1866 - 1931 Person Name: O. S. D. Author of "Daw pwys gofalon ar ein pen (We bear the strain of earthly care)" in Mawl a chân = praise and song Born: July 30, 1866, Wheelock, Vermont.
Died: March 15, 1931, Chicago, Illinois.
Davis grew up in White River Junction, Vermont, and by age 15 was an expert telegraph operator. He attended St. Johnsbury Academy and graduated from Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, in 1889. With the aid of a fellowship from Hartford Theological Seminary, he earned a PhD in Leipzig, Germany. He pastored in Springfield, Vermont; Newtonville, Massachusetts, and New Britain, Connecticut. From 1909-29, he was president of Chicago Theological Seminary. In 1927 he became Moderator of the National Council of Congregational Churches. His works include:
John Robinson–The Pilgrim Pastor, 1903
Elihu Burritt (New Britain: 1907)
The Pilgrim Faith, 1913
Using the Bible in Public Address, 1916
Meeting the Master, 1917
International Aspects of Christianity, 1919
Comrades in the Great Cause
The Gospel in the Light of the Great War, 1919
Evangelistic Preaching, 1921
Preaching and the Social Gospel, 1922
Davis died near Kansas City, Missouri, while traveling with Grace, his wife, from Los Angeles to Chicago.
Ozora Stearns Davis