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Johann Friedrich Herzog

1647 - 1699 Person Name: Joh. Fried. Herzog Hymnal Number: 329 Author of "Nun sich der Tag geendet hat" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Hertzog, Johann Friedrich, LL.D., son of Johann Hertzog, diaconus of the Church of the Holy Cross, in Dresden, was born at Dresden, June 6, 1647. After the completion of his legal studies at the University of Wittenberg, he was, from 1671 to 1674, tutor to the sons of General-Lieutenant von Arnim. In 1674 he returned to Dresden to practise as an advocate, where he died March 21, 1699 (Koch, iii. 361-63; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 251). The only hymn by him which has been translated into English is:— Nun sich der Tag geendet hat, Und keine Sonn mehr scheint. [Evening.] Fischer, ii. 129, says that, according to the testimony of Hertzog's brother, this hymn was written one evening in 1670 while the author was still a student at Wittenberg. Stanza i. and the melody appear as No. 8 in the 1 Zehen of A. P. Krieger's News Arien. In 6 Zehen, Dresden, 1667 [Leipzig Town Library]. Hertzog seems to have adopted this stanza and added eight others, the form in 9 st. being found in Luppius's Andächtig Singender Christen-Mund, Wesel, 1692, p. 123, in 9 stanzas. Included as No. 622 in Freylinghausen's Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, with a 10th st., which, according to Fischer, first appeared in the Leipzig Gesang-Buch, 1693. Also in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 530. It speedily became popular, was often imitated, and still holds its place as one of the best German evening hymns. The translations in common use are:— 1. And now another day is gone. A good translation, omitting st. vii., by J. C. Jacobi in his Psalter Germanica, 1722, p. 1ll (ed. 1732, p. 174, altered). St. vii., "With cheerful heart I close my eyes," while parallel with the German is really stanza iv. of Watts's "And now another day is gone," in his Divine and Moral Songs. The 1732 text, slightly altered, is No. 479 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, and stanzas i.-iii., vii., ix. altered are No. 391 in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841. The form principally used is a cento beginning, "In mercy, Lord, remember me"; and being stanzas iii., vii., ix., x. slightly altered as No. 760 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789, and repeated, omitting st. x., in later editions (1886, No. 1183). This cento has recently been included in Windle's The Church Psalter & Hymn Book, 1862, in Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, Dr. Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 1873; and in America in the Methodist Episcopal Hymn Book, 1849; Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, 1853, &c. 2. And now another day is past. A version of stanzas i.-iv., vii.-ix., based on Jacobi, is found as No. 494 in the Appendix to the American German Reformed Psalms & Hymns, 1834, and also in the American Lutheran General Synod's Hymn Book, 1850. 3. The shades of night have banished day. A full and very good translation by Miss Dunn in her Hymns from the German, 1857, p. 16. Included, slightly altered and omitting stanzas vi., viii., in the Uppingham & Sherborne School Hymn Book, 1874, and thence in Thring's Collection, 1882. 4. Now that the sun doth shine no more. A good translation omitting stanzas iv., vi., x., by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. 5. The day is done, the sun is set. A translation of stanzas i.-iii., vii., marked as by F. C. C, as No. 176 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. 6. Since now the day hath readied its close. In full as No. 311 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnnal, 1880, marked as a compilation. Other translations are: (1) "The waning day hath reached its close," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 84. (2) "The day is gone, and now no more," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 61. (3) "Now that the day from earth hath crept," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 136. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Simon Dach

1605 - 1659 Hymnal Number: 282 Author of "Ich bin bei Gott in Gnaden" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Dach, Simon, son of Simon Dach, interpreter to the Court of Justice at Memel, Prussia, was born at Memel, July 29,1605. He attended the Cathedral school at Königsberg, the Town school at Wittenberg, and the Gymnasium at Magdeburg. In 1626 he returned to Königsberg, where, after studying philosophy and theology at the University, he for some time acted as a private tutor. In 1633 he was appointed assistant in the Cathedral school, and in 1636 Conrector. He then, in 1639, became Professor of Poetry in the University, was five times Dean of the Philosophical Faculty, and in 1656-57 Rector of the University. He died at Königsberg, April 15, 1659 (Koch , iii. 182-191; Allg. Deutsche Biog. , iv. 685-688, &c). Dach was much of an invalid, and nearly broke down under the hard labour and poor pay of his early tutorial work at Königsberg, but found a true friend and generous patron in R. Roberthin (q.v.). In his later years the effects of the Thirty Years' War made themselves visible in Königsberg by depression of trade, famine, &c. In 1648 he lost Roberthin by death, and in 1649 many of his fellow professors fell victims to the pestilence, while during the last year of his life he suffered from a lingering consumption. These facts explain the sombreness of much of his verse. In 1636 he joined in forming the Poetical Union of Konigsberg [see Alberti], and was its poetic soul. He was the most important poet of the Königsberg School, and one of the first lyric poets of his time happy in expression, pure in style, and true hearted. But of the mass of his poems (some 1360 in all, many of which were "occasional" pieces for the Electoral House of Brandenburg, and for private friends) very few retain popularity; the best known being his Aennchen von Tharaw. Dach's hymns, some 165 in all, appeared in broadsheet form, in H. Alberti's Arien, 1638-1650, and in the Königsberg Hymnbooks, 1639-1690. They deservedly place him amongst the best hymn writers of his time, and win him the distinction of being one of the most lovable, most profound and most elegant of the more contemplative hymn writers. Their personal and subjective character, and the fact that so many are hymns of preparation for death, have prevented all but a few from finding a place in modern hymnals. Five of Dach's hymns have passed into English, all of which are included in the complete edition of his Werke by Hermann Oesterley, published at Tübingen, 1876. They are:— i. Ich steh in Angst und Pein. [Second Advent.] The Königsberg University Library possesses a broadsheet, printed at Elbing, 1642, as a Christliches Trauer-Lied to Christoph Behm, on the death, on Nov. 22, 1633, of his son Christoph, a student of theology. It was included in pt. iv., Königsberg, 1641, of H. Alberti's Arien, No. 5, in 10 stanza of 6 1., entitled " Supremi Judicis urnam non metuit fisus sanguine, Christe, tuo." Repeated in Oesterley, p. 91, as No. 1421 in the Leipzig Vorrath, 1673, and, omitting stanza viii., in the Wittenberg G. B., 1742-1866, No. 893. The only translation in C. U. is :— A dread hath come on me, a good translation, omitting stanza viii., as No. 28 in Miss Winkworth's Chorale Book for England, 1863. ii. Kein Christ soil ihm die Rechnung machen. [Cross and Consolation."] 1st published in pt. ii., Königsberg, 1640, of H. Alberti's Arien, No. 1, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Non caret adversis, qui pius esse velit." Included in Oesterley , p. 108, and as No. 631 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. The form translated into English is of stanza ii., iii., vii., beginning, "Wer dort mit Christo hofft zu erben," which is No. 812 in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833. The only translation in common use is:— Wouldst thou inherit life with Christ on high? A good tr. from Bunsen, by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Ger., 1st Ser., 1855, p. 129, and thence unaltered as No. 170 in the New Zealand Hymnal , 1872. In Sacred Lyrics from the German, Philadelphia, 1859, p. 61, it begins "Couldst thou inherit." iii. 0 wie selig seid ihr dooh, ihr Frommen . [Eternal Life.] The original broadsheet, printed at Danzig, 1635, with music by J. Stobaus, as the Musikalisches Ehrengedächtniss of Hiob Lepner, Burgomaster of the Königsberg Altstadt, who died May 9, 1635, is in the Königsberg University Library. Included in B. Derschau's G. B., Königsberg, 1639, p. 73, in 6 stanza of 4 1., repeated in Oesterley, p. 95 ; the Leipzig Vorrath, 1673, No. 1460; in Burg's G. B., Breslau, 1746, No. 1086; and many others. It is a fine hymn, founded on Rev. xiv., 13-14. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 673, relates that J. A. Hochstetter, Prelate of Bebenhausen, near Tubingen (d. 1720), in July, 1719, summoned his household to accompany him in visiting the family burial place in the Church, and there pointed out his resting place, spoke to them of eternal life, and ended by requesting them to ;ing this hymn, and also "Christus der ist meiu Leben" (q.v.). The only tr. in C. U. is :— 0 how blest are ye beyond our telling, a good and full translation, as No. 197 in Miss Winkworth's C. B. for England, 1863. Other translations are, (l) "O, how blest are ye whose toils are ended," by H. W. Longfellow (1846 or earlier). P. Works, Routledge, 1879, p. 648. (2) "Oh! how blessed are ye, saints forgiven," by Miss Borthwick in H. L. L., 1854, p. 32 (1884, p. 35). This is from the double form in the Berlin G. B.t 1711, No. 655, which has six stanzas to be sung alternately with Dach's stanzas by the choir as the answer of the Blessed Ones; with two concluding stanza to be sung by choir and congregation together. These eight additional st. are by Jacob Baumgarten (b. 1668, d. 1722), and begin: "Ja, höchst selig sind wir, lieben Brüder; (3) "O how blessed, faithful souls are ye," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 252; (4) "How bless’d the saints; who, dying here," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 114. It may be noted that the hymn beginning, “O how blest the throng who now adoring," by A. T. Russell, in 4 stanza as No. 266 in his Ps. & Hys., 1851, while not a translation, is yet based on this hymn by Dach. In addition the following hymns by Dach have been translated into English :— iv. Nimm dich, o meine Seel' in Acht [ Treasures in Heaven.'] 1st published as No. 5 in pt. vii. Königsberg, 1648, of H. Alberti's Arien, in 10 stanza of 4 1., entitled, " As the noble Rottger von Tieffenbrock, a native of Livonia, departed this world at Königsberg in Prussia the 3lst May, 1648," with the motto— "Das ewige Gut Macht rechten Muth." Included by Oesterley, p. 208, and as No. 1762 in Knapp's Ev. L. S., 1837 (1865 No. 1668). The translations are, (1) "My soul, let this your thoughts employ," by Miss Cox, 1841, p. 133; (2) " Think, O my soul, that whilst thou art," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843 (1847, p. 62); (3) “Beware, O man, lest endless life," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. v. Schöner Himmelssaal. [Heaven.] A beautiful hymn of homesickness for the heavenly country. Oesterley, p. 222, gives it as "On the death of Ursula Vogt, wife of Pastor Jacob Bollius, Oct. 30, 1655. Its composition was requested on June 3, 1649." The original broadsheet, with music by H. Alberti, as her Christliches Sterbelied, is in the Königsberg University Library. It did not appear in the Königsberg G. B., 1657, but in the ed. of 1675 [Berlin] it is No. 496 (ed. 1690, No. 500), in 9 st. of 6 1. In the Unv. L. S., 1851, No. 637. It is translated as "O ye Halls of Heaven," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 185. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Dach, Simon, p. 277, ii., line 14. Longfellow's translation is in his Poets and Poetry of Europe, 1815, p. 240. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Bartholomäus Crasselius

1667 - 1724 Person Name: B. Crasselius Hymnal Number: 131 Author of "Hallelujah! Lob, Preis und Ehr'" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Crasselius, Bartholomäus, son of Johannes Crasselt, sheepmaster at Wemsdorf near Glauchau, Saxony; was born at Wernsdorf, Feb. 21, 1667. After studying at Halle, under A. H. Francke, he became, in 1701, pastor at Nidda, in Wetteravia, Hesse. In 1708 he was appointed Lutheran pastor at Düsseldorf, where he died Nov. 30, 1724, after a somewhat troubled pastorate, during which he felt called upon to testify strongly and somewhat bitterly against the shortcomings of the place and of the times (Koch, iv. 418-421; Allg. Deutsche Biographie, iv. 566-67; Bode, p. 55; manuscript from Pastor Baltzer, Wernsdorf; the second dating his call to Dusseldorf 1706). Of the 9 hymns by him which Freylinghausen included in his Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, two have been translated:— i. Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen. Prayer. A hymn of supplication for the spirit of grace rightly to praise and worship God, founded on St. John, xvi. 23-28, the Gospel for Rogation Sunday. First published in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch &., Halle, 1697, p. 587, in 8 stanzas of 6 lines. Repeated as No. 291 in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and since in almost all collections, as in the Berlin Geistliche Liedersegen. ed. 1863, No. 936. The well-known tune (known in England as Winchester New as reduced to L. M. in Hymns Ancient & Modern, No. 50) which appeared with this hymn in Freylinghausen, 1704, is altered from a melody to “Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten," in the Musicalisch Handbuch der Geistlichen Melodien, Hamburg, 1690. See L. Erk's Choralbuch, 1863, No. 63, and p. 247; also No. 261. The common, but erroneous ascription of this tune to Crasselius arose from confusion between the authorship of the tune and the words. There is no evidence that Crasselius wrote any tunes. Translations in common use:— 1. Jehovah, let me now adore Thee, a good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, as No. 117, in her Chorale Buch for England, 1863, set to the 1704 melody. 2. To Thee, 0 Lord, will I sing praises, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, in the Evangelical Review, Gettysburg, July 1861, and as No. 216 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are:— (i) "To Thee, Jehovah, I'll be singing," in the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 41, and in Select Hymns from German Psaltery, Tranquebar, 1754, p. 72. (2) "Draw me, O Father, to the Son," a translation of stanza ii., by P. H. Molther, as No. 185 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the ed. of 1886 it is enlarged to 3 stanzas by the addition of the translation of stanzas i. and viii., and in this form it begins:—“To Thee, Jehovah, will I sing." (3) "To Thee, O Lord, I come with singing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, April, 1866, p. 248, repeated as No. 402 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. ii. Erwach, 0 Mensch, erwache. Lent. Appeared in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 266, in 4 stanzas of 9 lines. Included in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 298, and Allgemeine Gesang-Buch 1846, No. 13. Translated as "Awake, O man, and from thee shake," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 61. The hymn, "Heiligster Jesu, Heiligungsquelle," ascribed to Crasselius, is noted under J. v. Lodenstein. See also "Hallelujah! Lob, Preis und Ehr." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Michael Weisse

1480 - 1534 Person Name: M. Weiß Hymnal Number: 88 Author of "Christus, der uns selig macht" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Michael Weiss was born at Neisse, in Silesia. He was a pastor among the Bohemian Brethren, and a contemporary with Luther. His hymns have received commendation. He died in 1540. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============ Weisse, Michael (Weiss, Wiss, Wegs, Weys, Weyss), was born circa 1480, in Neisse, Silesia, took priest's orders, and was for some time a monk at Breslau. When the early writings of Luther came into his hands, Weisse, with two other monks, abandoned the convent, and sought refuge in the Bohemian Brethren's House at Leutomischl in Bohemia. He became German preacher (and apparently founder of the German communities) to the Bohemian Brethren at Landskron in Bohemia, and Fulnck in Moravia, and died at Landskron in 1534 (Koch, ii. 115-120; Wackernagel's D. Kirchenlied, i. p. 727; Fontes rerum Austricarum, Scriptores, vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 227, Vienna, 18G3, &c). Weisse was admitted as a priest among the Brethren at the Synod of Brandeis, in 1531, and in 1532 was appointed a member of their Select Council, but he had previously performed important missions for the Brethren. He was, e.g., sent by Bishop Lucas, in 1522, along with J. Roh or Horn, to explain the views of the Bohemian Brethren to Luther; and again, in 1524, when they were appointed more especially to report on the practices and holiness of life of the followers of the German Reformers. He was also entrusted with the editing of the first German hymn-book of the Bohemian Brethren, which appeared as Ein New Gesengbuchlen at Jungen Bunzel (Jung Bunzlau) in Bohemia in 1531. This contained 155 hymns, all apparently either translations or else originals by himself. The proportion of translations is not very clear. In the preface to the 1531, Weisse addressing the German Communities at Fulnek and Landskron says, "I have also, according to my power, put forth all my ability, your old hymn-book as well as the Bohemian hymn-book (Cantional) being before me, and have brought the same sense, in accordance with Holy Scripture, into German rhyme." Luther called Weisse "a good poet, with somewhat erroneous views on the Sacrament" (i.e. Holy Communion); and, after the Sacramental hymns had been revised by Roh (1544), included 12 of his hymns in V. Babst's Gesang-Buch, 1545. Many of his hymns possess considerable merit. The style is flowing and musical, the religious tone is earnest and manly, but yet tender and truly devout, and the best of them are distinguished by a certain charming simplicity of thought and expression. At least 119 passed into the German Lutheran hymnbooks of the 16th and 17th centuries, and many are still in use. The following hymns by Weisse have also passed into English:— i. Christus ist erstanden. Von des Todes Banden. Easter. First published 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 273, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is suggested by the older hymn, "Christ ist erstanden". In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 129. The translation in common use is:— Christ the Lord is risen again! This is a full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 37, and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 58. It has been included in many recent English and American hymnals. Other translations are:— (1) "Christ (and 'tis no wonder"). This is No. 260 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Christ our Lord is risen," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 322. ii. Es geht daher des Tages Schein. Morning. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 318, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 455. The translations in common use are:— 1. The Light of Day again we see. In full, by H. J. Buckoll in his Hymns from German, 1842, p. 14. His translations of stanzas iii., iv., vi., vii., beginning “Great God, eternal Lord of Heaven," were included in the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1843. 2. Once more the daylight shines abroad. This is a full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 69, and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 18. Repeated in Thring's Collection, 1880-82. iii. Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron. Easter. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 265, in 20 stanzas of 3 lines, with Alleluia. The translations in common use are: — 1. Praise God upon His heavenly throne. This is a free translation of stanzas 1, 4, 10, 19, 20, by A. T. Russell, as No. 112, in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. Glory to God upon His throne. By Mrs. H. R. Spaeth, in the Southern Lutheran Service and Hymns for Sunday Schools , Philadelphia, 1883. iv. Gott sah zu seiner Zeit. Christmas. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 244, in 10 stanzas of 9 lines. The translation in common use is:— When the due Time had taken place. By C. Kinchen, omitting stanza v., as No. 169 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1742 (1849, No. 20). In the ed. of 1886, No. 954 consists of stanza x., beginning “Ah come, Lord Jesus, hear our prayer." v. Lob sei dem allmächtigen Gott. Advent. 1531 as above, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 230, in 14 stanzas of 4 lines. Included in V. Babst's Gesang-Buch, 1545, and recently as No. 12 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen , 1851. In the larger edition of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1886, it is marked as a translation from a Bohemian hymn, beginning "Cirkev Kristova Boha chval." The translations are:— 1. Praise be to that Almighty God. By J. Gambold, omitting stanza xi.-xiii., as No, 246, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In the 1789 and later eds. (1886, No. 31), it begins “To God we render thanks and praise." 2. O come, th' Almighty's praise declare. By A. T. Russell, of stanzas i.-iii., v., as No. 26 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. vi. O Herre Jesu Christ, der du erschienen bistanza. For Children. On Christ's Example in His early years on earth . 1531 as above, and in Wackernagel, iii. p. 326, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines. The first three stanzas are translated as “Christ Jesus, Lord most dear," in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, pt. i., No. 278. The form in common use is that in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz , 1837, No. 2951, which begins "Nun hilf uns, o Herr Jesu Christ," and is in 3 stanzas of 4 lines, entirely recast. This is translated as:— Lord Jesus Christ, we come to Thee . In full from Knapp, by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England , 1863, No. 179. Hymns not in English common use:— vii. Den Vater dort oben. Grace after Meat. 1531, and thence in Wackernagel, iii., p. 321, in 5 stanzas of 7 lines. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1136. Translated as, "Father, Lord of mercy," by J. V. Jacobi, 1122, p. 117. In his edition, 1732, p. 183, slightly altered, and thence in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, pt. i., No. 290. viii. Die Sonne wird mit ihrem Schein. Evening. 1531, and thence in Wackernagel, iii., p. 323, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 517. Translated as, "Soon from our wishful eyes awhile," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842. ix. Komm, heiliger Geist, wahrer Gott. Whitsuntide . 1531, and in Wackernagel , iii., p. 282, in 9 stanzas of 5 lines From the Bohemian as noted at p. 157, and partly suggested by the "Veni Sancte Spiritus reple " (q.v.). The translations are: (1) “Come, Holy Ghost, Lord God indeed." This is No. 285 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Thou great Teacher, Who instructest." This is a translation of stanza vii., as No. 234 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1849, No. 267). x. Lob und Ehr mit stettem Dankopfer. The Creation: Septuagesima . 1531, and in Wackernagel, iii., p. 287, in 5 stanzas of 16 lines. Translated as, “Praise, glory, thanks, be ever paid," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 137. xi. 0 Jesu Christ, der Heiden Licht. Epiphany. 1531, and in Wackernagel , iii. p. 248, in 2 stanzas of 14 lines. Translated as, "0 Jesus Christ, the Gentiles' Light." This is No. 253 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In the Brüder Gesang-Buch, 1778, No. 1467, stanza ii. was rewritten. This form begins, "Erscheine alien Auserwahlten," and is in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. Translated as, "Lord, to Thy chosen ones appear," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 139. xii. Singet lieben Leut. Redemption by Christ. 1531, and in Wackernagel, iii. p. 243, in 16 stanzas of 4 lines. Translated as, "Sing, be glad, ye happy sheep." This is a translation of stanza xiv., by C. G. Clemens, as No. 299 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the 1801 and later editions (1849, No. 403) it begins, "O rejoice, Christ's happy sheep." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ludwig Helmbold

1532 - 1598 Person Name: Ludw. Helmbold Hymnal Number: 209 Author of "Höret ihr Eltern, Christus spricht" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Helmbold, Ludwig, son of Stephan Helmbold, woollen manufacturer at Muhlhausen, in Thuringia, was born at Mühlhausen, Jan. 13, 1532, and educated at Leipzig and Erfurt (B.A. in 1550). After two years' headmastership of the St. Mary's School at Mühlhausen, he returned to Erfurt, and remained in the University (M.A. 1554) as lecturer till his appointment in 1561 as conrector of the St. Augustine Gymnasium at Erfurt. When the University was reconstituted in 1565, after the dreadful pestilence in 1563-64, he was appointed dean of the Philosophical Faculty, and in 1566 had the honour of being crowned as a poet by the Emperor Maximilian II., but on account of his determined Protestantism he had to resign in 1570. Returning to Mühlhausen, he was appointed, in 1571, diaconus of the St. Mary's Church, and 1586, pastor of St. Blasius's Church and Superintendent of Mühlhausen. He died at Mühlhausen, April 8, 1598. (Koch, ii. 234-248; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xi. 701-702; Bode, pp. 87-88, &c.) Helmbold wrote many Latin hymns and odes, and numerous German hymns for school use, including a complete metrical version of the Augsburg Confession. His Hymns for church use are mostly clear and concise paraphrases of Scripture histories and doctrines, simple and earnest in style. Lists of the works in which his hymns appeared (to the number of some 400) are given by Koch and Bode. His hymns translated into English are:— i. Herr Gott, erhalt uns für und für. Children. On the value of catechetical instruction as conveyed in Luther's Catechism for Children. First published in Helmbold's Dreyssig geistliche Lieder auff die Fest durchs Jahr. Mühlhausen, 1594 (preface to tenor, March 21, 1585), and thence in Wackernagel, iv. p. 677, and Mützell, No. 314, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines in Porst's Gesang-Buch, ed. 1855, No. 977. The only translation in common use is:— O God, may we e'er pure retain, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. ii. Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren. Grace after Meat. Included in his Geistliche Lieder, 1575, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and thence in Wackernagel, iv. p. 647, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 500. The translations are: (1) To God the Lord be rendered," as No. 326 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Now let us praise with fervour," in the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 75. (3) "To God the Lord be praises," as No. 778 in the Moravian Hymn Book 1789 (1849, No. 1153). iii. Von Gott will ich nicht lassen. Trust in God. Lauxmann in Koch, viii. 365-370, thus relates the origin of this the best known hymn by Helmbold:— In 1563, while Helmbold was conrector of the Gymnasium at Erfurt, a pestilence broke out, during which about 4000 of the inhabitants died. As all who could fled from the place, Dr. Pancratius Helbich, Rector of the University (with whom Helmbold bad formed a special friendship, and whose wife was godmother of his eldest daughter), was about to do so, leaving behind him Helmbold and his family. Gloomy forebodings filled the hearts of the parting mothers. To console them and nerve them for parting Helmbold composed this hymn on Psalm lxxiii. v. 23. The hymn seems to have been first printed as a broadsheet in 1563-64, and dedicated to Regine, wife of Dr. Helbich, and then in the Hundert Christenliche Haussgesang, Nürnberg, 1569, in 9 stanzas of 8 lines Wackernagel, iv. pp. 630-33, gives both these forms and a third in 7 stanzas from a MS.[manuscript] at Dresden. Included in most subsequent hymnbooks, e.g. as No. 640 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. From God the Lord my Saviour, by J. C. Jacobi, in his Psalmodia Germanica, 1722, p. 139, omitting st. vii. (1732, p. 134), repeated slightly altered (and with st. vi., lines 1-4 from vii., lines 1-4 of the German) as No. 320 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. Stanzas i.-iii., v., rewritten and beginning "From God, my Lord and Saviour," were included in the American Lutheran General Synod's Collection, 1850-52, No. 341. 2. Ne'er be my God forsaken. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., iv., by A. T. Russell in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 229. 3. From God shall nought divide me. A good translation, omitting st. ii., vii. by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 140. Partly rewritten in her Christian Singers, 1869, p. 154. Other translations are: (l)"God to my soul benighted," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 179). (2) "From God I will not sever," by Dr. N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 202. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Paul Gerhardt

1607 - 1676 Hymnal Number: 20 Author of "Wie soll ich dich empfangen?" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Paul Gerhardt (b. Gräfenheinichen, Saxony, Germany, 1607; d. Lubben, Germany, 1676), famous author of Lutheran evangelical hymns, studied theology and hymnody at the University of Wittenberg and then was a tutor in Berlin, where he became friends with Johann Crüger. He served the Lutheran parish of Mittenwalde near Berlin (1651-1657) and the great St. Nicholas' Church in Berlin (1657-1666). Friederich William, the Calvinist elector, had issued an edict that forbade the various Protestant groups to fight each other. Although Gerhardt did not want strife between the churches, he refused to comply with the edict because he thought it opposed the Lutheran "Formula of Concord," which con­demned some Calvinist doctrines. Consequently, he was released from his position in Berlin in 1666. With the support of friends he became archdeacon at Lubben in 1669 and remained there until his death. Gerhardt experienced much suffering in his life;­ he and his parishioners lived in the era of the Thirty Years' War, and his family experi­enced incredible tragedy: four of his five children died young, and his wife died after a prolonged illness. In the history of hymnody Gerhardt is considered a transitional figure-he wrote at a time when hymns were changing from a more objective, confes­sional, and corporate focus to a pietistic, devotional, and personal one. Like other German hymns, Gerhardt's were lengthy and intended for use throughout a service, a group of stanzas at a time. More than 130 of his hymns were published in various editions of Cruger's Praxis Pietatis Melica, the Crüger-Runge Gesangbuch (1653), and Ebeling's Das andere Dutzeud geistliche Andachtslieder Herrn Paul Gerhardts (1666-1667). John Wesley and Catherine Winkworth both made famous English translations of Gerhardt's texts. Bert Polman ====================== Gerhardt, Paulus, son of Christian Gerhardt, burgomaster of Gräfenhaynichen, near Wittenberg, was born at Grafenhaynichen, Mar. 12, 1607. On January 2, 1628, he matriculated at the University of Wittenberg. In the registers of St. Mary's church, Wittenberg, his name appears as a godfather, on July 13, 1641, described still as "studiosus," and he seems to have remained in Wittenberg till at least the end of April, 1642. He appears to have gone to Berlin in 1642 or 1643, and was there for some time (certainly after 1648) a tutor in the house of the advocate Andreas Barthold, whose daughter (Anna Maria, b. May 19, 1622, d. March 5, 1668) became his wife in 1655. During this period he seems to have frequently preached in Berlin. He was appointed in 1651, at the recommendation of the Berlin clergy, Lutheran Probst (chief pastor) at Mittenwalde, near Berlin, and ordained to this post Nov. 18, 1651. In July, 1657, he returned to Berlin as third diaconus of St. Nicholas's church; but becoming involved in the contest between the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm (who was of the Reformed Church) and the Lutheran clergy of Berlin, he was deposed from his office in February, 1666, though he still remained in Berlin. In Nov. 1668, he accepted the post of archidiaconus at Lübben, on the Spree, was installed in June, 1669, and remained there till his death on June 7, 1676 (Koch, iii. 297-326; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, viii. 774-783, &c). The outward circumstances of Gerhardt's life were for the most part gloomy. His earlier years were spent amid the horrors of the Thirty Years' War. He did not obtain a settled position in life till he was 44 years of age. He was unable to marry till four years later; and his wife, after a long illness, died during the time that he was without office in Berlin; while of the five children of the marriage only one passed the period of childhood. The sunniest period of his life was during the early years of his Berlin ministry (i.e. 1657-1663), when he enjoyed universal love and esteem; while his latter years at Lübben as a widower with one surviving child were passed among a rough and unsympathising people. The motto on his portrait at Lübben not unjustly styles him "Theologus in cribro Satanae versatus." Gerhardt ranks, next to Luther, as the most gifted and popular hymnwriter of the Lutheran Church. Gervinus (ed. 1842, pt. iii. p. 366), the well-known historian of German literature, thus characterises him:— "He went back to Luther's most genuine type of hymn in such manner as no one else had done, only so far modified as the requirements of his time demanded. In Luther's time the belief in Free Grace and the work of the Atonement, in Redemption and the bursting of the gates of Hell was the inspiration of his joyful confidence; with Gerhardt it is the belief in the Love of God. With Luther the old wrathful God of the Romanists assumed the heavenly aspect of grace and mercy; with Gerhardt the merciful Righteous One is a gentle loving Man. Like the old poets of the people he is sincerely and unconstrainedly pious, naive, and hearty; the bliss fulness of his faith makes him benign and amiable; in his way of writing he is as attractive, simple, and pleasing as in his way of thinking." With a firm grasp of the objective realities of the Christian Faith, and a loyal adherence to the doctrinal standpoint of the Lutheran Church, Gerhardt is yet genuinely human; he takes a fresh, healthful view both of nature and of mankind. In his hymns we see the transition to the modern subjective tone of religious poetry. Sixteen of his hymns begin with, “I." Yet with Gerhardt it is not so much the individual soul that lays bare its sometimes morbid moods, as it is the representative member of the Church speaking out the thoughts and feelings he shares with his fellow members; while in style Gerhardt is simple and graceful, with a considerable variety of verse form at his command, and often of bell-like purity in tone. From the first publication of Gerhardt's hymns they at once came into favour among all ranks and creeds; and a large proportion are among the hymns most cherished and most widely used by German-speaking Christians at the present day. They appeared principally in the various editions of Crüger's Praxis, and the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653. The first collected edition was prepared by J. G. Ebeling, and published in separate "Dozens" 1-4 in 1666, 5-10 in 1667, i.e. 120 in all. In the edition of J. H. Feustking, Zerbst, 1707, a few stanzas were intercalated (from manuscripts in the possession of Gerhardt's surviving son), but no new hymns were added. Among modern editions of Gerhardt's hymns (mostly following the text of Ebeling) may be mentioned those by Langbecker, 1842; Schultz, 1842; Wackernagel, 1843; Becker, 1851; Goedeke, 1877, and Gerok, 1878. The Historico-Critical edition of Dr. J. F. Bachmann, 1866, is the most complete (with 11 additional pieces hardly Church hymns), and reverts to the pre-Ebeling text. The length of many of Gerhardt's hymns ("Ein Lämmlein" is 10 stanzas of 10 lines; "Fröhlich soil," 15 stanzas of 8 lines, &c), and the somewhat intricate metres of others, have caused his hymns to be less used in English than otherwise might have been the case; but a considerable proportion have come in some form or other into English hymnbooks. A large selection, translated with scrupulous faithfulness but not retaining much of the lyric grace of the originals, was published by the Rev. John Kelly, in 1867, as Paul Gerhardt’s Spiritual Songs; while many individual hymns have been translated by John Wesley, Miss Winkworth, Miss Cox, Miss Borthwick, and many others. His translations from St. Bernard are noted under "O Haupt voll Blut." There are separate notes on 19 of his greater hymns. Besides these the following have passed into English:— I. Hymns in English common use: i. Auf den Nebel folgt die Sonn. Thanksgiving after great sorrow and affliction. In Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 249, in 15 stanzas of 7 1.; thence in Wackernagel’s ed. of his Geistliche Lieder, No. 87, and Bachmann's ed., No. 64. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 402. Translated as:— Cometh sunshine after rain. A good translation, omitting stanzas iv.-vii., x., xi., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 100 (translations of x., xi. added to 2nd ed., 1856). Repeated, omitting the translations of stanzas ii., x.-xii., as No. 4 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. In the Christian Hymn Book, Cincinnati, 1865, No. 799, begins with st. xiii., "Now as long as here I roam." Another translation is:—"After clouds we see the sun," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 261. ii. Die Zeit ist nunmehr nah. Day of Judgment—Second Advent. Founded on Acts iii. 20. In the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch 1653, No. 367, iii 18 stanzas of 6 lines, and thence in Wackernagel's edition of his Geistliche Lieder, 1843, No. 119 (1874, No. 124), and Bachmann's edition, No. 40. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863, No. 1517. Translated as:— O Christ! how good and fair. Being a translation of stanzas iii., iv., vi., vii., x.-xiii., xvii., by Mrs. Charles, in her Voice of Christian Life in Song, 1858, p. 242. Her translations of stanzas iii., x., xii., are No. 150 in G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867. Other trs. are:—(1) "May I when time is o'er," of stanzas vii., viii. as part of No. 831 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789; in the 1801 and later eds. (1886, No. 1229), beginning, "I shall, when time is o'er." (2) “The time is very near," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 341. iii. Gottlob, nun ist erschollen. Peace. Thanksgiving for the Proclamation of the Peace of Westphalia, in 1648, after the Thirty Years’ War. In Crüger's Praxis 1656, No. 409, in 6 stanzas of 12 lines, and thence in Wackernagel's edition of his Geistliche Lieder, No. 64, and Bachmann's ed., No. 84; and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 589. Translated as: — Thank God it hath resounded. A full and good tr. by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 156, repeated, omitting stanza ii., in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. St. i., v., vi., form No. 49 in M. W. Stryker's Christian Chorals, 1885. Another tr. is: ”Praise God! for forth hath sounded," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 251. iv. Ich, der ich oft in tiefes Leid. Ps. cxlv. First published in J. G. Ebeling's edition of his Geistliche Andachten Dritte Dutzet, 1666, No. 27, in 18 stanzas of 7 lines. Thence in Wackernagel's ed., No. 95, and Bachmann's ed., No. 103; also in the Berlin Geistliche LiederSchatz, ed. 1863, No. 1004. Translated as:— I who so oft in deep distress . A good translation, omitting stanzas ii.-iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 149. Her translations of stanzas i., xiii.-xvi., xviii., were included as No. 224, and of stanzas vi., viii., ix., xi. altered, and beginning, "O God! how many thankful songs," as No. 168, in Holy Song, 1869. Another tr. is:—-"Who is so full of tenderness," of stanza viii. as stanza iv. of No. 1075 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 537). v. Ich steh an deiner Krippen bier. Christmas. Included in Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 105, in 15 stanzas of 7 lines. Thence in Wackernagel's ed., No. 9, and Bachmann's ed., No. 45; and in the Berlin Geistliche LiederSchatz, ed. 1863, No. 167. A beautiful hymn, in which the poet puts himself in the place of the shepherds and the wise men visiting Bethlehem; and in praise and adoration tenders his devotion, his love and his all, to the Infant Saviour in the manger. Translated as:— My faith Thy lowly bed beholds. A translation of stanzas i., iv., vii., xv., by A. T. Russell, as No. 57 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Other trs. are:— (1) "I stand beside Thy manger-bed," by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 38. (2) "Now at the manger here I stand," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 32. vi. Ich weiss dass mein Erlöser lebt. Easter. Founded on Job xix. 25-27. First published in J. G. Ebeling's ed. of his Geistliche Andachten Zehende Dutzet, 1667, No. 119, in 9 stanzas of 7 lines; repeated in Wackernagel's ed., 1843, No. 118 (1874, No. 123); in Bachmann's ed., No. 119; and in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S. ed. 1863, No. 301. Translated as:— I know that my Redeemer lives, In this my faith is fast. A full and spirited translation by J. Oxenford, in Lays of the Sanctuary, 1859, p. 122. His translations of stanzas i., iii., vii.-ix., were included, altered, as No. 779 in Kennedy, 1863. Another tr. is:— "I know that my Redeemer lives, This hope," &c, by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 78. vii. Ich weiss, mein Gott, dass all mein Thun. Supplication. A prayer for success in all Christian works and purpose; founded on Jeremiah x. 23, and Acts v. 38, 39. Included in Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 332, in 18 stanzas of 5 lines. In Wackernagel's ed., No. 40; Bachmann's ed., No. 71, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863. Translated as:— I know, my God, and I rejoice. A good translation of stanzas i.-iii., viii., xi., ix., by Miss Winkworth, as No. 121 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Another translation is:— "My God! my works and all I do” by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 102. viii. Kommt, und lasst uns Christum ehren. Christmas. Founded on St. Luke ii. 15. First published in J. G. Ebeling's ed. of his Geistliche Andachten Fünffte Dutzet, 1667, No. 56, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. Thence in Wackemagel's ed., No. 6; Bachmann's ed., No. 110; and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 43. Translated as:— 1. Come, unite in praise and singing. Omitting stanzas vi., vii., contributed by A. T. Russell to Maurice's Choral Hymnbook, 1861, No. 707. 2. Bring to Christ your best oblation. A full and good translation by P. Massie in his Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 96; repeated in Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory and Reid's Praise Book, 1872. Other translations are:— (1) "Come, and let us Christ revere now," by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 25. (2) "Come, and Christ the Lord be praising," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 24. ix. Lobet den Herren, alle die ihn fürchten. Morning. Included in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch 1653, No. 7, in 10 stanzas of 5 lines. In Wackernagel's ed., No. 100, and Bachmann's ed., No. 21, and in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S. edition 1863, No. 1063. Translated as:— Praise God! revere Him! all ye men that fear Him! This is from the version in Bunsen's Allgemeine Gesangbücher, 1846, No. 167, stanza i. being from Gerhardt, and st. ii., iii., from "Lobet den Herren, denn er ist sehr freundlich" (q. v.); and appeared in the Dalston Hospital Hymnbook, 1848, No. 55, signed "A. G." Other translations are:— (1) "Our Lord be praising, All His glory raising," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 27. (2) "Praise ye Jehovah, all ye men who fear Him," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 279. x. Micht so traurig, nicht so sehr. Christian Contentment. In the 3rd edition, 1648, of Crüger's Praxis, No. 251, in 15 stanzas of 6 1., repeated in Wackernagel's ed., No. 53; Bachmann's ed., No. 16, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863, No. 851. It is founded on Ps. cxvi. 7; Ps. xlii. 6-12; 1 Tim. vi. 6. Translated as:— Ah! grieve not so, nor so lament. A free translation by Mrs. Findlater, of stanzas i., ii., vii.-x., xiii., xv., in the 1st Ser., 1854, of the Hymns from the Land of Luther, p. 48 (1884, p. 50). Repeated, abridged, in Holy Song, 1869, and Dale's English Hymnbook, 1875. Other translations are:- (l) "Why this sad and mournful guise," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 85. (2) "Not so darkly, not so deep," by Miss Warner, 1858 (1861, p. 58). (3) “0 my soul, why dost thou grieve," by J. Kelly, 1867. xi. Nun lasst uns gehn und treten. New Year. Included in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, No. 106, in 15 st. of 4 1. Thence in Wackernagel's ed., No. 12; Bachmann's ed., No. 24, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863, No. 200. Evidently written during the Thirty Years' War. Translated as:— In pray'r your voices raise ye. In full, by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 45. From this, 8 st. are included as No. 48 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are:— (1) "Now let each humble Creature," in the Supplement to German Psalter, ed. 1765, p. 4, and Select Hymns from German Psalter, Tranquebar, 1754. p. 7. In the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789, No. 507 (1849, No. 1106), greatly altered, and beginning, “Year after year commenceth." (2) "0 come with prayer and singing," by R. Massie in the British Herald , Jan., 1865, p. 8. (3) “Christians all, with one accord," by E. Massie, 1867, p. 168. (4) "With notes of joy and songs of praise," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 24. xii. Schaut! Schaut! was ist für Wunder dar? Christmas. First published in J. G. Ebeling's ed. of his Geistliche Andachten Fünffte Dutzet, 1667, No. 55, in 18 stanzas of 4 1. Thence in Wackernagel’s ed., No. 4; Bachmann's ed., No. 109. Translated as:— Behold! Behold! what wonders here. In full, by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 14. From this, 12 st. were included in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, as Nos. 25, 26: No. 26 beginning with the translation of st. xiii., "It is a time of joy today." xiii. Warum willt du draussen stehen. Advent. Suggested by Gen. xxiv. 31. Appeared in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, No. 78, in 9 stanzas of 8 lines; viz., stanzas i.—vii., xi., xii., of the full form; st. viii.-x. being added in Ebeling's Geistliche Andachten Fünffte Dutzet, 1667, No. 50. The full text, in 12 stanzas, is also in Wackernagel's ed., No. 2; Bachmann's ed., No. 23, and Geistliche Lieder S., 1851, No. 20. Translated as:— Wherefore dost Thou longer tarry. A good translation, omitting st. viii.-x., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyrica Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 6. In her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 153, the translations of st. iii., v., xi., are omitted. Other trs. are:- (l) “Wherefore dost Thou, blest of God," by R. Massie, in Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 90. (2) “Why, without, then, art Thou staying," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 5. xiv. Was alle Weisheit in der Welt. Trinity Sunday. In Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 212, in 8 stanzas of 9 lines. Thence in Wackernagel's ed., No. 1, and Bachmann's ed., No, 59, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863, No. 50. Translated as:— Scarce tongue can speak, ne'er human ken. In full, by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 1, repeated as No. 111 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is:—"The mystery hidden from the eyes," by R. Massie, in Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 87. xv. Was Gott gefällt, mein frommes Kind. Resignation. This beautiful hymn, on resignation to “what pleases God," first appeared in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, No. 290, in 20 stanzas of 5 lines. Thence in Wackernagel's ed., No. 60; Bachmann's ed., No. 37, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 723. Translated as:—- What God decrees, child of His love. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vi., viii., xii., xv., xviii., xx., by Mrs. Findlater, in the 3rd Ser., 1858, of the Hymns from the Land of Luther, p. 49 (1884, p. 170). Included, in full, in Bishop Ryle's Collection, 1860, No. 171; and abridged in Christian Hymns, Adelaide, 1872, and beginning, "What God decrees, take patiently," in Kennedy, 1863, No. 1344. Other translations are:— (1) "What pleaseth God with joy receive," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 94. (2) “What pleases God, 0 pious soul," by Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 193, (3) ”What pleaseth God, my faithful child," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 189. xvi. Wie schőn ists doch, Herr Jesu Christ. For Married Persons. Founded on Ps. cxxviii. First published in Ebeling's ed. of his Geistliche Andachten Vierte Dutzet, 1666, No. 38, in 8 st. of 12 1. Thence in Wackernagel's ed., 1843, No. 108 (1874, No. 109); Bachmann's ed., No. 105, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen S., 1851, No. 680. Translated as:— Oh, Jesus Christ! how bright and fair. In full, by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 307, repeated, altered, and omitting st. iii.—v., in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, No. 339. II. Hymns not in English common use: xvii. Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt. Good Friday. On St. John iii. 16. In Crüger's Praxis, 1661, No. 372, in 17 stanzas. Translated as, "Be of good cheer in all your wants,” by P. H. Molther, of stanza 16, as No. 181 in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789 (1886, No. 217). xviii. Auf, auf, mein Herz mit Freuden. Easter. In Crüger's Praxis, 1648, No. 141, in 9 stanzas. The translations are:-- (1) "Up! Up! my heart with gladness, See," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 71. (2) "Up, up, my heart, with gladness; Receive," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 228. xix. Du bist zwar mein und bleibest mein. For the Bereaved. A beautiful hymn of consolation for parents on the loss of a son. Written on the death of Constantin Andreas, younger son of Johannes Berkov, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Berlin, and first printed as one of the "Dulcia amicorum solatia" at the end of the funeral sermon by Georg Lilius, Berlin, 1650. Included in Ebeline's ed. of Gerhardt's Geistliche Andachten Sechste Dutzet, Berlin, 1667, No. 72, in 12 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "Thou'rt mine, yes, still thou art mine own”, by Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 123. (2) "Yes, thou art mine, still mine, my son," by J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1861, p. 8, and his Remains, 1869, p. 249. (3) "Mine art thou still, and mine shalt be," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 333. (4) "Thou art mine own, art still mine own," by Dr. J. Guthrie, 1869, p. 100. xx. Du, meine Seele, singe. Ps. cxlvi. In the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, Berlin, 1653, No. 183, in 10 stanzas. Translated as, “O come, my soul, with singing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Jannary, 1866, p. 207, and as No. 423 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. xxi. Gieb dich zufrieden, und sei stille. Cross and Consolation—-Ps. xxxvii. 7. In Ebeling Erstes Dutzet, 1666, No. 11, in 15 stanzas. Translated as: (1) “Be thou content: be still before," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 156, and in Bishop Ryle's Collection, 1860, No. 269. (2) “Be thou contented! aye relying," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 202. (3) “Tranquilly lead thee, peace possessing," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 246. xxii. Hőr an! mein Herz, die sieben Wort. Passiontide. On the Seven Words from the Cross. Founded on the hymn noted under Bőschenstein, J. (q.v.). In Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 137, in 15 stanzas. Translated as: (1) “Come now, my soul, thy thoughts engage," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 309). (2) "Seven times the Saviour spake my heart," by R. Massie, in the British Herald, Sept., 1865, p. 133. (3) "My heart! the seven words hear now," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 63. xxiii. Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn. Resignation. In Crüger's Praxis, 1648, No. 249, in 12 st. Translated as: (1) "I into God's own heart and mind," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 219. (2) "To God's all-gracious heart and mind”, by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 213, repeated in Statham's Collection, Edinburgh, 1869 and 1870. xxiv. 0 Jesu Christ! dein Kripplein ist. Christmas. At the Manger of Bethlehem. In Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 101, in 15 stanzas. Translated as: (1) Be not dismay'd—-in time of need" (st. xi.) in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789, No. 236. (2) "O blessed Jesus! This," by Miss Winkworth, 1858, p, 18. (3) "O Jesus Christ! Thy cradle is," by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 41. (4) "Thy manger is my paradise," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 26. xxv. Voller Wunder, voller Kunst. Holy Matrimony. In Ebeling Vierte Dutzet, 1666, No. 40, in 17 st. Often used in Germany at marriages on the way to church. Translated as: (1) "Full of wonder, full of skill," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 215). (2) "Full of wonder, full of skill," in Mrs. Stanley Carr's translation of Wildenhahn's Paul Gerhardt, ed. 1856, p. 52. (3) "Full of wonder, full of art," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 302. (4) "Full of wonder, full of art," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 215. xxvi. Warum machet solche Schmerzen. New Year. On St. Luke ii. 21. In Crüger's Praxis, 1648, No. 97, in 4 stanzas. Bunsen, in his Versuch, 1833, No. 120, gives st. iii., iv. altered to "Freut euch, Sünder, allerwegen." Tr. as: (1) "Mortals, who have God offended," by Miss Cox, 1841, p. 21, from Bunsen. (2) "Why should they such pain e'er give Thee," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 43. xxvii. Weg, mein Herz, mit den Gedanken. Lent. On St. Luke xv. In Crüger's Praxis, 1648, No. 36, in 12 stanzas. Translated as: (1) "Let not such a thought e'er pain thee," by J. Kelly, 1867, p. 83. (2) "Hence, my heart, with such a thought," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 210. Besides the above, a considerable number of other hymns by Gerhardt have been translated by Mr. Kelly, and a few by Dr. Mills, Miss Manington, and others. The limits of our space forbid detailed notes on these versions. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================= Gerhardt, Paulus, pp. 409, ii., 1565, i. The most recent edition of Gerhardt's hymns is in vol. iii. of the Fischer-Tümpel Deutsche evangelische Kirchenlied des Siebzehnten Jahr-hunderts, 1906, Nos. 389-495. In fixing the text the compilers have been enabled to use the recently discovered 1647, 1653 and 1657 Berlin editions of Cruger's Praxis Pietatis Melica. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Johann Franck

1618 - 1677 Person Name: Joh. Frank Hymnal Number: 60 Author of "Herr Jesu, Licht der Heiden" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Johann Franck (b. Guben, Brandenburg, Germany, 1618; d. Guben, 1677) was a law student at the University of Köningsberg and practiced law during the Thirty Years' War. He held several positions in civil service, including councillor and mayor of Guben. A significant poet, second only to Paul Gerhardt in his day, Franck wrote some 110 hymns, many of which were published by his friend Johann Crüger in various editions of the Praxis Pietatis melica. All were included in the first part of Franck’s Teutsche Gedichte bestehend im geistliche Sion (1672). Bert Polman ============= Franck, Johann, son of Johann Franck, advocate and councillor at Guben, Brandenburg, was born at Guben, June 1, 1618. After his father's death, in 1620, his uncle by marriage, the Town Judge, Adam Tielckau, adopted him and sent him for his education to the schools at Guben, Cottbus, Stettin and Thorn. On June 28, 1638, he matriculated as a student of law at the University of Königsberg, the only German university left undisturbed by the Thirty Years' War. Here his religious spirit, his love of nature, and his friendship with such men as Simon Dach and Heinrich Held, preserved him from sharing in the excesses of his fellow students. He returned to Guben at Easter, 1640, at the urgent request of his mother, who wished to have him near her in those times of war during which Guben frequently suffered from the presence of both Swedish and Saxon troops. After his return from Prague, May, 1645, he commenced practice as a lawyer. In 1648 he became a burgess and councillor, in 1661 burgomaster, and in 1671 was appointed the deputy from Guben to the Landtag (Diet) of Lower Lusatia. He died at Guben, June 18, 1677; and on the bicentenary of his death, June 18, 1877, a monumental tablet to his memory was affixed to the outer wall of the Stadtkirche at Guben (Koch, iii. 378-385; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, vii. 211-212; the two works by Dr. Hugo Jentsch of Guben, Johann Franck, 1877, and Die Abfassungszeit der geistlichen Lieder Johann Franck's, 1876). Of Franck's secular poems those before 1649 are much the best; his later productions becoming more and more affected and artificial, long-winded and full of classical allusions, and much inferior to those of Dach or Opitz. As a hymn writer he holds a high rank and is distinguished for unfeigned and firm faith, deep earnestness, finished form, and noble, pithy, simplicity of expression. In his hymns we miss the objectivity and congregational character of the older German hymns, and notice a more personal, individual tone; especially the longing for the inward and mystical union of Christ with the soul as in his "Jesus, meine Freude." He stands in close relationship with Gerhardt, sometimes more soaring and occasionally more profound, but neither on the whole so natural nor so suited for popular comprehension or Church use. His hymns appeared mostly in the works of his friends Weichmann, Crüger and Peter. They were collected in his Geistliches Sion, Guben, 1674, to the number of 110; and of these the 57 hymns (the other 53 being psalm versions of no great merit) were reprinted with a biographical preface by Dr. J. L. Pasig as Johann Franck's Geistliche Lieder, Grimma, 1846. Two of those translated into English are from the Latin of J. Campanus (q. v.). Four other hymns are annotated under their own first lines:—"Brunquell aller Güter"; "Dreieinigkeit der Gottheit wahrer Spiegel"; "Jesu, meine Freude"; "Schmücke dich, o liebe Secle." The rest are:— i. Hymns in English common use: -- i. Erweitert eure Pforten . [Advent]. Founded on Psalm xxiv. 7-10. First published in C. Peter's Andachts-Zymbeln, Freiberg, 1655, p. 25, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines; repeated 1674, p. 3, and 1846, p. 3, as above. Included in the 1688 and later editions of Crüger's Praxis pietatis, in Bollhagen's Gesang-Buch, 1736, &c. The only translation in common use is:—- Unfold your gates and open, a translation of st. 1, 3, 6, by A. T. Russell, as No. 30 in his Hymns & Psalms, 1851; repeated altered as No. 30 in Kennedy, 1863, and thus as No. 102 in Holy Song, 1869. ii. Herr Gott dich loben wir, Regier. Thanksgiving for Peace. Evidently written as a thanksgiving for the conclusion of the Thirty Years' War, by the Peace of Westphalia, Oct. 24, 1648. First published in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, Berlin, 1653, No. 306, in 9 st. of 8 l., as the first of the "Hymns of Thanksgiving for Peace attained"; and repeated 1674, p. 182, and 1846, p. 77, as above. Included in Crüger's Praxis, 1653, and many later collections, and, as No. 591, in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. The only translation in common use is:— Lord God, we worship Thee, a very good version of st. 2, 3, 6, 8, by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 183. Repeated in full in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871; the Hymnary, 1872; the Psalmist, 1878; and in America in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. In the American Protestant Episcopal Collection, 1871; the Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y. 1874; and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, the translation of stanza 8 is omitted. iii. Herr ich habe missgehandelt. Lent. Of this fine hymn of penitence stanza i. appeared as No. 19 in Cruger's Geistliche Kirchenmelodien , Leipzig, 1649. The full form in 8 stanzas of 6 lines is No. 41 in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, Berlin, 1653, entitled "For the forgiveness of sins," repeated 1674, p. 39, and 1846, p. 37, as above. Included in Crüger's Praxis, 1653, and others, and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. The only translation in common use is:— Lord, to Thee I make confession, a very good translation, omitting st. 4, 5, 6, by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 44, repeated in the Appendix to the Hymnal for St. John's, Aberdeen, 1865-1870; and in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book, 1868; Evangelical Hymnal, N. Y., 1880; Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is: "Lord, how oft I have offended," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 177. iv. Herr Jesu, Licht der Heiden. Presentation in the Temple. Founded on the account in St. Luke ii., and probably the finest hymn on the subject. Dr. Jentsch, 1876, p. 9, thinks it was written before Dec. 8, 1669, as C. Peter, who died then, left a melody for it. We have not found the full text earlier than 1674, as above, p. 10, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "On the Festival of the Purification of Mary" (1846, p. 10). Included in the 1688 and later editions of Crüger's Praxis, and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 197. The translations in common use are:— 1. Light of the Gentile world , a translation, omitting st. 6, by Miss Winkworth in the first service of her Lyra Germanica, 1855, p. 193 (ed. 1876, p. 195), and thence as No. 147 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Hymn Book, 1865. This version is in S.M. Double. 2. Light of the Gentile Nations, a good translation, omitting st. 6, by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 80. Repeated in Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, and in America in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. ii. Hymns not in English common use: v. Du geballtes Weltgebäude. Christ above all earthly things. Stanza i. in Cruger's Kirchenmelodien, 1649, No. 116. The full text (beginning "Du o schönes) is No. 239 in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, in 8 stanzas, entitled "Longing after Eternal Life." Repeated, 1674, p. 194, and 1846, p. 60, as above. The translations are: (1) "Let who will in thee rejoice," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 180 (1876, p. 182). (2) "O beautiful abode of earth," by Miss Warner, 1858 (1861, p. 233). (3) "Thou, O fair Creation-building," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 232. vi. Unsre müden Augenlieder. Evening. Probably written while a student at Königsberg. First published in J. Weichmann's Sorgen-lägerin, Königsberg, 1648, Pt. iii., No. 4, in 7 st.; repeated 1674, p. 213, and 1846, p. 91, as above. The only translation is by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 79, beginning with st. vi., "Ever, Lord, on Thee relying." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christian Ludwig Scheidt

1709 - 1761 Person Name: C. L. Scheidt Hymnal Number: 281 Author of "Aus Gnaden soll ich selig werden" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Christian Ludwig Scheidt, b. 1709, Waldenburg; d. 1761, Hanover, hofrat and librarian at Hanover

Valerius Herberger

1562 - 1627 Hymnal Number: 461 Author of "Valet will ich dir geben" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Herberger, Valerius, son of Martin Herberger, furrier and poet at Fraustadt, Posen, was born at Fraustadt, April 21, 1562. He studied theology at the Universities of Frankfurt a. Oder and Leipzig, and became in 1584 master of the lower classes in the school at Fraustadt. In 1590 he was appointed diaconus of St. Mary's Church, Fraustadt, and in 1599 chief pastor; but in 1604 he and his flock were ousted from the church by King Sigismund III., of Poland, for the sake of the few Roman Catholics in the place. Out of two houses near one of the gates of the town they made a meeting-place, to which, as the first service was held on Christmas Eve, the name of the "Kripplein Christi" was given. He died at Fraustadt, May 18,1627 (Koch, ii. 301-311; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 28-29, &c). Herberger published two sets of sermons, the Evangelische Herzpostille and the Epistolische Herzpostille. His famous work, the Magnolia Dei, de Jem Scripturae nucleo et medulla, 8 vols., 1601-l610, was designed to show Christ all through the Old Testament, but in his exposition he only reached the book of Ruth. As a pastor he worked unweariedly for the good of his people, especially during the time of the great pestilence (1613 to 1630), and during the troubles of the early part of the Thirty Years' War. Herberger wrote only a few hymns, and of these the best known is:— Valet will ich dir geben. For the Dying, first published on a broadsheet entitled :— "A devout prayer with which the Evangelical citizens of Frawenstadt in the autumn of the year 1613 moved the heart of God the Lord so that He mercifully laid down His sharp rod of wrath under which nearly two thousand fell on sleep. And also a hymn of consolation in which a pious heart bids farewell (Valet) to this world. Both composed by Valerius Herberger, preacher at the Kripplein Christi." Leipzig, 1614. The hymn was published in Mützell 1858, No. 6, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. The title of the hymn itself is:— "The Farewell (Valet) of Valerius Herberger that he gave to this world in the autumn of the year 1613, when he every hour saw death before his eyes, but mercifully and also as wonderfully as the three men in the furnace at Babylon was nevertheless spared." In this pestilence 2135 perished at Fraustadt, but Herberger manfully stuck to his post, and passed through all unhurt, comforting the sick and helping to bury the dead. The hymn is an acrostic on his name formed by the beginnings of the stanzas-—Vale (i.), r (ii.) i (iii.) u (iv.) s (v). It is one of the finest German hymns for the dying. It speedily passed into the hymn-books, and is still a favourite. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1502. Sometimes given beginning "Abschied will" or "Lebwohl will." The beautiful melody which appeared with the hymn in 1614 is by Herberger's precentor, Melchior Teschner, and is now well known in England, being included, e.g. in Hymns Ancient & Modern as St. Theodulph. The translations in common use are :— 1. 0 World so vain, I leave thee, a good translation, omitting stanza iv., by A. T. Russell, as No. 248 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. Farewell I gladly bid thee, a good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, as No. 137 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Other translations are: (1) "Grant in the bottom of my heart," a translation of stanza iii. as No. 29 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1742. (2) "Farewell henceforth for ever," by L. T. Nyberg, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, pt. i., No. 451 (1886, No. 1227). (3) "Shelter our souls most graciously," by L. T. Nyberg, in the Moravian Hymn Book, pt. ii., 1746, p. 794 (1886, as pt. of No. 793). (4) "Vain world, forbear thy pleading," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 107. (5) "I bid adieu for ever," in the British Herald, Aug. 1866, p. 306, repeated in Keid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 336. (6) "My parting spirit biddeth," in the Family Treasury, 1878, p. 496. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Bartholomäus Gesius

1555 - 1613 Person Name: Barthold Gesius Hymnal Number: 110 Author of "Gen Himmel aufgefahren ist" in Gesangbuch für Gemeinden des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Bekenntnisses (14th ed.) Bartholomaeus Gesius; b. 1555, Muencheberg, near Frankfort; d. 1613 or 14, Wittenberg Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908


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