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Showing 41 - 50 of 16,366Results Per Page: 102050

Look Beyond

Author: Harold B. Adams Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Traveler on the road of sin and sorrow Refrain First Line: Look beyond! the clouds are parting slowly Lyrics: 1 Traveler on the road of sin and sorrow, Baffled by the storms, and in despair, Fear not, for the dawn will come tomorrow, When will flee all trials, toil and care. Refrain: Look beyond! the clouds are parting slowly; Look beyond! to pearly gates so fair; Look beyond! where rest the meek and lowly; Look beyond! the crowns and palms are there. 2 There are trials that we must encounter, Overcome we must our stubborn wills; Fly to Jesus, then, the living water— He can wash and cleanse us from all ills. [Refrain] 3 Look beyond, there’s rest just over yonder; Soon we’ll leave this earthly house of clay; If we’re ready, freely death may sunder. Bright will dawn the light of perfect day. [Refrain] Used With Tune: MOUNT RORAIMA

Shine Through My Life

Author: Jennie Wilson Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Shine Thou thro’ my life, O Savior Refrain First Line: Let Thy glorious light, O Savior Lyrics: 1 Shine Thou thro’ my life, O Savior, With a pure and unfailing light; Let Thy righteousness be reflected, In a radiance clear and bright. Refrain: Let Thy glorious light, O Savior, Thro’ my life in this dark world shine, Leading souls from the ways of evil To the pathways of joy divine. 2 May the words that my lips shall utter Be such words as will honor Thee; With Thy spirit of loving kindness, May they e’er richly laden be. [Refrain] 3 May Thy light thro’ my daily actions Bless some heart by its constant glow; And some soul unto Thee draw closer, All Thy fullness of grace to know. [Refrain] 4 Where the erring in darkness wander, May the rays of Thy saving love Through my life brightly shine to guide them To Thy kingdom of light above. [Refrain] Used With Tune: PALOS VERDES Text Sources: Song-Land Messenger No. 2 by Anthony J. Showalter (Dallas: Showalter-Lincoln Company, 1898)

Numberless as the Sands

Author: Francis A. Blackmer Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: When we gather at last over Jordan Refrain First Line: Numberless as the sands of the seashore! Lyrics: 1. When we gather at last over Jordan, And the ransomed in glory we see, As the numberless sands of the seashore— What a wonderful sight that will be! Refrain Numberless as the sands of the seashore! Numberless as the sands of the shore! Oh, what a sight ’twill be, When the ransomed host we see, As numberless as the sands of the seashore! 2. When we see all the saved of the ages, Who from sorrow and trials are free, Meeting there with a heavenly greeting— What a wonderful sight that will be! [Refrain] 3. When we stand by the beautiful river, ’Neath the shade of the life giving tree, Gazing over the fair land of promise— What a wonderful sight that will be! [Refrain] 4. When at last we behold our Redeemer, And His glory transcendent we see, While as King of all kingdoms He reigneth— What a wonderful sight that will be! [Refrain] Used With Tune: [When we gather at last over Jordan] Text Sources: The Gospel in Song, 1884

Valley Of Rest

Author: Francis Jane (Fanny) Crosby Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Valley of Eden, beyond the sea Refrain First Line: Come, come, come, come Lyrics: 1 Valley of Eden, beyond the sea, Haven of rest, tranquil and blest, Anchored forever we soon shall be, Gathered with Jesus to rest; Songs of the ransomed are floating in air, Wafted to earth from thy region so fair; Angels are tenderly calling us there, Calling the weary to rest. Refrain: Come, come, come, come, Weary and sorrow oppressed; Come, come, come, come, Come to this valley of rest. 2 Valley of Eden, the soul’s dear home, Bright are thy hills, peaceful thy rills; Happy forever we soon shall roam Over thy bright blooming hills; Thine are the beauties that never decay, Thine is a light of a shadowless day; Voices of loved ones are calling away, Home to thy bright blooming hills. [Refrain] 3 Valley of Eden, beyond the sea, Lovely thy bowers, fadeless thy flowers; Valley of Eden, we dream of thee, Dream of thy beautiful bowers. Friends that were parted with rapture shall meet, Casting their crowns at Immanuel’s feet: Still the glad voices of angels repeat, Come to the valley of flowers. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Valley of Eden, beyond the sea] Text Sources: Showers of Blessing by John R. Sweney and William Kirkpatrick (Philadelphia: John J. Hood, 1888)

Nearer To Jesus

Author: Tamra N. Lee Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Nearer, still nearer, close to my Lord Lyrics: 1 Nearer, still nearer, close to my Lord; I will seek Jesus in prayer and the Word. As I draw near to my precious Lord: His Word has promised His Spirit outpoured! His Word has promised His Spirit outpoured! 2 Each day I’ll follow His blest commands, Each day I’ll praise Him and cling to His hand. Walking with Jesus I’ll surely find All my desires in Jesus are mine! All my desires in Jesus are mine! 3 Help of the helpless, my blessèd Lord! Caring for each one, in love watching o’er; Holy compassion guarding our way: Jesus my Shepherd, help me not to stray, Jesus my Shepherd, help me not to stray. 4 Nearer still nearer, to end of time. Speaking His gospel salvation divine. Showing His way and doing His will: Some day in Heaven our joy be fulfilled! Some day in Heaven our joy be fulfilled! Used With Tune: [Nearer, still nearer, close to my Lord]

We Have Heard The Joyful News

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 We have heard the joyful news, Now let others hear it; Bear the tidings to the Jews, To the nations bear it. They who know the joyful sound, Never should conceal it; But to all the world around, Far and wide reveal it. 2 Joyful news the Gospel is, And to thought confounding; Wonder, O ye heav’ns, at this: Sing of grace abounding; Grace like this was never known, God our nature wearing; Making human guilt His own, And our sorrows bearing. 3 Spread abroad the joyful sound, Fly in all directions; Speak to men the world around, Men of all complexions; All are sinners, needing grace, God’s own Word has said it; Go with speed to every place, And unwearied spread it. 4 And may He whose grace it is, Give the Word a blessing; Make the conquered nations His, Every ill redressing. May He take the veil away, All the earth o’erspreading; And His mighty power display, All our hopes exceeding. Used With Tune: ST. KEVIN Text Sources: Hymns Not Before Published (Dublin: Thomas Johnston, 1815)

All Glory to Jesus

Author: James Vaughan Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: All glory to Jesus, my loving king Refrain First Line: Hosanna to Jesus Lyrics: 1. All glory to Jesus, my loving king, He blesses me every day; Sweet Gospel hosannas I gladly sing; And glory now brightens my way. Refrain Hosanna to Jesus His blessings are wondrous and free; I’ll praise Him forever For He is so precious to me. 2. I’m marching to Zion, my home above, The city of God in the sky; Ere long I shall enter that land of love, And sing while the ages roll by. [Refrain] 3. O come and go with me to that bright land, You all of its glories may share; May join the glad song of the angel band, And meet many loved ones up there. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [All glory to Jesus, my loving king] Text Sources: Gospel Hosannas (Lawrenceburg, Tennessee: James D. Vaughan, Music Publisher: 1913)

The King Shall Come when Morning Dawns

Author: Anonymous; John Brownlie Meter: Appears in 99 hymnals Lyrics: 1. The King shall come when morning dawns, And light triumphant breaks; When beauty gilds the eastern hills, And life to joy awakes. 2. Not as of old a little child To bear, and fight, and die, But crowned with glory like the sun That lights the morning sky. 3. O brighter than the rising morn When He, victorious, rose, And left the lonesome place of death, Despite the rage of foes. 4. O brighter than that glorious morn Shall this fair morning be, When Christ, our King, in beauty comes, And we His face shall see. 5. The King shall come when morning dawns, And earth’s dark night is past; O haste the rising of that morn, The day that aye shall last. 6. And let the endless bliss begin, By weary saints foretold, When right shall triumph over wrong, And truth shall be extolled. 7. The King shall come when morning dawns, And light and beauty brings: Hail, Christ the Lord! Thy people pray, Come quickly, King of kings. Used With Tune: ST. STEPHEN Text Sources: Hymns of the Russian Church, 1907

O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Catherine Winkworth Meter: D Appears in 47 hymnals First Line: O Lord, how shall I meet You Lyrics: 1. O Lord, how shall I meet You, how welcome you aright? Your people long to greet You, my hope, my heart’s delight! O kindle, Lord most holy, a lamp within my breast, To do in spirit lowly all that may please You best. 2. Love caused Your incarnation, love brought You down to me; Your thirst for my salvation procured my liberty. O love beyond all telling, that led you to embrace In love all loves excelling our lost and fallen race. 3. A glorious crown You gave me, a treasure safe on high, That will not fail nor leave me as earthly riches fly. My heart shall bloom forever for You with praises new, And from Your name shall never withhold the honor due. Alternate Translation, by A. T. Russell 1851: 1. O how shall I receive Thee, How meet Thee on Thy way; Blest hope of every nation, My soul’s delight and stay? O Jesus, Jesus, give me, By Thine illuming light, To know whate’er is pleasing And welcome in Thy sight. 2. Thy Zion palms is strewing With branches fresh and fair; And every soul awaking, Her anthem shall prepare; Perpetual thanks and praises Forth from our hearts shall spring; And to Thy name the service Of all our powers we bring. 3. O ye who sorrow, sinking Beneath your grief and pain, Rejoice in His appearing, Who shall your souls sustain; He comes, He comes with gladness! How great is His good-will! He comes, all grief and anguish Shall at His Word be still. 4. Ye who with guilty terror Are trembling, fear no more; With love and grace the Savior Shall you to hope restore: He comes, who contrite sinners Will with the children place, The children of His Father, The heirs of life and grace. 5. He comes, the Lord, to judgment; Woe, woe to them who hate! To those who love and seek Him He opes the heavenly gate. Come quickly, gracious Savior, And gather us to Thee, That in the light eternal Our joyous home may be. Alternate Translation 1. O how shall I receive Thee, How greet Thee, Lord, aright? All nations long to see Thee, My hope, my heart’s delight! O kindle, Lord, most holy, Thy lamp within my breast, To do in spirit lowly All that may please Thee best. 2. Thy Zion palms is strewing, And branches fresh and fair; My heart, its powers renewing, An anthem shall prepare. My soul puts off her sadness Thy glories to proclaim; With all her strength and gladness She fain would serve Thy name. 3. I lay in fetters groaning, Thou com’st to set me free; I stood, my shame bemoaning, Thou com’st to honor me. A glory Thou dost give me, A treasure safe on high, That will not fail nor leave me As earthly riches fly. 4. Love caused Thine incarnation Love brought Thee down to me; Thy thirst for my salvation Procured my liberty. O love beyond all telling, That led Thee to embrace, In love all love excelling, Our lost and fallen race! 5. Rejoice, then, ye sad-hearted, Who sit in deepest gloom, Who mourn o’er joys departed, And tremble at your doom: He who alone can cheer you, Is standing at the door; He brings His pity near you, And bids you weep no more. Used With Tune: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN Text Sources: D. M. Luthers und anderer vornehmen geistreichen und gelehrten Männer geistliche Lieder und Psalmen, by Christoph Runge (Berlin: 1653); translation in Chorale Book for Eng­land, 1863, alt.

O Thou Whose Hand Hath Brought Us

Author: Frederick W. Goadby Meter: D Appears in 23 hymnals Lyrics: 1. O Thou whose hand hath brought us Unto this joyful day, Accept our glad thanksgiving, And listen as we pray; And may our preparation For this day’s service be With one accord to offer Ourselves, O Lord, to Thee. 2. For this Thy house we praise Thee, Reared at Thine own command, For every generous spirit, And every willing hand; And now within Thy temple Thy glory let us see, For all its strength and beauty Are nothing without Thee. 3. And oft as here we gather, And hearts in worship blend, May truth reveal its power, And fervent prayers ascend; Here may the busy toiler Rise to the things above; The young, the old, be strengthened, And all men learn Thy love. 4. And as the years roll onward, And strong affections twine, And tender mem’ries gather About this sacred shrine, May this its chief distinction, Its glory, ever be, That multitudes within it Have found their way to Thee. 5. Lord God, our fathers’ helper, Our joy, and hope and stay: Grant now a gracious earnest Of many a coming day. Our yearning hearts Thou knowest; We wait before Thy throne: O come, and by Thy presence Make this new house Thine own. Used With Tune: WEBB Text Sources: Baptist Hymnal, 1879


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