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Hymnal, Number:cien1900

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Frank L. Armstrong

Hymnal Number: 204 Arranger of "[O Columbia, the gem of the ocean]" in Corn In Egypt

John Reynell Wreford

1800 - 1891 Person Name: J. R. Wreford Hymnal Number: 202c Author of "Guard and Guide Us" in Corn In Egypt Wreford, John Reynell, an English Unitarian minister, was born December 12, 1800, at Barnstaple; educated at Manchester College, and in 1826 became pastor of a Church in Birmingham. In 1831, on account of the failure of his voice, he withdrew from the active work of the ministry and, in conjunction with Rev. Hugh Hutton, established a school at Edgbaston. He wrote a History of Presbyterian Nonconformity in Birmingham, 1832, and Lays of Loyalty, 1837. He contributed fifty-five hymns to Rev. J. R. Beard's Collection, 1837. His most popular and valuable hymn is the one given in this book. The last years of his life were spent in retirement at Bristol, where he died in 1891. —Hymn Writers of the Church by Charles Nutter ================= Wreford, John Keynell, D.D., born Dec. 12, 1800, educated at Manchester College, York, and in 1826 succeeded the Rev. James Yates as co-pastor to the Rev. John Kentish at the New Meeting, Birmingham. In 1830 he published a translation of Cellerier's Discourse on the Authenticity and Divine Origin of the Old Testament. In the following year, in consequence of failure of voice, he withdrew from the Ministry, and in conjunction with the Rev. Hugh Hutton, Minister of the Old Meeting, opened a school at Edgbaston. In 1832 he published a Sketch of the History of Presbyterian Nonconformity in Birmingham; and in 1837, Lays of Loyalty, in celebration of the Queen's accession. He also contributed, in 1837, to the Rev. J. R. Beard's Collection of Hymns for Public and Private Worship 55 hymns, of which the following are still in common use:— 1. God of the ocean, earth, and sky. God seen in His Works. In various collections, including those by Page Hopps, G. Dawson, and others. 2. Lord, I believe; Thy power I own. For increase of Faith. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1840. 3. Lord, while for all mankind we pray. National Hymn. This is in a large number of collections of various denominations, and is by far the most popular of his hymns. Sometimes it begins with stanza iii., "O! guard our shores from every foe." 4. When my love to Christ[God]grows weak. Passiontide. In Longfellow and Johnson's Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, U. S. A., 1864, "When my love to God grows weak." This is repeated in Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873. Dr. Wreford was also the author of several volumes of verse, chiefly devotional. The latter years of his life he spent in retirement at Bristol, and died there in 1881. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

W. E. Penn

1832 - 1895 Hymnal Number: 35 Author of "The Sheltering Rock" in Corn In Egypt Penn, William Evander. (Near village of Old Jefferson, Rutherford County, Tennessee, August 11, 1832--April 29, 1895, Eureka Springs, Arkansas). Southern Baptist. Evangelist in Texas and other states, 1875-1895. Compiled three hymnals titled Harvest Bells (1881, 1884, 1887) for use in his meetings. His hymns were primarily revivalistic in emphasis. His finest hymn, "There is a rock in a weary land, Its shadow falls on the burning sand" was paid the compliment of being reworked and issued under the name of Edward Husband in D.B. Towner's Revival Hymns (Chicago, 1905). He and his wife Corilla Frances Sayle adopted three children. Ordained December 4, 1880. --David W. Music, and additional information from the DNAH Archives See: Linder, Michael. (1985). William Evander Penn : his contribution to church music (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. The Life and Labors of Major W. E. Penn. (1896). St. Louis: C. B. Woodward Printing).

William Edie Marks

1872 - 1954 Person Name: W. E. M. Hymnal Number: 85 Author of "Jesus Took the Burden Off" in Corn In Egypt Born: July 1872, Delaware (probably Wilmington) Died: November 20, 1954, Wilmington, Delaware. Buried: Lombardy Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware. Marks was ap­par­ent­ly liv­ing in Wilm­ing­ton, Del­a­ware, in 1913. His works in­clude: Cream of Song, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & O. B. Cul­pep­per & (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pick­ett Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1906) Tears and Tri­umphs No. 4, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & Ben­ja­min Butts (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pen­te­cost­al Pub­lish­ing Company, 1910) Noted Hymns, 1927 (ed­it­or) Lyrics-- Christmas Joy Tasting the Joys Trying to Be More like Je­sus We Shall Hear Him Say, "Well Done" Music-- Best Thing I Ev­er Did, The End Is Not Yet, The I Am Go­ing to Con­tin­ue In the Morn­ing We Shall See It Is Mine Jesus Sa­tis­fies Jesus Took the Bur­den Off Keep Tell­ing It Last Mile of the Way, The Let Je­sus Re­move It To­day Lift Thy Face to the Light! Rapture In­deed! Tell It Wher­ev­er You Go When We Use Our Tal­ents You Ought to Know Him

J. H. Rosecrans

1845 - 1926 Hymnal Number: 25 Composer of "[Sin has thrown its arrows around me]" in Corn In Egypt James Holmes Rosecrans stu­died at the Baxter Un­i­ver­si­ty of Mu­sic in Friend­ship, New York. Af­ter teaching for two years, he joined the Fill­more Bro­thers Mu­sic House in Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio. As of 1880, he was teach­ing mu­sic in Doug­las Coun­ty, Col­o­ra­do. In 1884, was an evan­gel­ist in California, and later was as­so­ci­ated with evan­gel­is­tic efforts in Tex­as, and taught mu­sic and Bi­ble at Carl­ton College in Bon­ham, Tex­as. He pub­lished over 20 music col­lect­ions in his life­time. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

Robert Morris

1818 - 1888 Person Name: Robert Morris, LL.D. Hymnal Number: 150 Author of "Galilee" in Corn In Egypt Morris, Robert, LL.D., born Aug. 31, 1818, is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and an extensive writer on Freemasonry. In 1868 he visited the Holy Land on behalf of the Freemasons of America, the outcome of which was his work, Freemasonry in the Holy Land. He is the author of some 300 poetical pieces. One of these, "Each gentle dove and sighing bough" (Evening), is in H. R. Palmer's Songs of Love for the Bible School, 1874, Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, 1881, &c.. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

A. A. DuBois

Hymnal Number: 202a Composer of "[My country, 'tis of thee]" in Corn In Egypt 20th Century

A. F. Myers

Person Name: A. F. M. Hymnal Number: 163 Author of "Saved through the blood" in Corn In Egypt Augustus (Gus) Franklin Myers USA 1850-1902. Born at Ashland, OH, he was a music composer and publisher. He may have taught music, as his title of ‘Professor’, is noted by one source. His song books include: “The life line”, “The search light” (1894), “The seed sower” (1897). He wrote many lyrics and tunes. He died at Toledo, OH. John Perry

Alice Jean Cleator

1871 - 1926 Hymnal Number: 50 Author of "Golden Morning" in Corn In Egypt Alice Jean Cleator, 1871-1926 Born: Cir­ca 1871, An­dre­as, Isle of Man, Eng­land. Died: Cir­ca April 27, 1926, Cleve­land, Ohio. Cleator’s family ev­i­dent­ly em­igrat­ed to Amer­i­ca in the 1870’s. She was liv­ing in Clar­idon, Ohio, in 1880, & Geau­ga Coun­ty, Ohio, in 1900, 1910, & 1920. She taught school in New York Ci­ty, re­tir­ing some time be­fore 1915.

John Lane

1853 - 1945 Person Name: J. L. Hymnal Number: 98 Author of "Keep Close to Jesus" in Corn In Egypt Lane, Rev. John. (New York City, 1853--1945, Nashville, Tennessee). Singing evangelist and hymn-writer. Son of Patrick and Alice O'Connor Lane (formerly "Lean"), Irish immigrants. He was an advertising solicitor for New York newspapers, when he was converted to Christianity and under the tutelage of Dr. T. De Witt Talmadge, he became a mission worker, and later conducted revival meetings in the East before going West in 1893 to Kansas City, Missouri. --Information from multiple letters from Laura B. Lane, daughter, to Leonard Ellinwood, DNAH Archives. A photo of John Lane is also in the DNAH Archives. =================================== Lane’s works include: Salvation Melodies (Kansas City, Missouri: John Lane, 1897) Lyrics-- As I Go Along My Pilgrim Way As You Travel Life’s Rough Pathway Christians, Rise and Join the Army How Happy the Home, with a Baby About I Am Going to Heaven with My Savior I Came to Jesus Weary Worn I Love My Savior, He’s Good to Me If You Have Lost in the Battle In the Home Where Jesus Is an Honored Guest In the Storms of Life Jesus Loves Little Children Jesus, We Look to Thee Keep Close to Jesus My Sins Are All Forgiven Out in the World I Wandered Remember Your Mother There Is Great Joy in Heaven There Is Hope for All There’s a Story Ever New ’Tis a Pleasure Sweet We Are Happy Children When a Brother Goes Wrong When from Friends on Earth We’re Parted


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