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William Edie Marks

1872 - 1954 Person Name: Wm. Edie Marks Hymnal Number: 11 Composer of "[If Christ the Redeemer has pardoned your sin]" in The King of Glory Born: July 1872, Delaware (probably Wilmington) Died: November 20, 1954, Wilmington, Delaware. Buried: Lombardy Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware. Marks was ap­par­ent­ly liv­ing in Wilm­ing­ton, Del­a­ware, in 1913. His works in­clude: Cream of Song, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & O. B. Cul­pep­per & (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pick­ett Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1906) Tears and Tri­umphs No. 4, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & Ben­ja­min Butts (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pen­te­cost­al Pub­lish­ing Company, 1910) Noted Hymns, 1927 (ed­it­or) Lyrics-- Christmas Joy Tasting the Joys Trying to Be More like Je­sus We Shall Hear Him Say, "Well Done" Music-- Best Thing I Ev­er Did, The End Is Not Yet, The I Am Go­ing to Con­tin­ue In the Morn­ing We Shall See It Is Mine Jesus Sa­tis­fies Jesus Took the Bur­den Off Keep Tell­ing It Last Mile of the Way, The Let Je­sus Re­move It To­day Lift Thy Face to the Light! Rapture In­deed! Tell It Wher­ev­er You Go When We Use Our Tal­ents You Ought to Know Him

J. S. Fearis

1867 - 1932 Hymnal Number: 94 Composer of "[When the hosts of sin are marching]" in The King of Glory John Sylvester Fearis, 1867-1932 Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 5, 1867, Rich­land, Io­wa. Died: Sep­tem­ber 2, 1932, Lake Ge­ne­va, Wis­con­sin. Fearis’ fa­ther was a suc­cess­ful sing­ing school teach­er, and a paint­er by trade. At a young age, John learned to read mu­sic in his fa­ther’s classe­s. He was pas­sion­ate­ly fond of mu­sic, and, tak­ing less­ons on the reed or­gan, he was soon able to play in Sun­day school and church. Lat­er he took charge of the church choir, and taught sing­ing class­es in near­by towns. He wrote his first hymn tune at age 16. He event­u­al­ly joined the ed­it­or­i­al staff of the Choir Lead­er, pub­lished by the Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Day­ton, Ohio. Sources-- Choir Her­ald, De­cem­ber 1932, p. 219 Emurian, p. 17 Hall, pp. 393-4 Lyrics-- Brightly Beams Ano­ther Morn­ing Children’s Day Show Me the Way, My Shepherd What Com­fort to Our Hearts What Won­der­ful Love Is the Love Music-- Be Thou Ex­alt­ed Beautiful Isle of Some­where God May Call for You Little Rain­drops Promise Made to Mo­ther, The Songs in the Night Show Me the Way, My Shep­herd There’s Light for a Step Wherever He Leads Me I’ll Go

Edna Randolph Worrell

Person Name: Edna R. Worrell Hymnal Number: 154 Author of "It's Just Like His Great Love" in The King of Glory

Flora H. Cassel

1852 - 1911 Person Name: Flora Hamilton Cassel Hymnal Number: 206 Composer of "[Nobody knows of the work it makes]" in The King of Glory

William Stevenson

b. 1830 Person Name: Wm. Stevenson Hymnal Number: 170 Author of "Jesus Will Help You" in The King of Glory Late 19th Century Currently, our only data on Stevenson is that he was a minister. -- May be the same as William Fleming Stevenson.

Grace Reed Oliver

Hymnal Number: 146 Author of "Truth Triumphant" in The King of Glory

J. H. Hall

1855 - 1941 Hymnal Number: 201 Composer of "[We are willing workers in the open field]" in The King of Glory Jacob Henry Hall, 1855-1941 Born: Jan­u­a­ry 2, 1855, near Har­ris­on­burg, Vir­gin­ia. Died: De­cem­ber 22, 1941. Buried: Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia. Son of farm­er George G. Hall and Eliz­a­beth Thom­as Hall, Ja­cob at­tend­ed sing­ing schools taught by Tim­o­thy Funk when he was a boy. As his love of mu­sic pro­gressed, he earned mo­ney by trap­ping quail and bought a Ger­man ac­cor­di­on; he soon learned to play one part while sing­ing an­o­ther. Af­ter he and his bro­ther joint­ly pur­chased an or­gan, he taught him­self to play hymn tunes, Gos­pel songs, and an­thems. He went on to stu­dy mu­sic the­ory, har­mo­ny, and com­po­si­tion in Har­ris­on­burg and else­where, and in 1877 at­tend­ed a Nor­mal Mu­sic School in New Mar­ket, Vir­gin­ia, taught by Ben­ja­min Un­seld and P. J. Merges. Af­ter­ward, he par­tnered with H. T. Wart­man for two years to con­duct sing­ing schools and con­ven­tions. In 1890, Hall at­tend­ed Da­na’s Mu­sical In­sti­tute in War­ren, Ohio, and a nor­mal school run by George & F. W. Root at Sil­ver Lake, New York. He lat­er served as prin­ci­pal of the Na­tion­al Nor­mal School of Mu­sic. Hall’s works in­clude: Hall’s Songs of Home, 1885 The Star of Beth­le­hem (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia: Rue­bush-Kief­fer Com­pa­ny) Musical Mil­lion (as­sis­tant ed­it­or) Spirit of Praise, with Will­iam Kirk­pat­rick & Charles Case (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia: The Rue­bush-Kieff­er Com­pa­ny, 1911) Hall’s Quar­tettes for Men, 1912 Biography of Gos­pel Song and Hymn Writ­ers/em> (New York: Flem­ing H. Re­vell Com­pa­ny, 1914) Sources-- Hall, pp. 329-34 Lyrics-- Glorious Morn­ing Dawns, The O Thou Whose Match­less Pow­er Con­trols

Maud Frazer Jackson

1873 - 1950 Hymnal Number: 151 Author of "After Good Night, Good Morning" in The King of Glory Maud Frazer Jackson USA 1873-1950. It is surmised she lived in PA and/or NJ. She was a religious author, poet, and music compiler, who published her collections of music, including 400 hymns called “Hymns about forgiveness!”, “Wayside Song” (1922), and “Starlight & lamplight” (1928). Her poems were sometimes furnished to newspapers around the country and printed. John Perry

Clarence B. Strouse

1869 - 1918 Hymnal Number: 154 Composer of "[A friend I have called Jesus]" in The King of Glory Strouse, a minister, at one time edited The Religious Review of Reviews. Copyright records indicate he was living in Salem, Virginia, in 1901. As of February 1905, he was president of the Florida Winter Bible Conference in Gainesville, Florida. (

Thomas Dennis

Person Name: T. D. Hymnal Number: 112 Author of "The broken heart" in The King of Glory Dennis was an as­sist­ant pas­tor in Has­le­mere, Sur­rey, Eng­land. He ed­it­ed a new edi­tion of the Psalms in po­ems in 1908, which was print­ed by J. White, Hor­ace Head, Fleet Street.


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