1. I love the Lord, because he heareth me
Oft as my suppliant voice to Him ascendeth;
And since to me a list'ning ear He bendeth;
To Him my whole life long my prayer shall be.
2. The cords of death encompassed me around;
Pangs of despair held me in bondage dreary;
Of trouble and of grief my life was weary,
Till on His Name I called and comfort found.
3. My soul's salvation of the Lord I craved,
The gracious, righteous Lord, all pity showing;
The simple He preserveth, grace bestowing;
And me, brought low, He in His mercy saved.
4. Return, my soul, to thy sweet rest again:
Before the Lord, so kindly, safely keeping
From death and falls and tears of bitter weeping,
I now will walk in lands of living men.
5. What shall I render to the Lord today
For all His benefits upon me falling?
Salvation's cup I'll take, and on Him calling,
I, where His people meet, my vows will pay.
6. Yea, I the sacrifice of thanks will bring,
And, in the midst of thee, O Zion holy,
Before assembled saints, wtih spirit lowly,
Will pay my voiws. Praise ye the Lord our King!
Source: The New Christian Hymnal #416