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Scripture:Psalm 31:9-16

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In dich hab ich gehoffet, herr

Author: Adam Reißner Appears in 53 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Lyrics: 1 In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr; hilf, daß ich nicht zuschanden werd noch ewiglich zu Spotte;. Das bitt ich dich: erhalte mich in deiner Treu, mein Gotte. 2 Dein gnädig Ohr neig her zu mir, erhör mein Bitt, tu dich herfür, eil, bald mich zu erretten. in Angst und Weh ich lieg und steh; hilf mir in meinen Nöten. 3 Mein Gott und Schirmer steh mir bei; sei mir ein Burg, darin ich frei und ritterlich mög streiten, ob mich gar sehr der Feinde Heer anficht auf beiden Seiten. 4 Du bist mein Stärk, mein Fels, mein Hort, mein Schild, mein Kraft - sagt mir dein Wort-, mein Hilf, mein Heil, mein Leben, mein starker Gott in aller Noh; wer mag dir widerstreben? 5 Mir hat die Welt trüglich gericht' mit Lügen und falschem Gedicht viel Netz und heimlich Stricke; Herr, nimm mein wahr in dieser G'fahr, b'hüt mich vor falscher Tücke. 6 Herr, meinen Geist befehl ich dir; mein Gott, mein Gott, weich nicht von mir, nimm mich in deine Hände, O wahrer Gott, aus aller Not hilf mir am letzten Ende. 7 Preis, Ehre, Ruhm und Herrlichkeit sei Vater, Sohn und Geist bereit', Lob seinem heilgen Namen. Die göttlich Kraft mach uns sieghaft durch Jesum Christus. Amen. Topics: Biblische Gesänge Psalmen und Lobgesänge Used With Tune: [In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr]

O Lord, Hear My Prayer

Author: Taizé Community Meter: 5.5.6 D Appears in 46 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:12 Topics: Children's Songs Used With Tune: HEAR MY PRAYER

Psalm XXXI

Appears in 45 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 First Line: Lord, in thy great, thy glorious name Lyrics: I. Lord, in thy great, thy glorious name, I place my hope, my only trust; Save me from sorrow, guilt and shame, Thou ever-gracious, ever-just. II. Attentive bow thy pitying ear, Let mercy fly to my relief, Be thou my refuge, ever near, A sure defence from all my grief. III. Thou art my rock, thy name alone The fortress where my hopes retreat; O make thy pow'r and mercy known, To safety guide my trembling feet. IV. Preserve me from the fatal snare Of secret foes, who plot my fall; And make my life thy tender care, My God, my strength, my hope, my all. V. To thy kind hand, O gracious Lord, My soul I chearfully resign; My Saviour God, I trust thy word, For truth, immortal truth is thine. VI. I hate their works, I hate their ways, Who follow vanity and lies; But to the Lord my hopes I raise, And trust his pow'r who built the skies. VII. In thee, my God, I will rejoice, While mercy makes my soul her care; For thou hast heard my mournful voice, In all my sorrows God was near. VIII. Thou hast not left my life to groan, Where chains and tyrant foes oppress; Enlarg'd by thee, my feet have known The sweets of liberty and peace. XI. Thy wonted mercy, Lord, renew, See how my inward troubles rise; My melting soul with pity view, And these dejected weeping eyes. X. My life is spent in grief and tears, In sighs my hours roll slow away, My strength decays, while sins and fears Sink all my frame in deep decay. XI. While black reproaches blot my fame, And neighbors join with cruel foes, My friends who now forget the name, With horror fly, and shun my woes: XII. 'Till from their memory I slide, And sink in dark oblivion's shade, A broken vessel thrown aside, And mix unheeded with the dead. XIII. I heard the cruel slander rise, While foes and fears beset me round; I heard the murd'rous bands devise To crush me helpless to the ground. XIV. But I have trusted in thy name, O Lord, my hope, my fix'd abode; And still avow'd my humble claim, (O sweet support!) thou art my God. XV. My life, my all, is in thy hand; Let thy almighty pow'r controul The rage of this remorseless band, And save my persecuted soul. XVI. O let thy favour, bliss divine! Thy smile with heav'nly radiance break, And round thy fainting servant shine; O save me for thy mercy's sake. XVII. Leave not my hope to sink in shame, God of my pray'r, in whom I trust; Let wicked men, who hate thy name, Lose all their glory in the dust. XVIII. Deep in the grave be lying tongues In everlasting silence laid, Whose proud disdain, and sland'rous wrongs, The injur'd innocent invade. XIX. What endless bliss, o bounteous Lord, (Immensely great, divinely free!) Hast thou reserv'd for their reward, Who fear thy name, and trust in thee? XX. Thy gracious hand shall near thee hide These happy fav'rites of thy care; Safe at thy feet they shall abide, Nor pride, nor slander reach them there. XXI. Blest be the Lord, forever blest, Whose mercy bids my fears remove; The sacred walls which guard my rest, Are his almighty pow'r and love. XXII. I rashly said, I sink, I die, Cut off, abandon'd to despair; Yet thou, my God, hast heard my cry, And gracious answer'd all my pray'r. XXIII. Ye saints, to whom his mercy flows, O love, for ever love the Lord; While on the proud his hand bestows, A dreadful, and a just reward. XXIV. Ye humble souls, who seek his face, Let sacred courage fill your heart; Hope in the Lord, and trust his grace, And he shall heav'nly strength impart.

Lead Me, Guide Me

Author: Doris M. Akers Meter: Irregular Appears in 42 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 First Line: I am weak and I need your strength Topics: Trust and Guidance; Christ--Guidance; God--Guidance; Journey Used With Tune: LEAD ME

Alone Thou Goest Forth, O Lord

Author: Peter Abelard (1079-1142); F. Bland Tucker (1895-1984) Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Topics: Holy Week (Good Friday) Used With Tune: BANGOR
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¡Oh, cuán dulce es fiar en Cristo!

Author: Vicente Mendoza (1875-1955); Louisa M. R. Stead (1871-1917) Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:14 First Line: ¡Oh, cuán dulce es fiar en Cristo Refrain First Line: ¡Cristo!, ¡Cristo!, ¡cuánto te amo! Topics: La Vida Christian Confianza y seguridad; The Christian Life Trust and safety Used With Tune: [Oh, cuán dulce es fiar en Cristo]

Come then, all you nations,sing of your Lord's goodness

Author: Ernest Sands, 1949- Meter: with refrain Appears in 21 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 First Line: Sing of the Lord’s goodness, Father of all wisdom Topics: Commitment; Consummation in Christ; Courage; Courage; Creation; Discipleship; Eternal Life; Evening; Faithfulness of God; Glory of God; Glory of God; Hope; Light; Music; Our Sacrifice; Providence; Response to Word; Worship Earthly and Heavenly; Worship Gathering Used With Tune: THE LORD'S GOODNESS
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Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein reines Herze

Appears in 20 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Lyrics: 1 Schaffe in mir Gott, ein reines Herze, und gieb mir einen neuen gewissen Geist, und gieb mir einen neuen gewissen Geist, verwirf mich nicht, verwirf mich nicht vor Deinem Angesicht, von Deinem Angesicht, und nimm Deinen heiligen Geist nicht von mir. 2 Tröste mich wieder mit Deiner Hülfe, und der freudige Geist enthalte mich, und der freudige Geist enthalte mich. nasche mich wohl, wasche mich wohl, von meiner Missethat, von meiner Missethat, und reinige mich von meiner Sünde. Topics: Gesänge zum heiligen Abendmahl; Songs for the Holy Supper

Greet Now the Swiftly Changing Year

Author: Jaroslav Vajda Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:15 Topics: Trust Used With Tune: CHILDHOOD Text Sources: Slovak hymn, 1636

How Long, O Lord

Author: Barbara Woollett, 1937- Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:16 First Line: How long, O Lord, will you forget Lyrics: 1 How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer? No tokens of your love I see, your face is turned away from me; I wrestle with despair! 2 How long, O Lord, will you forsake and leave me in this way? When will you come to my relief? My heart is overwhelmed with grief, by evil night and day. 3 How long, O Lord--but you forgive, with mercy from above. I find that all your ways are just, I learn to praise you and to trust in your unfailing love. Used With Tune: [How long, O Lord, will you forget]


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