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Heinrich Held

1620 - 1659 Hymnal Number: 50 Author of "Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Held, Heinrich, was son of Valentin Held of Guhrau, Silesia. He studied at the Universities of Königsberg (c. 1637-40), Frankfurt a. Oder (1643), and Leyden. He was also in residence at Rostock in 1647. He became a licentiate of law, and settled as a lawyer in his native place, where he died about 1659, or at least before Michaelmas, 1661 (Koch, iii. 55-56; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie., xi. 680; Bode, p. 87, &c). One of the best Silesian hymnwriters, he was taught in the school of affliction, having many trials to suffer in those times of war. His only extant poetical work is his Deutscher Gedichte Vortrab, Frankfurt a. Oder, 1643. Only one hymn from that volume came into German use. Much more important are his other hymns, which are known to us through Crüger's Praxis, and other hymnbooks of the period. Mützell, 1858, includes Nos. 254-272 under his name. Two of his hymns have been translated into English:— i. Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt. Advent. Mützell, 1858, No. 263, quotes this in 9 st. of 4 1. from a defective ed. of Crüger's Praxis, c. 1659. In the ed. of 1661 it is No. 85, marked Henr. Helt. Since then it has appeared in almost all German hymnbooks (as in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 132), and takes rank as one of the finest Advent Hymns. Translated as :— 1. All the World exalt the Lord, omitting st. vi. in Select Hymns from German Psalter, Tranquebar, 1754, p. 4, and the Supplement to German Psalter, ed. 1765, p. 1. In 1789, the translations of st. i., ii., iv., vii., ix. (altered) were included as No. 34 in the Moravian Hymn Book In the ed. of 1801 it was altered to "All the world give praises due" (ed. 1886, No. 44), and this text has been repeated in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, and Willing's Book of Common Praise, 1872. 2. Be our God with thanks adored. A translation of st. i.-iv. by A. T. Russell in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 3. Let the earth now praise the Lord. A good translation, omitting st. vii., by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Repeated in full in Schaff's Christ in Song, 1869, and, abridged, in the American Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book, 1868, and Baptist Service of Song, 1871. ii. Komm, o Komm, du Geist des Lebens. Whitsuntide. A fine hymn of Invocation to the Holy Spirit. Mützell, 1858, No. 267, quotes it in 9 st. of 6 1. from a defective edition of Crüger's Praxis published at Stettin c. 1664. In J. Niedling's Geistliche Wasserquelle, Frankfurt a. Oder, 1667, it is at p. 372 marked "H. Held" (not in Niedling's ed. 1663). In Luppius's Andächtig singender Christen Mund, 1692, p. 71, it is entitled "Devout Prayer and Hymn to God the Holy Ghost." Repeated in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and many subsequent hymnbooks, as in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 363. It is sometimes erroneously ascribed to Joachim Neander. The translations in common use are:— 1. Holy Spirit, once again. A full and good translation by Miss Winkworth in the 2nd Ser., 1858, of her Lyra Germanica, p. 53. Included in full in the Cantate Domino, Boston, U.S.A., 1859. In Miss Wink worth's Chorale Book for England, 1863, st. ii., vi., vii. are omitted. This form of the text is repeated in W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873, Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, &c. In the Hymnal for St. John's, Aberdeen, 1865, it begins "Holy Spirit, in us reign." 2. Come, oh come, Thou quickening Spirit, True, &c. A translation of st. i., ii., iv., vii., ix. in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, No. 98, signed E. T. L. 3. Come, 0 come, Thou quickening Spirit, Thou for ever. A good tr., omitting st. iv.-vi. in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, and marked as tr. by "Charles William Schaeffer, 1866." [Lutheran Pastor at Germantown.] 4. Come, 0 come, Thou quickening Spirit, God from all eternity, omitting st. iii., by E. Cronenwett, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is, "Come, Thou Spirit ever living," by R. Massie in the British Herald, Dec, 1865, p. 179. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================= Held, Heinrich , p. 507, ii. The account given in the Fischer-Tumpel Deutsche evangelische Kirchenlied des siebzehnten Jahrhun-derts , vol. i., 1904, p. 360, states that Held was born July 21, 1620, at Guhrau, in Silesia, settled as advocate at Fraustadt in Posen, became in 1657 town clerk at Altdamm, near Stettin, and died Aug. 16, 1659, at Stettin. This, if correct, explains why so many of his hymns are first traceable in Pomeranian books, and explains why his posthumous work on Prosody should have been prepared for publication in 1661 by a Stargard bookseller. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Christian Heinrich Zeller

1779 - 1860 Hymnal Number: 184 Author of "Sieh, ein weites Totenfeld" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Zeller, Christian Heinrich, son of Christian David Zeller, Hofrath at Hohenentringen, near Tubingen, was born at Hohenentringen, March 29, 1779. He matriculated at the University of Tübingen in 1797, as a student of law. After completing his studies he chose, however, the profession of teaching. He became director of the Latin School at Zoffingen, Switzerland, in 1809, and finally removed in April, 1820; to Beuggen on the Rhine (Baden), near Basel, as director of the newly founded Institution there, meant for the education of poor children and for the training of teachers for poor children. He died at Beuggen, May 18, 1860 (Koch, vii. 188, &c). Zeller was best known as an educationist, and in con¬nection with the working of the Institution at Beuggen. His hymns, which are simple, Scriptural and earnest, were written primarily for use at Beuggen, and mostly appeared in the Monatsblatt (begun in 1828), and other publications of the Institution. They came into notice through their reception into Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837. They were collected by Zeller's son, and published in 1871, as Lieder der Armenschullehrer-Anstalt Beuggen, 58 being original. Two of these hymns have passed into English, viz.:— i. Gott bei mir an jedem Orte. Omnipresence. On the joy of God's Presence with us. This appeared in the Monatsblatt in 1828, and was included in the 1871 as above, p. 88. In Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz , 1837, No. 32 (1865, No. 32), in 6 stanzas of 6 lines; in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1554, &c. The translation in common use is:— My God with me in every place. This is a good translation, omitting st. v., by Mrs. Findlater in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1st Ser., 1854, p. 30 (1884, p. 33); repeated, omitting st. iv., in Holy Song, 1869, No. 588. In Miss Warner's Hymns of the Church Militant, 1858, it begins, "My God is with me every place." Another translation is: "God in every place is near me." By R. Massie, in the British Herald, May, 1865, p. 70, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 438. ii. Treuer Heiland, wir sind hier. Public Worship. This is in the 1871 as above, p. 64. Included in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz 1837, No. 857 (1865, No. 1256), in 5 stanzas of 7 lines; and repeated in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 235. For this hymn Conrad Kocher wrote the well-known melody which in Hymns Ancient & Modern is called Dix, and which first appeared, set to Zeller's hymn, in Kocher's Stimmen aus dem Meiche Gottes, Stuttgart, 1838, No. 201. Translates as:— Saviour, here to Thee we come. This is a free translation of stanzas i., ii., v., marked as by "F. C. C.” as No. 155 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Bartholomäus Crasselius

1667 - 1724 Person Name: Bartholomaeus Crasselius Hymnal Number: 388 Author of "Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen!" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Crasselius, Bartholomäus, son of Johannes Crasselt, sheepmaster at Wemsdorf near Glauchau, Saxony; was born at Wernsdorf, Feb. 21, 1667. After studying at Halle, under A. H. Francke, he became, in 1701, pastor at Nidda, in Wetteravia, Hesse. In 1708 he was appointed Lutheran pastor at Düsseldorf, where he died Nov. 30, 1724, after a somewhat troubled pastorate, during which he felt called upon to testify strongly and somewhat bitterly against the shortcomings of the place and of the times (Koch, iv. 418-421; Allg. Deutsche Biographie, iv. 566-67; Bode, p. 55; manuscript from Pastor Baltzer, Wernsdorf; the second dating his call to Dusseldorf 1706). Of the 9 hymns by him which Freylinghausen included in his Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, two have been translated:— i. Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen. Prayer. A hymn of supplication for the spirit of grace rightly to praise and worship God, founded on St. John, xvi. 23-28, the Gospel for Rogation Sunday. First published in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch &., Halle, 1697, p. 587, in 8 stanzas of 6 lines. Repeated as No. 291 in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and since in almost all collections, as in the Berlin Geistliche Liedersegen. ed. 1863, No. 936. The well-known tune (known in England as Winchester New as reduced to L. M. in Hymns Ancient & Modern, No. 50) which appeared with this hymn in Freylinghausen, 1704, is altered from a melody to “Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten," in the Musicalisch Handbuch der Geistlichen Melodien, Hamburg, 1690. See L. Erk's Choralbuch, 1863, No. 63, and p. 247; also No. 261. The common, but erroneous ascription of this tune to Crasselius arose from confusion between the authorship of the tune and the words. There is no evidence that Crasselius wrote any tunes. Translations in common use:— 1. Jehovah, let me now adore Thee, a good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, as No. 117, in her Chorale Buch for England, 1863, set to the 1704 melody. 2. To Thee, 0 Lord, will I sing praises, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, in the Evangelical Review, Gettysburg, July 1861, and as No. 216 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are:— (i) "To Thee, Jehovah, I'll be singing," in the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 41, and in Select Hymns from German Psaltery, Tranquebar, 1754, p. 72. (2) "Draw me, O Father, to the Son," a translation of stanza ii., by P. H. Molther, as No. 185 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the ed. of 1886 it is enlarged to 3 stanzas by the addition of the translation of stanzas i. and viii., and in this form it begins:—“To Thee, Jehovah, will I sing." (3) "To Thee, O Lord, I come with singing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, April, 1866, p. 248, repeated as No. 402 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. ii. Erwach, 0 Mensch, erwache. Lent. Appeared in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 266, in 4 stanzas of 9 lines. Included in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 298, and Allgemeine Gesang-Buch 1846, No. 13. Translated as "Awake, O man, and from thee shake," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 61. The hymn, "Heiligster Jesu, Heiligungsquelle," ascribed to Crasselius, is noted under J. v. Lodenstein. See also "Hallelujah! Lob, Preis und Ehr." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Simon Dach

1605 - 1659 Hymnal Number: 275 Author of "Ich bin bei Gott in Gnaden" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Dach, Simon, son of Simon Dach, interpreter to the Court of Justice at Memel, Prussia, was born at Memel, July 29,1605. He attended the Cathedral school at Königsberg, the Town school at Wittenberg, and the Gymnasium at Magdeburg. In 1626 he returned to Königsberg, where, after studying philosophy and theology at the University, he for some time acted as a private tutor. In 1633 he was appointed assistant in the Cathedral school, and in 1636 Conrector. He then, in 1639, became Professor of Poetry in the University, was five times Dean of the Philosophical Faculty, and in 1656-57 Rector of the University. He died at Königsberg, April 15, 1659 (Koch , iii. 182-191; Allg. Deutsche Biog. , iv. 685-688, &c). Dach was much of an invalid, and nearly broke down under the hard labour and poor pay of his early tutorial work at Königsberg, but found a true friend and generous patron in R. Roberthin (q.v.). In his later years the effects of the Thirty Years' War made themselves visible in Königsberg by depression of trade, famine, &c. In 1648 he lost Roberthin by death, and in 1649 many of his fellow professors fell victims to the pestilence, while during the last year of his life he suffered from a lingering consumption. These facts explain the sombreness of much of his verse. In 1636 he joined in forming the Poetical Union of Konigsberg [see Alberti], and was its poetic soul. He was the most important poet of the Königsberg School, and one of the first lyric poets of his time happy in expression, pure in style, and true hearted. But of the mass of his poems (some 1360 in all, many of which were "occasional" pieces for the Electoral House of Brandenburg, and for private friends) very few retain popularity; the best known being his Aennchen von Tharaw. Dach's hymns, some 165 in all, appeared in broadsheet form, in H. Alberti's Arien, 1638-1650, and in the Königsberg Hymnbooks, 1639-1690. They deservedly place him amongst the best hymn writers of his time, and win him the distinction of being one of the most lovable, most profound and most elegant of the more contemplative hymn writers. Their personal and subjective character, and the fact that so many are hymns of preparation for death, have prevented all but a few from finding a place in modern hymnals. Five of Dach's hymns have passed into English, all of which are included in the complete edition of his Werke by Hermann Oesterley, published at Tübingen, 1876. They are:— i. Ich steh in Angst und Pein. [Second Advent.] The Königsberg University Library possesses a broadsheet, printed at Elbing, 1642, as a Christliches Trauer-Lied to Christoph Behm, on the death, on Nov. 22, 1633, of his son Christoph, a student of theology. It was included in pt. iv., Königsberg, 1641, of H. Alberti's Arien, No. 5, in 10 stanza of 6 1., entitled " Supremi Judicis urnam non metuit fisus sanguine, Christe, tuo." Repeated in Oesterley, p. 91, as No. 1421 in the Leipzig Vorrath, 1673, and, omitting stanza viii., in the Wittenberg G. B., 1742-1866, No. 893. The only translation in C. U. is :— A dread hath come on me, a good translation, omitting stanza viii., as No. 28 in Miss Winkworth's Chorale Book for England, 1863. ii. Kein Christ soil ihm die Rechnung machen. [Cross and Consolation."] 1st published in pt. ii., Königsberg, 1640, of H. Alberti's Arien, No. 1, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Non caret adversis, qui pius esse velit." Included in Oesterley , p. 108, and as No. 631 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. The form translated into English is of stanza ii., iii., vii., beginning, "Wer dort mit Christo hofft zu erben," which is No. 812 in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833. The only translation in common use is:— Wouldst thou inherit life with Christ on high? A good tr. from Bunsen, by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Ger., 1st Ser., 1855, p. 129, and thence unaltered as No. 170 in the New Zealand Hymnal , 1872. In Sacred Lyrics from the German, Philadelphia, 1859, p. 61, it begins "Couldst thou inherit." iii. 0 wie selig seid ihr dooh, ihr Frommen . [Eternal Life.] The original broadsheet, printed at Danzig, 1635, with music by J. Stobaus, as the Musikalisches Ehrengedächtniss of Hiob Lepner, Burgomaster of the Königsberg Altstadt, who died May 9, 1635, is in the Königsberg University Library. Included in B. Derschau's G. B., Königsberg, 1639, p. 73, in 6 stanza of 4 1., repeated in Oesterley, p. 95 ; the Leipzig Vorrath, 1673, No. 1460; in Burg's G. B., Breslau, 1746, No. 1086; and many others. It is a fine hymn, founded on Rev. xiv., 13-14. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 673, relates that J. A. Hochstetter, Prelate of Bebenhausen, near Tubingen (d. 1720), in July, 1719, summoned his household to accompany him in visiting the family burial place in the Church, and there pointed out his resting place, spoke to them of eternal life, and ended by requesting them to ;ing this hymn, and also "Christus der ist meiu Leben" (q.v.). The only tr. in C. U. is :— 0 how blest are ye beyond our telling, a good and full translation, as No. 197 in Miss Winkworth's C. B. for England, 1863. Other translations are, (l) "O, how blest are ye whose toils are ended," by H. W. Longfellow (1846 or earlier). P. Works, Routledge, 1879, p. 648. (2) "Oh! how blessed are ye, saints forgiven," by Miss Borthwick in H. L. L., 1854, p. 32 (1884, p. 35). This is from the double form in the Berlin G. B.t 1711, No. 655, which has six stanzas to be sung alternately with Dach's stanzas by the choir as the answer of the Blessed Ones; with two concluding stanza to be sung by choir and congregation together. These eight additional st. are by Jacob Baumgarten (b. 1668, d. 1722), and begin: "Ja, höchst selig sind wir, lieben Brüder; (3) "O how blessed, faithful souls are ye," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 252; (4) "How bless’d the saints; who, dying here," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 114. It may be noted that the hymn beginning, “O how blest the throng who now adoring," by A. T. Russell, in 4 stanza as No. 266 in his Ps. & Hys., 1851, while not a translation, is yet based on this hymn by Dach. In addition the following hymns by Dach have been translated into English :— iv. Nimm dich, o meine Seel' in Acht [ Treasures in Heaven.'] 1st published as No. 5 in pt. vii. Königsberg, 1648, of H. Alberti's Arien, in 10 stanza of 4 1., entitled, " As the noble Rottger von Tieffenbrock, a native of Livonia, departed this world at Königsberg in Prussia the 3lst May, 1648," with the motto— "Das ewige Gut Macht rechten Muth." Included by Oesterley, p. 208, and as No. 1762 in Knapp's Ev. L. S., 1837 (1865 No. 1668). The translations are, (1) "My soul, let this your thoughts employ," by Miss Cox, 1841, p. 133; (2) " Think, O my soul, that whilst thou art," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843 (1847, p. 62); (3) “Beware, O man, lest endless life," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. v. Schöner Himmelssaal. [Heaven.] A beautiful hymn of homesickness for the heavenly country. Oesterley, p. 222, gives it as "On the death of Ursula Vogt, wife of Pastor Jacob Bollius, Oct. 30, 1655. Its composition was requested on June 3, 1649." The original broadsheet, with music by H. Alberti, as her Christliches Sterbelied, is in the Königsberg University Library. It did not appear in the Königsberg G. B., 1657, but in the ed. of 1675 [Berlin] it is No. 496 (ed. 1690, No. 500), in 9 st. of 6 1. In the Unv. L. S., 1851, No. 637. It is translated as "O ye Halls of Heaven," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 185. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Dach, Simon, p. 277, ii., line 14. Longfellow's translation is in his Poets and Poetry of Europe, 1815, p. 240. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Josua Stegmann

1588 - 1632 Hymnal Number: 11 Author of "Ach bleib' mit deiner Gnade" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Stegmann, Josua, D.D., son of Ambrosius Stegmann, Lutheran pastor at Sülzfeld, near Meiningen, and finally, in 1593, superintendent at Eckartsberga, near Merseburg, was born at Sülzfeld, Sept. 14,1588. He entered the University of Leipzig in 1608, M.A. in 1611, and was for sometime adjunct of the Philosophical Faculty. In 1617 he was appointed Superintendent of the district (Grafschaft) of Schaumburg, and also pastor at Stadthagen, and first professor of the Gymnasium there; and before entering on his duties graduated D.D. at Wittenberg, on Oct. 24, 1617. When the Gymnasium was erected into a university, and transferred (1621) to Rinteln, he became ordinary professor of Theology there. By the outbreak of war he was forced to flee from Rinteln, in 1623. After his return he was appointed, in 1625, Ephorus of the Lutheran clergy of Hesse-Schaumburg. By the Edict of Restitution, promulgated by the emperor on March 6, 1629, he was greatly harassed; for the Benedictine monks, after they had settled in Rinteln, in 1630, claimed to be the rightful professors, and demanded the restoration of the old church lands, and especially the property formerly belonging to the nunnery at Rinteln, but which had been devoted to the payment of the stipends of the Lutheran professors. They sent soldiers into Stegmann's house to demand that he should refund his salary, and on July 13, 1632, compelled him to hold a disputation, at which they annoyed him in every possible way. Soon after he was seized with fever, and died Aug. 3, 1632. (Koch, iii., 128; Wetzel, iii., 251; Einladungsschrift des Gymnasium Bernhardinum, Meiningen, 1888; manuscript from Pastor A. Bicker, Rinteln; Dr. Förstemann, Leipzig), &c. Stegmann was known as a writer of Latin verse while yet a student at Leipzig, and by his contemporaries was reckoned as a hymn writer. It is, however, very difficult to discriminate his productions. The hymns interspersed in his devotional works are given without any indications of authorship, and many of them are certainly by earlier writers, or recasts founded on earlier hymns….Two hymns, which are usually ascribed to Stegmann, and are not found earlier than in his works, have passed into English as follows:— i. Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade. Supplication. In 1630 it is given in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, as a "Closing Hymn," after the "Prayer for the Preservation of the Doctrine, and of the Church of God." It is a simple and beautiful hymn, and is found in most recent German hymnals, e.g. as No. 208 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii., 146, relates various incidents regarding its use (it was, e.g., a favourite hymn of king Friedrich Wilhelm IV. of Prussia), and thus analyses it:— "It has as its keynote the saying of the two disciples at Emmaus, 'Abide with us.' St. i. puts this prayer simply before the Lord Jesus; st. ii.—vi. develop it in detail: Abide with us with Thy Word as our Saviour (ii.); with the illumination of Thy Spirit as our ever-guiding Truth (iii.) ; with Thy blessing as the God rich in power (iv.); with Thy protection as the Conqueror in battle (v.); and with Thy Faithfulness as our Rock in the time of need (vi.). The translations are:— 1. Abide with us, our Saviour. This is a free translation of st. i.-iii., as No. 51, in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848; and repeated in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. 2. 0 Saviour, go beside us. This is a free translation of st. i., iv.,i v., with an original " Shepherd " st., as st. ii., by J. S. Stallybrass, in the Tonic Solfa Reporter, July 1857. 3. Abide among us with Thy grace. This is a good and full translation, in CM., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd ser., 1858, p. 84; and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 14. 4. Abide with us, Lord Jesus! Thy grace. This is a complete translation, as No. 8 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, and marked as a compilation. 5. Come, abide with Thy grace, in our hearts, 0 Lord. By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 197. ii. Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern, Vom Firmament des Himmels fern. Morning. Included in 1630, as above, p. 10, in 8 stanzas of 10 lines, entitled, "Morning Hymn." The translation in common use is — How beautiful the Morning Star shines from the firmament afar. This was contributed by Philip Pusey to A. R. Reinagle's Psalm & Hymn Tunes, Oxford, 1840, p. 130. Other trs. are :—(1) "How fair shines forth the Morning-star." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 24. (2) "How lovely now the morning-star." By Miss Cox, 1864, p. 3. (3) “How beautiful the morning star, Shines in." By R. Massie, in the Day of Rest, 1876, p. 472. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Poliander

1487 - 1541 Person Name: Johann Gramann Hymnal Number: 377 Author of "Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Poliander, Johann was the pen-name of Johann Graumann who was b. July 5, 1487, at Neustadt in the Bavarian Palatinate. He studied at Leipzig (M.A. 1516, B.D. 1520), and was, in 1520, appointed rector of the St. Thomas School at Leipzig. He attended the Disputation in 1519 between Dr. Eck, Luther, and Oarlstadt, as the amanuensis of Eck; with the ultimate result that he espoused the cause of the Reformation and left Leipzig in 1522. In 1523 he became Evangelical preacher at Wurzburg, but left on the outbreak of the Peasants' War in 1525, and went to Nürnberg, where, about Lent, he was appointed preacher to the nunnery of St. Clara. He then, at the recommendation of Luther, received from the Margrave Albrecht of Brandenburg an invitation to assist in furthering the Reformation in Prussia, and began his work as pastor of the Altstadt Church in Königsberg, in Oct., 1525. Here he laboured with much zeal and success, interesting himself specially in organising the evangelical schools of the province, and in combating the errors of the Anabaptists and the followers of Schwenckfeldt. He died at Königsberg, April 29, 1541 (Koch, i. 355-59 : ii. 475; Bode, p. 78, &c). The only hymn of importance by him which has kept its place in Germany is :— Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren. Ps. ciii. Appeared as a broadsheet at Nürnberg, c. 1540, and in J. Kugelmann's News Gesang, Augsburg, 1540. Both of these are given by Wackernagel, iii. pp. 821-23, in 4 stanzas of 12 lines. This fine rendering has been repeated in most subsequent hymn-books, and is No. 238 in the Unverfälscher Liedersegen, 1851. A 5th stanza, "Sey Lob und Preis mit Ehren," appeared in a broadsheet reprint at Nürnberg, c. 1555, and is in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, and other books, added to the original stanzas. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 316-320, quotes Martin Chemnitz, 15V5, as stating that it was written in 1525 at the request of the Margrave Albrecht, as a version of his favourite Psalm, and as saying that himself (i.e. Chemnitz) heard the Margrave joyfully ringing it on his death-bed. Lauxmann adds that it was used by Gustavus Adolphus on April 24, 1632, at the first restored Protestant service at Augsburg. It was also sung by the inhabitants of Osnabruck, in Westphalia, as a thanksgiving at the close of the Thirty Years' War on Oct. 25, 1648, &c. It is translated as:— My soul, now praise thy Maker! A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, as No. 7 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Other trs. are:—(1) "My soul! exalt the Lord thy God," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 86 (1732, p. 145). Included in the Moravian Hymn Book of 1754 (Nos. 127 and 315) and 1789. (2) “Now to the Lord sing praises," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 192). -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Johann Peter Lange

1802 - 1884 Hymnal Number: 204 Author of "Herr! weihe diese Schule hier" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Lange, Johann Peter, D.D., son of Peter Lang or Lange, farmer and carrier on the estate of Bies, near Sonnborn, Elberfeld, was born at the Bies, April 10, 1802. In 1822 he entered the University of Bonn as a student of theology; and in the beginning of 1826 he became assistant to Pastor Emil Krummacher of Langenberg. In June 1826 he was appointed second pastor at Wald near Solingen; in 1828 second pastor of the Reformed church at Langenberg, and in 1832 second pastor at Duisburg. He was then appointed professor of Church History and Dogmatics at Zurich, as successor to D. F. Strauss, and entered on his duties at Easter, 1841; receiving shortly thereafter D.D. from Bonn. After Easter, 1854, he was professor of Systematic Theology at Bonn (also Consistorialrath after 1860), and continued to lecture up to five days before his death. He died at Bonn, July 8, 1884 (Koch, vii. 361; 0. Kraus, 1879, p. 324, &c). Lange is best known as a theologian, and by such works as his Life of Christ, 1844; his Bibel-Werk, 1857, ff., a commentary on the whole Bible which he edited in conjunction with various German scholars (English edition by Dr. P. Schaff and others), &c. During his tenure of office at Zurich, he began the fashion of giving University lectures on hymnology (1842), and published a large hymn-book (Deutsches Kirchenliederbuch, Zürich, 1843) with an elaborate introduction and a considerable body of notes. He is the most important modern hymn-writer of the German Reformed Church. He was, however, a thinker rather than a poet. His productions are primarily thoughtful, picturesque, imaginative, and deeply spiritual poems for private reading; and have little of the popular tone and style fitted for use in the services of the church. They appeared mostly in his (1) Biblische Dichtungen, vol. i., Elberfeld, 1832; vol. ii. Elberfeld, 1834; (2) Gedichte, Essen, 1843; (3) Vom Oelberge, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1852; 2nd edition 1858. Comparatively few of Lange's hymns are in German common use. Those which have passed into English are:— i. Hymns in English common use:-- i. Der Herr ist auferstanden. Easter. In his Biblische Dichtungen, vol. i., 1832, p. 155, in 17 stanzas of 7 lines. In his Vom Oelberge, 1852, p. 28, only st. i., vii., xiv.-xvii., were retained, and this form is No. 517 in Dr. Schaff’s Deutsches Gesang-Buch 1874. Translated as:— The Lord of Life is risen. A good translation of the 1852 text, by Dr. H. Harbaugh, in the German Reformed Guardian, April 1860, p. 106, repeated in Hymns for the [German] Reformed Church in the United States, Philad., 1874; also in Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1869 and 1870. ii. Unsre Lieben sind geschieden. For Mourners. In his Biblische Dichtungen, vol. ii., 1834, p. 172, in 10 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled ,”The Home Going." In F. Seinecke's Evang. Liedersegen, 1862, No. 412. Translated as:— Our beloved have departed. By Mrs. Findlater, omitting stanzas v., vii., ix., in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd Ser., 1855, p. 28 (1884, p. 93). Repeated, in full, in Holy Song, 1869. The translations of stanzas i., ii., viii., x., altered, and beginning, "Do we mourn for friends departed," are in J. A. Johnston's English Hymnal, 1856; and the same cento, varied, and beginning, "Weep we sore for friends departed," is in Kennedy, 1863. iii. Was kein Auge hat gesehen. Eternal Life. A fine hymn, founded on 1 Cor. ii. 9. In his Biblische Dichtunge, vol. ii., 1834, p. 92, in 13 stanzas of 6 lines. A form, in 7 stanzas, is included in Dr. Schaff’s Deutsches Gesang-Buch, 1874. Translated as:— What no human eye hath seen. A good translation, by Miss Borthwick, omitting stanzas ii., viii., xi., xiii., in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd Ser., 1855, p. 73 (1884, p. 130). Repeated, in full, in Holy Song, 1869, and Kennedy, 1863; and abridged in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book, 1863, and Flett's Collection, Paisley, 1871. ii. Hymns not in English common use:-- iv. Auf den dunklen Bergen. Passiontide. 1832, p. 145, in 12 stanzas. Translated as: "Upon the mountain dark and drear," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 68. v. Es ist noch nichts verbrochen. Encouragement, 1834, p. 103, in 8 stanzas. Translated as: “Sure the Lord thy God hath spoken," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 121. vi. Gott mit uns! mit uns auf Erden, Christmas. A fine hymn, written in 1830 on "Immanuel—God with us." 1832, p. 71, in 6 stanzas. Translated as: "God with us! In flesh combining," by C. T. Astley, 1860, p. 27. vii. Hier und dort im wilden Meere. Christ at Bethany. 1832, p. 138, in 9 stanzas. Translated as: "Mid the ocean deep and wide," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 52. viii. Ich weiss ein stilles, liebes Land. The Churchyard. 1834, p. 167, in 12 stanzas. Translated as: I know a sweet and silent spot," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1858, p. 54 (1884, p. 174). ix. Lass mich diese Welt verstehen. Cross and Consolation. Gedichte, 1843, p. 61, in 5 stanzas. Translated as: "In the light, Lord, of Thy cross," by J. Kelly, 1885. x. Mein Vater ist der grosse Herr der Welt. Privileges of Christians. Founded on 1 Cor. iii. 21. 1834, p. 106, in 8 stanzas. Translated as:—"My Father is the mighty Lord, Whose arm," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther. 1854, p. 54(1884, p. 55). xi. Schöne Sonne, kommst du endlich wieder. Trust in God, 1834, p. 90, in 10 st. Translation as: "Sun of comfort, art thou fled forever," by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1855, p. 10 (1884, p. 77). xii. Sey du mein Freund, und schau in meine Brust. Supplication. Suggested by 1 John ii. I. 1834, p. 88, in 7 stanzas. Translated as: “Be Thou my Friend, and look upon my heart," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1858, p. 41. xiii. So gross ist Gottes Welt. Wonders of Day and Night. Vom Oelberge, 1852, p. 121, in 9 stanzas entitled "Two Worlds." Translated as: "So wide, so richly stored," by Miss Borthwick, in the Family Treasury, 1867. xiv. Wo Lämmer schlafen, wacht die Hirtentreue. Christmas. 1834, p. 23, in 2 stanzas of 4 lines, and 2 of 3 lines. Translated as: "Where the lambs sleep, there shepherds watch around," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1862, p. 17. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Frederic Adolphus Krummacher

1767 - 1845 Person Name: Friedrich Adolph Krummacher Hymnal Number: 66 Author of "Empor zu Gott, mein Lobgesang!" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Krummacher, Friedrich Adolf, was a native of Tecklenburg, Westphalia, where his father, Friedrich Jacob Krummacher was Burgomaster and Hoffiscal. He was baptized there, July 22, 1767, and apparently born July 13, 1767. In 1786 he entered the University of Lingen (since 1819 ranked as a Gymnasium), and in 1787 that of Halle. After concluding his theological studies in 1789, he was for some time tutor in the family of Senator Meyer in Bremen; was then appointed, in 1790, Conrector of the Gymnasium at Hamm, and in 1793 Rector of the Gymnasium at Mors (Meurs), near Düsseldorf. In the end of 1800 he became Professor of Theology and Eloquence at the Reformed University of Duisburg. When, after the battle of Jena (Oct. 14, 1806), Duisburg was taken from Prussia, the salaries of the professors ceased, but Krummacher lectured on till his audience consisted of one student. He was then, in the autumn of 1807, appointed pastor of Kettwig, on the Ruhr; in 1812 Chief Court Preacher and General Superintendent at Bernburg; and finally, in 1824, he became chief pastor of the St. Ansgarius Church at Bremen. By reason of growing infirmities he resigned his charge in June, 1843, and died at Bremen, April 4, 1845 (0. Kraus, 1879, p. 310; Blätter für Hymnologie, 1886, p. 80, &c). Krummacher is best known as a preacher; and as the author of the well-known Parabeln, first published in 1805, which passed through many editions, and ranks as the standard German work of its class. His hymns are little suited for church use, being often allegorical and high-flown, and not for the most part sufficiently simple and direct, though in some cases he does write in a popular, natural style, and with a beauty of his own. His hymns mostly appeared in his Festbüchlein, a work consisting of allegorical narratives, conversations, &c, with interspersed hymns. Of this the 1st part, entitled Der Sonntag, was published 1808 (2nd ed. 1810; 3rd ed. 1813; 4th ed. 1819); pt. ii., entitled Das Christfest, in 1810 (2nd ed. 1814; 3rd ed. 1821); and pt. iii., entitled Das Neujahrsfest, in 1819. Those of Krummacher's hymns translated into English are:— i. Allgemach aus Dammerung und Nacht. Advent. In his Festbüchlein, pt. ii., 1810 (1814, p. 154), in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "The Prophets of Nature"; and given after the conversation on Zacharias, the father of St. John the Baptist. Included as No. 34 in J. P. Lange's Deutsches Kirchenliederbuch, Zurich, 1843. The unity of idea is violated by the concluding lines of st. v. "Wie die leisen Lispel den Propheten Einst auf Horeb's Felsenspitz umwehten." And thus in his preface, p. vii., Dr. Lange sug¬gests that st. v. should read thus:— "Allgemach und siegreich fort und fort Bricht durch unser Fleisch das ew'ge Wort; Die Propheten grüsst es durch Gesichte, Dann wird's Mensch und himmlische Geschichte." Translated as:— Slowly, slowly from the caves of night. A full and good tr. from Lange by Dr. Kennedy, as No. 42 in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863. ii. Eine Heerde und ein Hirt. Missions. First published in the 3rd. ed., 1821, of pt. ii. of his Festbüchlein, p. 163, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, at the close of the section on "Israel and the Strangers." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder Schatz, ed. 1863, No. 1365, and many other recent collections. The translations are:— 1. One, only One, shall be the fold. By Miss Dunn, in her Hymns from the Germany 1857, p. 49. 2. One Shepherd and one fold to be. In Cantica Sanctorum, 1880, No. 96. iii. Ja furwahr! uns fiihrt mit sanfter Hand. Ps. xxiii. In his Festbüchlein, pt. i. (3rd ed. 1813, p. 118), in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, with Hallelujahs. It is given in the story of the festal rededication of a village church destroyed in time of war, as a choral hymn sung by boys and girls after the Holy Communion. In the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 72. Translated as:— 1. Yes! our Shepherd leads with gentle hand, Through. A good and full translation by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1st Ser., 1854, p. 59 (1884, p. 60), repeated in Kennedy, 1863; Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881; the Christian Hymn Book, Cincinnati, 1865, and others. 2. Yea! our Shepherd leads, with gentle hand, Along. In full by M. W. Stryker, as No. 164 in his Christian Chorals, 1885. iv. Hag auch die Liebe weinen. Love, Faith and Hope. Festbüchlein, pt. i., 1808, p. 136, in 3 st. of 4 1., in the section entitled "The Setting Sun," for Sunday evening. It is appended to a story in which the father has been speaking of the Resurrection of Christ the Sun of Righteousness, as celebrated on that day, the hymn being introduced as sung by the family and neighbours, as he ceased to speak. Included in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 628. It is most suited to be sung at a choral funeral. Koch, 2nd ed., iv. p. 695, says it was sung at the author's funeral at Bremen, April 10, 1845, and that st. iii. is on the cross over his grave. He adds that stanzas i., iii. were sung July 17, 1850, at the funeral of Dr. August Neander, the church historian in Berlin; followed by an address by Krummacher’s son, Friedrich Wilhelm (author of the well-known Elijah, Elisha and other works). Tr. as:— Though Love may weep with breaking heart. A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 121. Repeated in Flett's Collection, Paisley, 1871, and in H. L. Hastings's Songs of Pilgrimage, 1887. Other translations are, (1) "Let love weep,—It cometh," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 584. (2) "Yea, Love may weep when death prevails," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 57. A number of other pieces by Krummacher are translated in the Sacred Lyrics from the German, Philadelphia, 1859; by C. T. Brooks, 1847; by Mrs. Follen, 1851, and by Miss Fry, 1859. As they are poems rather than hymns they are not noted here. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Valentin Thilo

1607 - 1662 Hymnal Number: 49 Author of "Mit Ernst, ihr Menschenkinder" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Thilo, Valentin, son of Valentin Thiel or Thilo [born Jan. 2, 1579, at Zinten, became diaconus of the Altstadt Church in 1603, and died of the pestilence at Königsberg in 1620], diaconus of the Altstadt Church in Königsberg, was born at Königsberg, April 19, 1607. He matriculated in 1624 at the University of Königsberg as a student of theology, but devoted himself more especially to the study of rhetoric. When the Professor of Rhetoric, Samuel Fuchs, retired in 1632, he recommended Thilo as his successor. The post was, at Thilo's desire, kept open for two years, during which he pursued his studies at the University of Leyden. On returning to Königsberg, he graduated M.A. there on April 20, 1634, and was thereafter installed as Professor of Rhetoric. During his 28 years’ tenure of office he was five times elected as dean of the Philosophical Faculty, and twice as Rector of the University. He died at Königsberg, July 27,1662. (Koch, iii 202; K. Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii., 1887, p. 135, &c.) Thilo was a great friend of Heinrich Albert and of Simon Dach, and was with them a member of the Königsberg Poetical Union. He was the author of two text books on Rhetoric, published in 1635 and 1647. Some of his separately printed occasional poems are noted by Goedeke as above. His hymns were almost all written for various Festivals of the Christian Year. They are as a rule short and vigorous, and are somewhat akin to those of Dach. They appeared principally in the Preussische Fest-Lieder, Elbing, 1642-44 [Berlin Library], and in the New Preussisches vollständiges Gesang-Buch, Königsberg, 1650 [Hamburg Library]. A list of their first lines is printed in the Altpreussische Monats-schrift, Königsberg, 1889, p. 308, where evidence is given to show that they are by the younger Thilo, and not, as has sometimes been said, by the father. The only hymn by Thilo translated into English is:— Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder. Advent. This is a fine hymn founded on St. Luke iii. 4, 5, and was first published in pt. i., Elbing, 1642, of the Preussische Fest-Lieder, as No. 8, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "On the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Parate viam Domino," and marked as by "Valentinus Thilo." Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 8, considers st. iii. the finest, and thinks that it may have been suggested by the remembrance of his beloved sister (wife of Pastor Kuhn, of the Rossgart Church in Königsberg), who died of the pestilence on Aug. 16, 1639, and as a picture of her character. Translated as:— 1. 0 sons of men, your spirit. This is a good translation of st. i.-iii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 35 in his Psalms & Hymns 1851. 2. Ye sons of men, in earnest. This is a good translation of the original form, by Miss Winkworth, as No. 84 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. It is repeated, omitting st. iii., in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880, No. 121. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Andreas Cramer

1723 - 1788 Person Name: Joh. Andr. Cramer Hymnal Number: 36 Author of "Betet an, ihr Menschen, bringet Dem Höchsten Ruhm" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch Cramer, Johann Andreas, born Jan. 27, 1723, at Jönstadt or Johann-Georgen-Stadt, in the Saxon Harz, where his father was pastor. After studying at the University of Leipzig, where he graduated M.A. in 1745, he was in 1748 appointed preacher at Crellwitz, near Lützen, and in 1750 Court Preacher and member of the Consistory at Quedlinburg. Four years later he became German Court Preacher to King Frederick V. of Denmark, at Copenhagen. There he obtained great fame as a preacher and teacher; and was appointed in 1765 Professor of Theology in the University. But after the accession of Charles VII., in 1766, the free-thinking party in the State gradually gained the ascendancy, and procured his removal; whereupon he was appointed, in 1771, Superintendent in Lubeck. When the orthodox party regained power in 1774, he was recalled to Denmark, as Vice-Chancellor, and First Professor of Theology in the University of Kiel, and in 1784 Chancellor. He died at Kiel on the night of June 11-12, 1788 (Koch, vi. 334-344; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, iv. 550-551; Bode, pp. 54-55—the last dating his birth, Jan. 29). Cramer was rather a writer of religious lyrics than of hymns, though at least 80 of his compositions passed Into the hymn-books of his times. Those that have been translated into English are all included either in the Allgemeines Gesang- Buch, Altona, 1780, which he edited for use in Schleswig-Holstein, or in his Sämmtliche Gedichtet Leipzig, 1782-3. They are:— i. Die ihr des Lebens edle Zeit. The duty of the Scholar. 1780, as above, No. 820, in 12 stanzas, repeated 1782, vol. ii. p. 319. Translated as, "O ye, who from your earliest youth," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 321. ii. Erheb, erheb, 0 meine Seele. Ps. civ. In his Poetische Uebersetzung der Psalmen, Leipzig, 1763, pt. iii., p. 65, in 16 stanzas. Included, 1780, as above, No. 124. The form translated is that in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch 1791, No. 36 (1842, No. 59), beginning with stanza ii. “Herr, dir ist niemand zu vergleichen." Tr. as, "Lord, none to Thee may be compared," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Jan. 1866, p. 200, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 373. iii. Erwachet, Harf’ und Psalter. Morning. Founded on Ps. cviii. First published in Zollikofer's Gesang-Buch, Leipzig, 1766, No. 71, in 6 stanzas. Repeated, 1780, as above, No. 2, and as No. 41 of the hymns appended to his Evangelische Nachahmungen der Psalmen Davids, Kopenhagen, 1769, p. 272. Translated by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 59, as:—"Wake, harp and psaltery sounding." iv. Schuf mich Gott für Augenblicke. Immortality of the Soul. 1780, as above, No. 136, in 12 St., repeated, 1782, vol. i. p. 181. Tr. (beginning with st. vi., "Geist! das ist mein hoher Name"), by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, as:—"Man were better nam'd a spirit." v. Sterbend für das Heilder Sunder. Ascension. In the Bayreuth Gesang-Buch, 1779, No. 173, in 4 stanzas. Included, 1780, as above, No. 319, and 1782, vol. ii. p. 33. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, as:—"Dying a guilty world to save." vi. Unerforschlich sei mir immer. God's Wisdom. First published in his Andachten in Betrachtungen, Gebeten und Liedern, &c, vol. ii., pt. ii., Schleswig and Leipzig, 1768, and thence in Rambach, v. 54. Included in 1769 (see No. iii.), p. 250, and 1780 as above, No. 78. Translated (1) in Sacred Poems by S. R. Maxwell, 1857, p. 126, as:— “Though inscrutable may ever"; (2) by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 94, as:—" Inscrutable to me although." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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