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Hymnal, Number:lv1898

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Showing 71 - 80 of 225Results Per Page: 102050
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I Expect to Get to Heaven by the Same Old Way

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 14 hymnals First Line: The way our father's traveled is good enough for me Refrain First Line: O this blessed old way, it is good enough for me Lyrics: 1 The way our father's traveled is good enough for me, They followed in the footsteps that led from Calvary, It led them up to glory, that land of endless day, I expect to get to heaven by the same old way. Chorus: O this blessed old way, it is good enough for me, It is good enough for me, it is good enough for me; My Saviour goes before me, I follow Him each day, I expect to get to heaven by the same old way. 2 The world may sneer and tell me I'll never reach the goal, That good works are sufficient to save a human soul, But while the world is talking, I still will watch and pray, I expect to get to heaven by the same old way. [Chorus] 3 When bowers of sin entice me to rest my weary feet, I find in Christ my Saviour, a safe, a sure retreat, He tells me to press onward, and not look back, nor stay, I expect to get to heaven by the same old way. [Chorus] 4 Millions are now in glory, in shining white arrayed, Who traveled this same pathway, and often were dismayed, But happy now in glory they sing both night and day, I expect to get to heaven by the same old way. [Chorus] Topics: Praise Used With Tune: [The way our father's traveled is good enough for me]
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The Blood Upon the Door

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 13 hymnals First Line: When the Lord pass'd over Egypt Refrain First Line: Precious blood upon the door Lyrics: 1 When the Lord pass'd over Egypt, There was weeping ev'rywhere, For the angel smote the first-born, Of each family dwelling there, But some houses he pass'd over, As his word had said before, And death entered not the portals, When the blood was on the floor. Chorus: Precious blood upon the door, Saving blood upon the door, O my soul there is no danger, When the blood is on the door. 2 We are in a land of danger, And death lurks on ev'ry hand, But that soul has perfect safety, Who obeys the Lord's command, For secure in God's pavilion, He can watch life's breakers roar, For God's angels guard that dwelling, Where the blood is on the door. [Chorus] 3 Not the blood of lambs or cattle, Sprinkled over any part, But the blood of Christ the Saviour, Can redeem a human heart, Then when death these ties shall sever, And we walk on earth no more, We may live with Christ forever, If His blood is on the door. [Chorus] Topics: Revival; The Saviour Used With Tune: [When the Lord pass'd over Egypt]
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Eternity's Shore

Author: Adam Geibel Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: There's a mansion just over the river Refrain First Line: When I land on Eternity's shore Lyrics: 1 There's a mansion just over the river, Which my Saviour's preparing for me; And I know I shall rest forever, When I've cross'd o'er the dark, narrow sea; And I know I shall meet many lov'd ones, Who have cross'd the dark waters before; And the Saviour I'll see in His glory, When I land on Eternity's shore. Refrain: When I land on Eternity's shore, When I land on Eternity's shore; Yes, the Saviour I'll see in His glory, When I land on eternity's shore. 2 In that mansion just over the river, Where the saints of all ages repose; There the Lamb is resplendent forever, For the light of His purity glows; O I'm longing, and watching, and waiting, And my heart yearns to go, more and more; Ah! what joy and what rapture will greet me, When I land on Eternity's shore. [Refrain] 3 When the journey of life is completed, When its toil and its warfare is done; When the light of its day is recedeing, And I bask in its last setting sun; Then dear Jesus, I pray Thee prepare me, That to mansions of bliss I may soar; And to Thee will I give all the glory, When I land on Eternity's shore. [Refrain] Topics: Heaven Used With Tune: [There's a mansion just over the river]
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To Thee, O Christ, We Ever Pray

Author: Rev. Samuel W. Duffield Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To thee, O Christ, we ever pray, And blend our prayer with tears: Thou pure and holy One, alway Protect our night of years! 2 Our hearts shall be at rest in thee, In sleep they dream thy praise; And to thy glory faithfully They hail the coming days. 3 Give us a life that cannot fail! Refresh our spirits then; Let blackest night before thee pale; And bring thy light to men. 4 Our vows in song we pay thee still, And, at this evening hour, May all that we have purposed ill Be right thro' perfect power. Topics: Devotional Used With Tune: [To thee, O Christ, we ever pray]
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When the Roll is Called

Author: Rev. W. G. C. Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: When shall close the earth's long ages, Christ shall come to claim his own Refrain First Line: When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there, I'll be there Lyrics: 1 When shall close the earth's long ages, Christ shall come to claim his own; And he shall in glorious majesty appear. When earth's teeming millions gather up before the judgment throne; And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Chorus: When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there, I'll be there. When earth's teeming millions gather up before the judgment throne; And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. 2 When the "Book of Life" is opened, and the crown of glory giv'n To the saved of earth, immortal, bright and fair! When with victory they gather for their joyous rest in heav'n, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Chorus: When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there, I'll be there. When with victory they gather for their joyous rest in heav'n, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. 3 When the armies of Jehovah shout "the battles all are o'er!" And their "welcome home" and glad reunion share; When in grand review they're mustered out upon the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Chorus: When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there, I'll be there. When in grand review they're mustered out upon the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. 4 Let us then be ever faithful 'til the Master bid us rise, And shall close our life of labor, toil and care; Then we'll sweetly, rest with Jesus in our home beyond the skies, When the roll is called up yonder, We'll be there. Chorus: When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there, I'll be there. Then we'll sweetly rest with Jesus in our home beyond the skies, When the roll is called up yonder, We'll be there. Topics: Heaven Scripture: Revelation 20:12 Used With Tune: [When shall close the earth's long ages, Christ shall come to claim his own]
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Tell It Over Again

Author: A. Rosalthe Carey Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: It is new, it is new ev'ry moment Refrain First Line: Tell it over and over Lyrics: 1 It is new, it is new ev'ry moment, Half its marvels have never been told; This glad message of hope and redemption. This sweet gospel that never grows old. Chorus: Tell it over and over, Tell it over again; Tell of mercy and love and salvation, Till all earth shall reply, amen! 2 'Tis a message of bounty and mercy, Full of heart-throbs of love from the throne; They who quaff at its fountain of promise, Make the glories of heaven their own. [Chorus] 3 It has balm for the wounds of life's battle, For the great Healer left it below; And it tells how the heart, sin makes crimson, Grows, by faith in his blood, white as snow. [Chorus] 4 Happy souls, happy souls that receive it, They have only to learn and believe; Just to turn from earth idols to Jesus, Keep his word, and salvation receive. [Chorus] Topics: The Scriptures Scripture: Mark 1:15 Used With Tune: [It is new, it is new ev'ry moment]
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When Jesus Called Me

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: I never can forget the time Lyrics: 1 I never can forget the time, When Jesus called me; His voice more sweet than silver chime, When Jesus called me. Chorus: When Jesus called me, When Jesus called me; I heard him calling wand'rer come, I'll take thy hand, I'll lead thee home. 2 My heart was sunk in depths of sin, When Jesus called me; But O how soon the light broke in, When Jesus called me. [Chorus] 3 My feet had wandered far astray, When Jesus called me; But soon I found the narrow way, When Jesus called me. [Chorus] 4 I then resolved no more to roam, When Jesus called me; I started for my heav'nly home, When Jesus called me. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [I never can forget the time]
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In that Land

Author: A. H. A. Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: In that land of light and beauty Refrain First Line: There shall I, by and by Lyrics: 1 In that land of light and beauty, Where the saints with Jesus dwell; In a glad new song of triumphant praise They his love and glory tell. Chorus: There shall I, by and by, Join the ever happy throng; Giving praise, endless praise, In a glad, triumphant song, by and by, In a glad triumphant song, by and by. 2 By the crystal sea, where the breezes Softly blow o'er heav'n's broad plain, Stand the ransomed throng in their robes of white, Sounding forth their sweet refrain. [Chorus] 3 There are mansions there, golden mansions, With the light of God they shine; And the walls resound with the joyous sound Of the saints' glad song divine. [Chorus] 4 O the glorious song of the ransomed, How it fills heav'n's mighty dome; O the joy of those who with Jesus dwell, They are safe with him at home. [Chorus] Topics: Heaven Used With Tune: [In that land of light and beauty]
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In the Fullness of His Mercy

Author: Ida L. Reed Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 In the fullness of his mercy, Christ my Saviour heard my prayer; Stooped to save me, chief of sinners, Tho' I oft refused his care. Chorus: In the fullness of his mercy, Tenderly to me he came; Sought and saved me, wondrous story, Hallelujah to his name. 2 Thro' my wand'rings still he loved me, Tho' I grieved him oft and sore; Tho' I still his love rejected, Longed to save me more and more. [Chorus] 3 Now his peace my heart is filling, Now I'm happy all the day; Since I've found his full forgiveness, Since my sins are washed away. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [In the fullness of his mercy]
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I Come to Thee

Author: Emma A. Tiffany Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Jesus, dear, I come to thee Lyrics: 1 Jesus, dear, I come to thee, Thou alone canst make me free; Thou alone canst cleanse from sin. Make me pure without, within: Wounded, at thy feet I lie, Do not, do not pass me by. 2 Jesus, dear, to thee I bring All of earth to which I cling; All the friends my heart holds dear To thy altar now bring near; Keep them safe within thy fold, Grant them rest and joy untold. 3 Jesus, dear, I come to thee, Wilt thou all my refuge be, Thro' the thorny maze of life, Thro' the battles, thro' its strife; When the final hour doth come, Wilt thou guide me safely home? Topics: Revival Used With Tune: [Jesus dear, I come to thee]


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