What can restore our Happiness
But, Lord, thy Providence?
Be pleas'd to plead for us in Need;
Avert th' impending Judgment.
III. Thy Name declares thy great Design,
Restorer of our Peace!
Thy Love, so pow'rful and divine,
Gives all the wretched Ease.
Withdraw not, Lord, thy holy word
From this our Generation.
IV. The Danger's great, and Safety rare,
Where Pestilence doth run;
But who is able to declare
The Mischiefs War brings on?
When we're debarr'd the due Regard
Of Laws Divine and Moral.
V. War tears the Root of Honesty,
And Mercy leaves behind,
And gives new Life to Blasphemy,
And Vice of ev'ry Kind.
O Lord our God, remove this Rod
From thy distressed People.
VI. We own, our Guilt deserves yet more
From thy most righteous Hands;
But thy blest Grace exceeds in Pow'r
The Sins of ev'ry Land.
O Lord, forgive; let Sinners live,
That we may praise thy Goodness.
VII. Enlighten with forgiving Grace
The Darkness of our Heart,
That we may hate the Scoffer's Ways,
Nor take the Atheist's Part.
CHRIST, Thee we own; Thou art alone
Our Strength and our Redeemer.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #186