Author: Johan Olof Wallin; Ernest Edwin Ryden Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #495 (1926) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 91 Lyrics: 1 O blessed is the man who stays
His trust in God forever;
He dwells within the secret place
Where foes may enter never.
God is my Refuge and my Stay,
My God who e'er directs me.
In dangers, fears, and plagues that slay,
His wings shall still protect me.
I will not fear
When God, my Shield, is ever near.
2 Though thousands at my side may fall,
Ten thousand near me stumble,
On Thee, my Saviour, will I call,
Thou carest for the humble.
I will not fear the arrow's flight,
Nor yet the dark night's terror:
Thy saints are precious in Thy sight,
Thou keepest them from error,
For Thou hast sent
Thine angels bright to guard my tent.
3 "He loveth Me," thus saith the Lord,
"Therefore will I uphold him;
Because he waits upon My Word,
With love will I enfold him.
His enemies shall rage in vain,
No evil shall come near him;
His prayers with Me acceptance gain,
Before he calls, I'll hear him.
His days I'll bless
With joy, and peace, and righteousness."
Amen. Topics: Way of Salvation Sanctification; Faith and Trust Languages: English Tune Title: SÄLL DU, SOM DIG ÅT GUD BETROR
O Blessed Is the Man Who Stays