Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 116 Lyrics: 1. I Love the Lord, who heard the Voice
Of my Requests for Grace.
2. Because he bow'd to me his Ear,
I'll pray, thro' all my Days.
3. Sorrows intense, like Bands of Death,
Encompass'd me around;
The Grave's strong Terrors seiz'd on me,
Distress, and Grief, I found.
4. Then on Jehovah's Name I call'd.
In this most fervent Speech;
"Deliver thou my Soul, O Lord,
"I humbly Thee beseech.
5. The Lord is kind, and just from him,
Our God, all Mercies flow.
6. He keeps the harmless; he me help'd.
When I was very low.
7. Return, my Soul, unto thy Rest,
The Lord dealt well with thee.
8. For thou hast from the Snares of Death,
My trembling Soul set free;
My Feet from Falls, thou hast preserv'd,
And wip'd mine Eyes from Tears.
9. I'll walk before Jehovah's Face,
Thro' all my coming Years.
10. I did believe, and therefore spake;
Tho' I was greatly griev'd.
11. And, in my Consternation, said,
I am by all deceiv'd.
Second Part
12. What shall I render to the Lord,
Whence all my Mercies came?
13. Salvation's Cup I'll take, and call
Upon Jehovah's Name.
14. My Vows to God, before his Saints,
I'll pay with great Delight.
15. The Death of all his holy ones.
Is precious in his Sight.
16. I am thy Servant, Lord, I'm thine.
Devoted to thy Use;
Thine humble Hand-maids Son, my Bonds
Thou kindly did'st unloose.
17. Off 'rings of Praise I'll Sing to Thee,
And on the Lord's Name call.
18. My Vows I'll pay Jehovah, now,
Before his People all.
19. Within his sacred Courts, where they
Their grateful Voices raise;
In Midst of Thee, Jerusalem,
Let all Jehovah praise.
I Love the Lord, who heard the Voice