William Edie Marks

William Edie Marks
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Short Name: William Edie Marks
Full Name: Marks, William Edie, 1872-1954
Birth Year: 1872
Death Year: 1954

Born: July 1872, Delaware (probably Wilmington)
Died: November 20, 1954, Wilmington, Delaware.
Buried: Lombardy Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware.

Marks was ap­par­ent­ly liv­ing in Wilm­ing­ton, Del­a­ware, in 1913. His works in­clude:
Cream of Song, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & O. B. Cul­pep­per & (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pick­ett Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1906)
Tears and Tri­umphs No. 4, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & Ben­ja­min Butts (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pen­te­cost­al Pub­lish­ing Company, 1910)
Noted Hymns, 1927 (ed­it­or)

Christmas Joy
Tasting the Joys
Trying to Be More like Je­sus
We Shall Hear Him Say, "Well Done"

Best Thing I Ev­er Did, The
End Is Not Yet, The
I Am Go­ing to Con­tin­ue
In the Morn­ing We Shall See
It Is Mine
Jesus Sa­tis­fies
Jesus Took the Bur­den Off
Keep Tell­ing It
Last Mile of the Way, The
Let Je­sus Re­move It To­day
Lift Thy Face to the Light!
Rapture In­deed!
Tell It Wher­ev­er You Go
When We Use Our Tal­ents
You Ought to Know Him


Texts by William Edie Marks (180)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
The Saviour is tenderly calling, Believe and He'll save you todayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
A movement new is sweepingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)4
A very kind Shepherd I have I knowWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
A voice sweet and tender is pleadingWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
Against the dreadful rumWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
أنا لست أشبع من حبيبيWilliam E. Marks (Author)Arabic1
Are you greatly tempted to turn from the wayWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
Are you sorely troubled with sin on our soulW. E. M. (Author)English4
Arise and stand for native landWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
As moments fly, as they go byW. E. M. (Author)English2
Be thou faithful unto JesusW. E. M. (Author)English4
Before I knew Jesus my Lord, No joy could the world me affordW. E. M. (Author)English7
Believe as you prayWm. Edie Marks (Author)1
Bring hither the thanksWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Christ is born, hark the angel tells the storyWm. Edie Marks (Author)1
Christmas bells are ringing over land and seaWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
Come and dwell in the vale called beautifulW. E. M. (Author)English2
Come and follow the LordW. E. M. (Author)English2
Come every one that thirsts, todayW. E. M. (Author)English2
Come, O come and bathe todayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Come, tune the heartWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Come, whosoever will, our Lord once said in GalileeWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English8
Count it all joy to bear the cross of JesusW. E. M. (Author)English11
Dear Jesus dwell withinWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Do you know the gospel story?William Edie Marks (Author)English2
எண்ணிப்பாராய் நீ கிறிஸ்துவின் சிலுவை (Eṇṇippārāy nī kiṟistuviṉ ciluvai)William Edie Marks (Author)Tamil2
Ever onward runningW. E. M. (Author)English2
Ever since my Savior washed my sins awayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Ever since that blessed dayW. E. M. (Author)English2
Father, throw the door wide openWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Firmly stand ye everWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
From run's destructive snareWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Give out the happy that your heart containsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Glad hearts are singingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)4
God giveth his people full measureWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
God loves you still, O do not doubt HimW. E. M. (Author)English6
Hark, ye people, from the steeple music swellsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Have your sins been washed awayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Holding on high the banner of the King are weW. E. M. (Author)English2
Holy do you yearn to beWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
I am drawing nighWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
I am on my pilgrim wayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
I am resting on the Rock that the storms can never moveE. Dee. (Author)2
I am trying the best I canW. E. M. (Author)English3
I can sing, rejoice with a cheerful voiceW. E. M. (Author)English2
I follow where the Shepherd leadsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English3
I have followed Jesus closely in the way that He has ledW. E. M. (Author)English4
I have found a help unfailing in my time of greatest needW. E. M. (Author)English2
I have found what I wanted, what I sought for so longWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English8
I love of my Savior to tellWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
I love to think of heaven (Marks)William Edie Marks (Author)2
I rejoice to serve the LordWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
I sought the quietness within that only Christ can giveW. E. M. (Author)English2
I took a trip into the camp of whiskeyWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
I was heavy laden once with guilty sinWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
I was troubled once with sinWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
I would labor soWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Ich genieße was ich wünschte, was ich suchte mit SchmerzWm. Edie Marks (Author)German1
If along the way of life, as day by day you pressWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English4
If there is abundance of joy in your heartWilliam E. Marks (Author)English3
If you have the grace of God withinWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
I'm tranquilly resting, no storms are oppressingW. E. M. (Author)English3
Immer vorwärts gehenWilliam Edie Marks (Author)German1
In my heart there is a beautiful light todayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Jesus calls for willing helpers, for there is a work to doW. E. M. (Author)English2
Jesus had his victory wonWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Jesus has cleansed my heartWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Jesus has stopped my feetWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Jesus hilft in Freud und LeidWm. Edie Marks (Author)German1
Jesus is my strength, my stayW. E. M. (Author)English4
Jesus is the one to help us on the wayW. E. M. (Author)English2
Jesus satisfies, Jesus satisfies, All things now in Him I obtainW. E. M. (Author)English4
Jesus shed His precious blood that He might all the sinners saveW. E. M. (Author)English3
Jesus stands and knocks, is knocking at the doorWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
Jesus sweetly calls to youWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Jesus wants the braveWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Joyful songs I now will raiseWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Just one look at my loving SaviorWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
Just to be a careful, patient sowerWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Let me lean on theeWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Listen to the merry chiming bellsW. E. M. (Author)English2
Little ones happy onesWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English3
Long ago many left us for that land of gloryW. E. M. (Author)English4
Lord, this very hour, Send Thy mighty powerW. E. M. (Author)English2
Marching on to set sin's captive freeWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Marching on with singing, Gospel music's ringingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Men are hungry for the WordWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Mother's voice has been hushed which I heard long agoW. E. M. (Author)English2
My Savior heard my plaintive prayerW. E. M. (Author)English2
No license is the thing we needWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Noch ist Raum für Kämpfer in dem Dienste unsres HerrnWilliam Edie Marks (Author)German1
Not almost but altogetherWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
Now from sin I am set freeW. E. M. (Author)English2
O do not ask me back, vain world with thee todayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
O let us work with unbating zeal for JesusWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English3
O my comrades how cheeringWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
O the joy that service bringsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
O we intend this woe to endWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
O, what has Jesus done for me? He has taken all my sins awayW. E. M. (Author)English2
O wie manche LiebestatWilliam Edie Marks (Author)German1
On, on with purpose firm, ye soldiers of the LordWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
One day I heard the Savior sayW. E. M. (Author)English2
Onward, Christian army, 'tis the Lord's commandWm. Edie Marks (Author)English2
Open your heart, let the gospel light inWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Our banner glorious is floating o'er usWilliam Edie Marks (Author)4
Our cause is daily gainingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Overburdened with a weight of woeW. E. M. (Author)English5
Peacefully, gently toward heaven I sailWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Proclaim to each nationWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Radiant with joy the gospelWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Reaper, the call ringsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Receive the salvation Christ offers todayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Rest not on your laurels, there is more to doW. E. M. (Author)English2
Right and wrong are fightingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Rouse ye Christian freemenWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Says some anxious soul, "What is the time?"W. E. M. (Author)English2
Seit der hochbeglückten ZeitWilliam Edie Marks (Author)German1
Send the happy tidingsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Send thy Spirit, LordWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Sin enslaved meWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Some starsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Something do to make the world a better one todayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English3
Sowing, sowing seedsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Starving and thirsting I came to the SaviorW. E. M. (Author)English2
Sündenlasten trug mein HerzWilliam Edie Marks (Author)German1
Sweet gospel bells are ringingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
That old garment you have long been wearingW. E. M. (Author)English2
The battle is on, The fight must be wonWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
The grace I need is guaranteedWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
The time is nearing, for our appearingW. E. M. (Author)English2
There are hearts to cherish, there are souls that perishWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
There is much that we can doWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
There is need of soldiers in the army of the KingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English3
There is so much we can beWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
There's a battle great now raging, and King Alcohol must goWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English7
There's a home beyond all toil and careWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
There's a numberless throngWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
There's a safe abiding placeWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
There's a stream from the mount of Calvary flowingW. E. M. (Author)English2
There's no better place to beWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
This my song shall be Through eternityWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Though the stain of sin defiled MeW. E. M. (Author)English2
Though I had wandered afar from the rightWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
Though I once was sadWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Though I only may a standardWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Through all the struggles that come to me hereWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English3
'Tis a joy unspeakable and a comfort sweet as wellWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
To my Lord I will be trueW. E. M. (Author)English2
To the sad at heart I will joy impartWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
To those you meet along the wayWilliam Edie Marks (Author)3
Trusting in my Savior every dayWm. Edie Marks (Author)English2
Unto Thee I look, O SaviorWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Up, up, up, the prettyWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Upon the altar now I layWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English3
Voice upraising, Jesus praisingWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Wake and sing Jesus from the grave has risenWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English4
Wand're gläubig himmelwärtsWilliam Edie Marks (Author)German1
We are living under God's protecting careW. E. M. (Author)English2
We are standard bearersWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
We are walking in the bright and shining wayW. E. M. (Author)English2
We join the song of gladnessWm. Edie Marks (Author)English1
We shall greet one another with "Good Morning"W. E. M. (Author)English2
We will not look through a darkened glass foreverWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English4
We will reach that blessed haven in the skyWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
Welcome, welcome happyWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
We'll do our best and ever fightWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Wenn nach langer Nacht uns der Morgen lachtWilliam Edie Marks (Author)German1
We're a mighty valiant bandW. E. M. (Author)English2
What matchless love beyond compareWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
When I gave my heart to Jesus and His precious name did ownWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English4
When in the midst of life'sWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
When life with its pleasure is overW. E. M. (Author)English3
When the battle hereWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
When the faithful have gathered up in heaven at lastWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
When the foe is pressing nearW. E. M. (Author)English3
When the trump awakes, when the dawn first breaksWilliam Edie Marks (Author)English2
When to Jesus we have all surrenderedW. E. M. (Author)English2
Why do you wonderWilliam Edie Marks (Author)2
Willing am I, and ready alwayE. D. E. (Author)English3
You ask me why I serve the LordW. E. M. (Author)English2
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