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Paul Eber

1511 - 1569 Hymnal Number: 59 Alterer of "Wir danken Dir, o Herr der Welt" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Eber, Paul, son of Johannes Eber, master tailor at Kitzingen, Bavaria, was born at Kitzingen, Nov. 8, 1511. He was sent in 1523 to the Gymnasium at Ansbach, but being forced by illness to return home, was on his way thrown from horseback and dragged more than a mile, remaining as a consequence deformed ever after. In 1525 he entered the St. Lorentz school at Nürnberg, under Joachim Camerarius, and in 1532 went to the University of Wittenberg, where he graduated 1536, and thereafter became tutor in the Philosophical Faculty. He was appointed Professor of Latin in 1544, then in 1557 Professor of Hebrew and Castle preacher, and in 1558 Town preacher and General Superintendent of the Electorate, receiving in 1559 the degree D.D. from the University. He died at Wittenberg, Dec. 10, 1569 (Koch, i. 271-278; Allgemeines Deutsche Biog., v. 529). At Wittenberg he was a close friend of Melanchthon, was privy to all his plans, and conducted the greater part of his correspondence. After Melanchthon's death in 1560, he became leader of his party, and had to engage in various controversies with the Crypto-Calvinists, &c.; the seeds of his fatal illness being sown on his return journey from the fruitless conference held at Altenburg with the theologians of Jena, which lasted from Oct. 20, 1568, to March 9, 1569. Eber was, next to Luther, the best poet of the Wittenberg school. His hymns, some of them written for his own children to sing to Luther's melodies, are distinguished for their child-like spirit and beautiful simplicity. Seventeen hymns have been attributed to him, four of which are certainly his, and probably two others. Of these six, five have been translated into English, one of which is noted under "Dicimus grates," and the others are:— i. Herr Jesu Christ, wahr Mensch und Gott. For the Dying. The first hymnbook in which this simple and beautiful hymn has been found is the Low German Enchiridion, published at Hamburg, 1565, where it is in 8 stanzas of 6 lines., entitled "A prayer to Christ for a happy departure from this troublous life," and marked as "D. Paulus Eberus Filiolis suis faciebat MDLVII. Wackernagel, iv. p. 4, gives this and a second form in High German from the Psalmen, Geystliche Lieder und Gesänge, Strassburg, 1569. In his Bibliographie, 1855, p. 233, Wackernagel describes an undated broadsheet, which he would date 1550, and at p. 279 says it forms the first of Neun Schöne Geistliche Lieder, Nürnberg N.D., c. 1556. G. Döring, in his Choralkunde, Danzig, 1865, p. 434, says it appeared as "Panie Jezu ty's czlowiek i Bog" in the Polish Cantional, edited by Pastor Seklucyan, and published at Königsberg, 1559. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii, 591-594, adds that it comforted Eber himself while he lay a-dying, Dec. 10, 1569; was repeated by Hugo Grotius a few minutes before his death, Aug. 28, 1645; and was a favourite hymn of Prince Wolfgang of Anhalt (d. 1566), Christian I., Elector of Saxony (d. 1591), of the Margrave Georg Friedrieh of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (d. 1603), &c. Included as No. 820 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, Who borest. Good and full, by Miss Winkworth in the first Ser. of her Lyra Germanica, 1855, p. 239. Of this stanzas i.-iv. appear in the Psalms & Hymns., Bedford, 1859; i., ii., viii. in the Harrow School Hymn Book, 1866 ; and i.-iii., v., viii. in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book,1868. A cento from stanza ii., line 3-6, iii., 11. 1-4, vii., 1line 3-6, beginning, "When from my sight all fades away," is No. 1181 in the American Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858. 2. Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, Thou Who. A translation by E. Cronenwett, in nine stanzas of L.M., based on stanzas i., ii., iv.-viii., as No. 434, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. Other translations are, (1) "0 God, support me, death is near," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 103. (2) "Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, who hast”, by E. Massie, 1867, p. 10. ii. Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen sein. In Trouble. Founded on a hymn by Joachim Camerarius, his former master at Nürnberg [b. at Bamberg, April 12, 1500, d. as Professor of Greek and Latin at Leipzig, April 17, 1574], which in Wackernagel, i. p. 324, runs thus:— "In tenebris nostrae et densa caligine mentis, Cum nihil est toto pectore consilii, Turbati erigimus, Deus, ad Te lumina cordis Nostra, tuamque fides solius erat opem. Tu rege consiliis actus, Pater optime, nostros, Nostrum opus ut laudi serviat omne Tuae." These lines comforted Melanchthon in 1546; and Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 161-165, thinks probably Eber also. He relates that on Ascension Day, 1547, after the battle of Mühlberg, the Wittenbergers having received a message from the captive Elector to deliver their city to the Emperor Charles V. assembled for prayer in church; and quotes a portion of the prayer by Bugenhagen which greatly resembles Eber's hymn. But that the hymn was written then we have no proof, and the earliest source quoted by Wackernagel, iv. p. 6, is the Naw Betbüchlein, Dresden 1566, in 7 stanza of 4 line., though in his Bibliographie, 1855, p. 312, he describes a broadsheet printed at Nürnberg, N.D., c. 1560. In M. Moller's Meditationes sanctorum Patrum, Görlitz, 1584, it is entitled "A beautiful prayer of the venerable Dr. Paul Eber, which he composed on the beautiful words of King Jehoshaphat, 2 Chron. xx. 12." Included as No. 583 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. A "Cry from the depths," though not in despair but in trustful confidence in God, it is one of the finest and most widely used hymns of the Reformation period. Lauxmann relates how the singing of this hymn and the prayers of Martin Rinkart (q.v.), Archidiaconus of Eulenburg near Leipzig, prevailed to move the heart of the Swedish Lieutenant-Colonel, who on Feb. 21, 1635, had demanded from the inhabitants a ransom of £4500, but eventually accepted 2000 florins; says that in commemoration of a similar deliverance from the Swedish army in 1642 the hymn was long sung at the end of the Sunday afternoon service at Pegau, near Leipzig, and adds other incidents regarding its use. The only translation in common use is :— When in the hour of utmost need. A full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth in the 2nd Ser. of her Lyra Germanica, 1858, p. 180, and thence as No. 141 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Included in full in the American Presbyterian Hymnal 1874, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. In full, though slightly altered, as No. 233, in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861, but omitted in the revised edition, 1875. In the Hymnary, 1871, Psalmist, 1878, J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876, Thring's Collection, 1882, and the Evangelical Hymna, N. Y., 1880, st. v. is omitted. Other translations are, (1) "When we are under great distress," by J. C. Jacobi, 1720, p. 19 (1722, p. 119; 1732, p. 184, altered, and thence as No. 140 in p. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754). (2) "When neither help nor counsel's nigh," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 89. (3) "When all our way is hedged around," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870. His hymns not in English common use are:— iii. Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen. [New Year.] Written on the name Helena, borne both by his wife and his daughter, the initial letters of each stanza composing it. Wackernagel, iv. p. 6, quotes it from Eichorn's Geistliche Lieder, Frankfurt a. Oder, c. 1580, in 6 st. of 8 l., entitled, "A Thanksgiving and Prayer for the New Year, in remembrance of God's goodness, for the Children." Older but less correct forms are noted by Mützell, p. 486, as in the Copenhagen GesangBuch,1511, and the Stettin, 1576. Included as No. 68 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. It is translation as, "Ye Christians in this nation," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 11 (1732, p. 10, altered and beginning, "Come, let us all, with Fervour.") iv. In Christi Wunden schlaf ich ein. [For the Dying.] Appears in Jeremias Weber's Gesang-Buch, Leipzig, 1638, p. 797, marked as "Another" (the hymn immediately preceding is ascribed to Eber), in 3 st. of 4 1. In the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1863, No. 1468, the text is slightly varied, and arranged in 2 st. of 6 1. It was first ascribed to Eber in the Nürnberg Gesang-Buch, 1676. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 595-601, says of it, "That the hymn is much older than the date of its appearance [i.e. than 1638] seems obvious; that it breathes the childlike spirit of Eber is certain. More than this we cannot say." St. i., 11. 3-6, "Ja Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit," has been adopted by many pious Germans, young and old, as a prayer in life and death, and Lauxmann relates many interesting incidents regarding its use by A. G. Spangenberg, by Wilhelm Hey, and others. These four lines were adopted by N. L. von Zinzendorf, as the first stanza of his well-known hymn, "Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit" (q. v.). It is translation as, "I fall asleep in Jesus' arms," by Miss Winkworth, i860, p. 121. [Rev .James Mearns] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Michael Franck

1609 - 1667 Hymnal Number: 456 Author of "Ach, wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Franck, Michael, son of Sebastian Franck, merchant at Schleusingen, was born at Schleusingen, March 16, 1609. At the Gymnasium of his native town he made good progress, but at his father's death it was found possible only to give his brothers Sebastian and Peter a university education. Michael was accordingly apprenticed to a baker, and in 1628 became a master baker at Schleusingen. Reduced to poverty by the sufferings of war, he fled in 1640 to Coburg, was there kindly received by one of the master bakers, and in 1644, somewhat unexpectedly, was appointed master of the lower classes in the town school. He died at Coburg Sept. 24, 1667 (Koch, iii. 435-441; Allg. Deutsche Biog. , vii. 259-260). He was a friend of Dach and Neumark; was in 1659 crowned by Rist as a poet, and afterwards received into his order of Elbe Swans. In his times of trial he found consolation in hymn writing. While many of his pieces are crude in form and expression, some are yet popular in style, and are full of faith. The best of his hymns probably is:— Ach wie flüchtig! ach wie nichtig. For the Dying. Appeared as the third of three hymns by Franck, published with music in four parts at Coburg, 1652, entitled Die Eitelkeit, Falschheit und Unbeständigkeit der Welt [Wernigerode], in 13 stanzas. In his Geistliches Harpffen-Spiel, Coburg, 1657 [Gotha], No. 24 with the motto “Der Mensch und all sein Thun must mit der Zeit hergehn; Wer Gott und Gottesfurcht recht liebt, wird ewig stehn." Repeated in Crüger's Praxis, 1661, No. 530, and many subsequent collections, as in the Unverfälscher Liedersegen, 1851, No. 803. It is a powerful picture of the vanity and nothingness of this world and all its treasures. The only translation in common use is:— “0 how cheating, 0 how fleeting”, Is, &c. In full by Sir J. Bowring in his Hymns, 1825, No. 35. The translations of stanzas i., iii., iv., xiii. were included in Curtis's Union Collection, 1827, and of stanzas i.-iv., xiii. in the Plymouth Collection, 1855. Another translation is: "Ah how fleeting, ah how cheating,” by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 153. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Johann Eusebius Schmidt

1670 - 1745 Person Name: Joh. Eusebius Schmidt Hymnal Number: 192 Author of "Fahre fort, Fahre fort" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Schmidt, Johann Eusebius, son of Johann Jakob Schmidt, pastor at Hohenfelden, near Erfurt, was born at Hohenfelden, Jan. 12, 1670. He matriculated at the University of Jena in the autumn of 1688, and in 1691 went to Erfurt to attend lectures by Breithaupt and Francke. Part of 1692 he spent in travelling in North Germany, and during the years 1693-96 he was mostly employed in private tuition at Gotha. On the 12th Sunday after Trinity, 1697, he began work at Siebleben, near Gotha, as substitute (curate in charge), and on the 4th Sunday in Advent, 1698, as pastor there. He died at Siebleben, Dec. 25, 1745, with the character of "An edifying teacher in his parish, a good example to his flock, and a methodical man in his office." (G. G. Brückner's Kirchen und Schulenstaat, vol. iii. pt. iv. p. 59, Gotha, 1761, &c). Schmidt's hymns were contributed to Freylinghausen's Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, and Neues Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1714. In the latter Freylinghausen prints as a supplement (Zugabe) 17 so-called "Psalms for Festivals," being compositions in Ode or Psalm form and unrhymed, remarking in his preface that the author of these (i.e. Schmidt), had written similar compositions for all the Sundays in the year. Of his hymns in rhyme (4, 1st pub. 1704; 21, 1st pub. 1714), some have attained considerable popularity, being of moderate length, good in style, thoughtful and interesting. Of Schmidt's hymns those which have passed into English are:— i. Es ist vollbracht: vergissja nicht. Passiontide. This hymn on “It is finished," first appeared in 1714 as above, No. 72, in 5 stanzas of 5 lines. Included as No. 96 in the Unverf älschter Liedersegen, 1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. All is fulfill'd--my heart, record. By A. T. Russell, omitting st. iv., vi., as No. 100 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. 'Tis finished : 0 glorious word. A full but rather free translation by Dr. Kennedy, in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863, repeated, omitting st. ii., vi., in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. ii. Erhebe den Herren, der Alles in Allen. Thanksgiving. First published 1714 as above, No. 560, in 4 st. of 8 1. Included in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837 and 1865. Translated as, "The praises of him who is Grace's Dispenser." This is No. 550 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1751. iii. Fahre fort, fahre fort. Faithfulness. Founded on Christ's Messages to the Seven Churches in Asia. First published 1704 as above, No. 667, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen. 1851, No. 223. The translations are:— (1) "Hasten on, hasten on," by Miss Burlingham, In the British Herald, Sept. 1865, p. 143, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872. (2) "Hold thy course," by E. Massie, 1867, p. 31. (3) "Onward go, onward go," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 238. iv. Gekreuzigter! mein Herze sucht. Passiontide. First published 1714 as above, No. 73, in 6 st. of 6 1. In Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 483. The translations are:— (l) "Christ crucify'd! my Soul by Faith Desires," in the Supp. to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 23. (2) "Christ crucify'd, my soul by faith, With," as No. 424, based on the earlier tr., in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 959). v. 0 Jesu der du dich. Easter. First published 1704 as above, No. 651, in 5 st. of 61., repeated in the Herrnhut Gesang-Buch 1735, No. 123. Translated as "0 Jesu, who now free," as No. 552 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Samuel Rodigast

1649 - 1708 Hymnal Number: 344 Author of "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgethan!" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Samuel Rodigast, son of Johann Rodigast, pastor at Groben near Jena, was born at Groben Oct. 19, 1649. He entered the University of Jena in 1668 (M.A. 1671), and was in 1676 appointed adjunct of the philosophical faculty. In 1680 he became conrector of the Greyfriars Gymnasium at Berlin. While in this position he refused the offers of a professorship at Jena and the Rectorships of the Schools at Stade and Stralsund. Finally, in 1698, he became rector of the Greyfriars Gymnasium, and held this post till his death. His tombstone in the Koster-Kirche in Berlin says he died "die xxix. Mart. a. MDCCVII . . . aetatis anno lix." ...Two hymns have been ascribed to him, on of which has passed into English, viz.:--"Whatever God ordains is right." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Friedrich Herzog

1647 - 1699 Hymnal Number: 374 Author of "Nun sich der Tag geendet hat" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Hertzog, Johann Friedrich, LL.D., son of Johann Hertzog, diaconus of the Church of the Holy Cross, in Dresden, was born at Dresden, June 6, 1647. After the completion of his legal studies at the University of Wittenberg, he was, from 1671 to 1674, tutor to the sons of General-Lieutenant von Arnim. In 1674 he returned to Dresden to practise as an advocate, where he died March 21, 1699 (Koch, iii. 361-63; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 251). The only hymn by him which has been translated into English is:— Nun sich der Tag geendet hat, Und keine Sonn mehr scheint. [Evening.] Fischer, ii. 129, says that, according to the testimony of Hertzog's brother, this hymn was written one evening in 1670 while the author was still a student at Wittenberg. Stanza i. and the melody appear as No. 8 in the 1 Zehen of A. P. Krieger's News Arien. In 6 Zehen, Dresden, 1667 [Leipzig Town Library]. Hertzog seems to have adopted this stanza and added eight others, the form in 9 st. being found in Luppius's Andächtig Singender Christen-Mund, Wesel, 1692, p. 123, in 9 stanzas. Included as No. 622 in Freylinghausen's Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, with a 10th st., which, according to Fischer, first appeared in the Leipzig Gesang-Buch, 1693. Also in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 530. It speedily became popular, was often imitated, and still holds its place as one of the best German evening hymns. The translations in common use are:— 1. And now another day is gone. A good translation, omitting st. vii., by J. C. Jacobi in his Psalter Germanica, 1722, p. 1ll (ed. 1732, p. 174, altered). St. vii., "With cheerful heart I close my eyes," while parallel with the German is really stanza iv. of Watts's "And now another day is gone," in his Divine and Moral Songs. The 1732 text, slightly altered, is No. 479 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, and stanzas i.-iii., vii., ix. altered are No. 391 in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841. The form principally used is a cento beginning, "In mercy, Lord, remember me"; and being stanzas iii., vii., ix., x. slightly altered as No. 760 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789, and repeated, omitting st. x., in later editions (1886, No. 1183). This cento has recently been included in Windle's The Church Psalter & Hymn Book, 1862, in Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, Dr. Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 1873; and in America in the Methodist Episcopal Hymn Book, 1849; Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, 1853, &c. 2. And now another day is past. A version of stanzas i.-iv., vii.-ix., based on Jacobi, is found as No. 494 in the Appendix to the American German Reformed Psalms & Hymns, 1834, and also in the American Lutheran General Synod's Hymn Book, 1850. 3. The shades of night have banished day. A full and very good translation by Miss Dunn in her Hymns from the German, 1857, p. 16. Included, slightly altered and omitting stanzas vi., viii., in the Uppingham & Sherborne School Hymn Book, 1874, and thence in Thring's Collection, 1882. 4. Now that the sun doth shine no more. A good translation omitting stanzas iv., vi., x., by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. 5. The day is done, the sun is set. A translation of stanzas i.-iii., vii., marked as by F. C. C, as No. 176 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. 6. Since now the day hath readied its close. In full as No. 311 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnnal, 1880, marked as a compilation. Other translations are: (1) "The waning day hath reached its close," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 84. (2) "The day is gone, and now no more," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 61. (3) "Now that the day from earth hath crept," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 136. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jonathan Krause

1701 - 1762 Hymnal Number: 238 Author of "Hallelujah, schöner Morgen!" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Krause, Jonathan, son of Christian Wilhelm Krause, Master of the Clothworkers and Sexton at Hirschberg, in Silesia, was born at Hirschberg, April 5, 1701. Entering the University of Leipzig in 1718, he went in 1723 to Wittenberg, where he graduated M.A. He was then for some time travelling tutor to a young Baron von Birken, and 1727-32 a tutor in the family of Baron von Nostitz, at Polgsen, near Wohlau. On Aug. 20, 1732, he was ordained as Diaconus of Probsthayn, near Liegnitz, and in 1739 became chief pastor of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul at Liegnitz. In 1741 he was also appointed Superintendent and Assessor of the Consistory. He died at Liegnitz, Dec. 13, 1762 (S. J. Ehrhardt's Presbyteroloqie Schlesiens, 1780-89, iv. p. 280, &c). He edited the Liegnitz Gesang-Buch of 1745. His hymns appeared in his (1) Die turn Lobe Gottes eröffnete Lippen der Gläubigen, &c, Hamburg, 1732, and (2) Gnade und Wahr heit Gottes in Christo Jesu, in heiligen Liedem über alle Sonn- und Fest-Tags Evangelien und Eputeln Leipzig and Lauban, 1739. [Berlin Royal Library.] The only hymn by Krause translated into English is:-- Alleluja! schöner Morgen. Sunday Morning. This hymn, a great favourite in Southern Germany, first appeared 1739 as above, p. 487, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Morning-Hymn on Sunday." Repeated thus in the Liegnitz Gesang-Buch, 1745, No. 1; but in recent collections, as the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 482, it begins "Hallelujah!" Sometimes erroneously ascribed to B. Schmolck. Translated as:— Hallelujah! Fairest morning. A good translation, omitting stanzas v., vii., viii., by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 3rd Ser., 1858, p. 28 (1884, p. 150). Included in full in the Appx. of 1869 to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Psalms & Hymns; in Holy Song, 1869, and others. In the S. P. C. K. Church Hymns, 1871, the trs. of st. iii., iv. are omitted, and the rest slightly altered; and this form is followed in Laudes Domini, N. Y., 1884. In G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867, it begins "Alleluia." Other translations are, (1) "Hallelujah! beauteous morning," by Miss Manington, 1863. (2) "Hallelujah! day of gladness," by R. Massie, in the Day of Rest , 1876, p. 35. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christoph Vischer

1520 - 1597 Hymnal Number: 120 Author of "Wir danken Dir, Herr Jesu Christ" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Vischer, Christoph, son of Jakob Vischer or Fischer, burgess at Joachimsthal, in Bohemia, was born at Joachimsthal in 1520. He matriculated at the University of Wittenberg in Nov. 1540 (B.A. 1544), and was ordained at Wittenberg on Feb. 10, 1544, as pastor and probst at Jüterbogk, near Wittenberg. He was then appointed (in 1552) cathedral preacher and superintendent at Schmalkalden; in 1571 pastor and general superintendent at Meiningen; in 1574 court preacher and assistant superintendent at Celle (Zelle); and in 1577 chief pastor of St. Martin's Church at Halberstadt. He returned to Celle in 1583, as general superintendent of Lüneburg, and died at Celle in October, 1597. Vischer was a somewhat voluminous writer. Rotermund gives the titles of 29 works by him. Only one hymn is known as his, viz.:— Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Dass du für uns gestorben bist. Passiontide. This is included in pt. ii. of the Dresden Gesang-Buch, 1597 (thence in Wackernagel, v., p. 248), marked as by M. C. F., and in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, viz. st. i. as above, and ii. Und bitten dich, war Mensch und Gott. iii. Behüt uns auch für Sünd und Schand. iv. Und draus schöpffen die Zuversicht. The only portion we have been able to find in any work of Vischer's is st. ii. This occurs in hisChristliche unnd einfeltige Erklerung der gnadenreichen Historien des Leydens und Sterbens hochtröstlicher Aufferstehung und siegreicher Himelfart unsers lieben Herrn Jhesu Christi, auch der Sendung des Heiligen Geistes, &c, Schraalkalden, 1585 [British Museum]. The same stanza is found in the edition Schmalkalden, 1568 [Berlin Library]. Mützell, No. 344, prints the four stanza form from the text given by J. C. Olearius, Jena, 1710, as a reprint of the original, and as entitled “A children's hymn composed by M. Christoph Vischer for the Christian community at Schmalkalden, upon the strengthening uses of the bitter sufferings and death of Christ Jesus our Saviour." It is also in thUnerfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 122. The translations are:— 1. We bless Thee, Jesus Christ our Lord; For ever be Thy name adored. This is a good and full translation by Dr. Kennedy, as No. 622 in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863. 2. With thanks we glory in Thy Cross. This is No. 331 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. [Rev.James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Friedrich Adolph Lampe

1683 - 1729 Hymnal Number: 69 Author of "O liebesglut, die Erd' und Himmel paaret" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Lampe, Friedrich Adolf, D.D., son of Heinrich Lampe, pastor of the Reformed church at Detmold, was born at Detmold, apparently Feb. 18, and was certainly baptized there Feb. 19, 1683. He remained at Detmold till the death of his grandfather (General-Superintendent Zeller) in 1691, and then joined his widowed moiher at Bremen. He entered the Lyceum (Academic Gymnasium) at Bremen, in 1698; and in 1702 went to the University of Franeker in Holland. After a short residence at the University of Utrecht he became, in 1703, pastor of the Reformed church at Weeze, near Cleve; in 1706 at Duisburg; and in 1709 second pastor of St. Stephen's Church in Bremen, where in 1719 he became pastor primarius. In 1720 he was appointed German preacher and professor of dogmatics at the University of Utrecht (the degree of D.D. being also conferred on him); and in 1726 professor of Church History and Rector of the University. After a severe illness in the winter of 1726-27 he resigned in June, 1727, and returned to Bremen as third pastor of St. Ansgar's Church and professor at the Lyceum. He died at Bremen, Dec. 8, 1729. (Allg. Deutsche Biog., xvii. 579; F. A. Lampe Sein Leben und seine Theologie. By Dr. Otto Thelemann, 1868, &c). Lampe was the most important theologian that had appeared in the German Reformed Church since the Reformation period. He was the great exponent of the Federal or Covenant theology in his Geheimniss des Gnadenbundes, 1712 if.; the author of a well-known commentary on St. John's Gospel, 1724-26; of various catechetical works, &c. As a hymn-writer Lampe is not so important; but yet ranks as one of the best writers in the Reformed Church. His hymns are Scriptural, and characterised by glowing piety, deep spiritual insight, firm faith, and play of fancy; but are often somewhat obscure and involved, and not seldom very lengthy. Nine first appeared in his Balsam aus Gilead, Bremen, 1713, and the rest principally in his Bündlein XXV. Gottseliger Gesange, Bremen, 1723 [Royal Library, Berlin], and later editions. The edition of 1731 (XXX. Geistliche Lieder, &c.) contains also an appendix of 13 hymns from his manuscript. Comparatively few of Lampe's hymns are in modern German common use. Those which have passed into English are:— i. Mein Leben ist ein Pilgrimstand. For Travellers. 1723, No. 10, p. 39, in 8 St., entitled "Travelling Thoughts." In the Berlin Geistliche Liedersegen, edition 1863. Translated as, "My life is but a pilgrim-stand," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 150). ii. 0 Fels des Heils am Kreuzesstamm. Holy Communion. 1723, No. 5, p. 21, in 12 stanzas of 5 lines entitled "Devotional Hymn at Holy Communion." In Dr. J. P. Lange's Kirchenliederbuch, 1843, st. xii. is omitted, and it begins "O Fels des Heils, O Gotteslamm." The translation in common use is:— O healing Rock, O Lamb of God. A translation of stanzas i.-iii., v., xii., by Dr. R. Maguire, in his Melodies of the Fatherland, 1883, p. 107. Repeated, omitting stanza iii., in R. Gault's Hymn Book for Church of England, 1886. iii. 0 Liebesgluth, wie toll ich dich. Love to Christ. Founded on St. John iii. 16. 1723, No. 19, p. 50, in 6 stanzas. Previously in his Geheimniss des Gnadenbundes, pt. iv., vol. ii., 2nd ed., Bremen, 1721, p. 1086. In Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, omitting stanzas ii., iv. Translated as: (1) "O Fire of Love, what earthly words," by Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 61. (2) "O wondrous love of Christ! how bright," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 75. iv. So ist von meiner kurzen Pilgrimschaft. New Year. 1723, No. 24, p. 69, in 16 stanzas. The form translation is that in the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1829, No. 424, altered, and beginning "Wie schnell verstrich, O Herr voll Mild und Huld." Translated as, "How swift, O Lord, most kind, most bountiful," by J. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 255. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christian Ludwig Scheidt

1709 - 1761 Person Name: Christian Ludw. Scheidt Hymnal Number: 293 Author of "Aus Gnaden soll ich selig werden!" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Christian Ludwig Scheidt, b. 1709, Waldenburg; d. 1761, Hanover, hofrat and librarian at Hanover

Jodocus van Lodenstein

1620 - 1677 Person Name: Jobocus von Lodenstein Hymnal Number: 103 Author of "Heiligster Jesu, Heil'gungsquelle" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Lodenstein, Jodocus van, son of Joost Corneliss van Lodenstein, burgomaster of Delft, was born at Delft Feb. 6, 1620. After studying at the Universities of Utrecht and Franeker he was appointed in 1644 pastor at Zoetermeer and Zegwaard, near Delft; in 1650 at Sluys (Sluis, near the boundary of Flanders); and in 1653 at Utrecht. He died at Utrecht Aug. 6, 1677 (Allg. Deutsche Biog., xix. 73-75). A pastor of the Reformed Church, he was spiritually allied to the Mystics. After 1665, not being able to exclude the worldly, he ceased to dispense the Holy Communion and altered the Baptismal formula; but never separated from the Church. His hymns appeared in his Uyt-Spanningen, Behelfende eenige stigtelyke Liederen en andere Gedigten, &c, Utrecht, 1676 [Berlin], which passed through many editions. Two are translated, viz.:— 1. Hemelsch Ooge! Wilt gy dogen. [Love to God.] 1676, p. 346, in 9 st. entitled "Solitude with God." It has passed into English through Ich will einsam und gemeinsam. No. 723, in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1705; Porst's Gesang-Buch, ed. 1855, No. 385. It is a free translation in 5 stanzas of 6 lines, and is probably by C. A. Bernstein (p. 135, ii.), certainly not by Gr. Arnold or G. Tersteegen. Translated as (1) “Quite alone and yet not lonely," in full, from the 1105, as No. 680 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 702), the trs. of stanzas i., ii., were reduced to, and this form is also in the Bible Hymn Book, 1845. 2. Heylge Jesu! Hemelsch Voorbeeld! [Christ our Example.] 1676, p. 152, in 9 stanzas, entitled "Jesus Pattern." It has passed into English through Heiligster Jesu, Heiligungsquelle, tr. in full. This has not yet been traced earlier than G. Arnold's Göttliche Sophia, 1700, pt. ii. p. 327, where it is No. 17 of “some hitherto unknown poems, mostly composed by others.” As it is found in this section it is perhaps more probably by B. Crasselius (q. v.). Koch, vi. 6, and viii. 437, characterises it as "a pearl in the Evangelical Treasury of Song and a genuine Christian moral hymn, of more importance than a hundred of the so-called moral hymns in the second half of the eighteenth cen¬tury." In the Berlin


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