1 It is new, it is new ev'ry moment,
Half its marvels have never been told;
This glad message of hope and redemption.
This sweet gospel that never grows old.
Tell it over and over,
Tell it over again;
Tell of mercy and love and salvation,
Till all earth shall reply, amen!
2 'Tis a message of bounty and mercy,
Full of heart-throbs of love from the throne;
They who quaff at its fountain of promise,
Make the glories of heaven their own. [Chorus]
3 It has balm for the wounds of life's battle,
For the great Healer left it below;
And it tells how the heart, sin makes crimson,
Grows, by faith in his blood, white as snow. [Chorus]
4 Happy souls, happy souls that receive it,
They have only to learn and believe;
Just to turn from earth idols to Jesus,
Keep his word, and salvation receive. [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #96