1 Traveler on the road of sin and sorrow,
Baffled by the storms, and in despair,
Fear not, for the dawn will come tomorrow,
When will flee all trials, toil and care.
Look beyond! the clouds are parting slowly;
Look beyond! to pearly gates so fair;
Look beyond! where rest the meek and lowly;
Look beyond! the crowns and palms are there.
2 There are trials that we must encounter,
Overcome we must our stubborn wills;
Fly to Jesus, then, the living water—
He can wash and cleanse us from all ills. [Refrain]
3 Look beyond, there’s rest just over yonder;
Soon we’ll leave this earthly house of clay;
If we’re ready, freely death may sunder.
Bright will dawn the light of perfect day. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7009