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Hymnal, Number:soj1953

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J. M. Henson

1887 - 1972 Hymnal Number: 12 Author of "Living With Jesus" in Songs of Joy

Tillit S. Teddlie

1885 - 1987 Hymnal Number: 39 Composer of "[Our dear mother has left us]" in Songs of Joy Tillit Sidney Teddlie was born on June 3, 1885 at Swan, Texas. He was a leader in the Churches of Christ denomination in the 20th Century. In addition to singing schools which he taught for 61 years, he also preached and taught across Texas and the southwest. For one period of time (two years) he sang only with Foy E. Wallace, Jr., (a well-known, conservative Churches of Christ preacher around World War II) while they conducted meetings across the country. Teddlie was honored by many people in many places. On June 2, 1985, 630 churches across the land proclaimed Sunday “Tillit S. Teddlie Day” and sang his songs. Teddlie had composed 130 songs and published 14 song books. One of his song books, "Golden Harvest Hymns" included 100 of his best-known hymns. He attended a song fest in his name at the Preston Crest Church of Christ in Dallas where more than 1,200 gathered. Teddlie's 100th birthday was honored by President Reagan who sent a telegram, and Sen. Phil Graham among others. The Briar, Texas, Church of Christ gave him a bronze statue worth $6,000. His songs published in hymnals from Churches of Christ include “Worthy Art Thou,” “Heaven Holds All to Me,” “When We Meet in Sweet Communion, “Oft We Come Together,” “Singing Redemption’s Song,” “Hear Me When I Call,” “O God of Infinite Mercy,” and many more. While Teddlie had success as a publisher of many of his own smaller hymnals, his contributions as a composer to every major hymnal published in Churches of Christ since 1921 have left an indelible imprint on the denomination’s hymnody. Teddlie died August 17, 1987 at the age of 102. He is remembered for his preaching, teaching, and music and his good influence upon all the people that he met and worked with. D. J. Bulls, from "In Memoriam" by Gussie Lambert, 1988; "Our Garden of Song" by G. C. Finley, Howard Publishing, 1984; "Tillit S. Teddlie, A Centennial Celebration" Program, June 2, 1985, Dallas, TX,,ts.htm

Peter Christian Lutkin

1858 - 1931 Person Name: Peter C. Lutkin Hymnal Number: 2 Composer of "[The Lord Bless You and Keep You]" in Songs of Joy

Cleavant Derricks

1910 - 1977 Person Name: C. D. Hymnal Number: 24 Author of "This Old-Time Religion" in Songs of Joy

J. S. Fearis

1867 - 1932 Hymnal Number: 5 Composer of "[Somewhere the sun is shining]" in Songs of Joy John Sylvester Fearis, 1867-1932 Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 5, 1867, Rich­land, Io­wa. Died: Sep­tem­ber 2, 1932, Lake Ge­ne­va, Wis­con­sin. Fearis’ fa­ther was a suc­cess­ful sing­ing school teach­er, and a paint­er by trade. At a young age, John learned to read mu­sic in his fa­ther’s classe­s. He was pas­sion­ate­ly fond of mu­sic, and, tak­ing less­ons on the reed or­gan, he was soon able to play in Sun­day school and church. Lat­er he took charge of the church choir, and taught sing­ing class­es in near­by towns. He wrote his first hymn tune at age 16. He event­u­al­ly joined the ed­it­or­i­al staff of the Choir Lead­er, pub­lished by the Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Day­ton, Ohio. Sources-- Choir Her­ald, De­cem­ber 1932, p. 219 Emurian, p. 17 Hall, pp. 393-4 Lyrics-- Brightly Beams Ano­ther Morn­ing Children’s Day Show Me the Way, My Shepherd What Com­fort to Our Hearts What Won­der­ful Love Is the Love Music-- Be Thou Ex­alt­ed Beautiful Isle of Some­where God May Call for You Little Rain­drops Promise Made to Mo­ther, The Songs in the Night Show Me the Way, My Shep­herd There’s Light for a Step Wherever He Leads Me I’ll Go

Emmett S. Dean

1876 - 1951 Person Name: Emmet S. dEan Hymnal Number: 4 Composer of "[I've a home prepared where the saints abide]" in Songs of Joy Born: June 29, 1876, Con­e­cuh Coun­ty, Al­a­ba­ma. Died: October 8, 1951, Wa­co, Tex­as. Buried: Oak­wood Cem­e­tery, Wa­co, Tex­as. A Meth­od­ist, Dean taught sing­ing schools for 40 years, wrote some 500 songs, and for four years head­ed the Trio Mu­sic Com­pa­ny. With Frank­lin Ei­land and Ho­mer El­li­ott, he found­ed the South­ern De­vel­op­ment Nor­mal Mu­sic School in Wa­co, Tex­as.

George Thomas Speer

1891 - 1966 Person Name: G. T. S. Hymnal Number: 36 Author of "It Was for You and Me" in Songs of Joy

Rupert Cravens

1911 - 1983 Person Name: Rev. Rupert Cravens Hymnal Number: 19 Author of "Standing On His Word Secure" in Songs of Joy Born: Ju­ly 2, 1911. Died: De­cem­ber 24, 1983, Law­rence Coun­ty, Ten­nes­see. Buried: Mi­mo­sa Cem­e­te­ry, Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see. Lyrics-- As We Daily Tra­vel On Be Near Me, Dear Sav­ior, and Guide Brighter, Bliss­ful Day Is Just Ahead, A By Faith We Look Be­yond This Vale Christ Is Com­ing Back from Glo­ry Cross I’ll Bear for Je­sus, The Dear Sinner, Your Life Is No More Than a Breeze Deep in My Heart Is a Calm So Di­vine Each Day My Heart Is Filled with Praise Every Day Let Me Live Close to Je­sus Far Away from God and Home Far Beyond the Sta­rry Sky Is a Home Father in Hea­ven So Loved a Lost World, The From the Broad Way of Sin Get Ready for the By and By Great the Debt of Love I Owe Happy on the Way to Hea­ven’s Glory He Is Clos­er Than a Bro­ther © 1968 Heaven Smiles upon My Path­way Hold My Hand O Bless­ed Savior Homes Are Brok­en, Hearts Are Sad I Am Go­ing to a City I Am Kept Each Day in the Ho­ly Way I Am On My Way to a Bet­ter Home I Am Saved by the Blood I Have Found a Heal­ing Fount­ain I Was Bend­ing with a Hea­vy Bur­den I’m a Pil­grim in This World I’m Bound for Hea­ven, That Ci­ty Above I’m Sing­ing Today I’m So Glad I Found the Sav­ior In God’s Gar­den There’s No Room In the Beau­ty of Ho­li­ness the Lord In the B­ible We are Told I’ve Tra­veled Here for Je­sus Jesus Calls for Hum­ble Ser­vants Jesus’ Love, Won­drous Love Jesus, Our Lord, Is Great and Strong Jesus Su­ffered Cru­el Death Jesus, Thou art Life to Me Jesus Walks Be­side Me On Life’s Way Joy of Hea­ven Is Swell­ing in My Soul, The Let Me Live Close to Thee © 1968 Lift up Your Eyes and Never Fal­ter Lift Your Eyes and Look Above Living for Je­sus I Have Look away to Hea­ven Look to the Cross Love of God, All Love Ex­cel­ling Love of God Has Changed My Life, The My View of Hea­ven’s Grow­ing Bright­er No Strang­er Am I to God’s Mer­cy and Love O Christian, Be Brave and with Faith Press Along O I Love to read the Bi­ble Everyday O Savior Dear to Thee O Take Cour­age Weary Heart O What Joy Abides Often I Am Worn and Wea­ry Often I Think of That Sweet Home Often Times My Heart Grows Lone­ly Often We Read the Bi­ble We Love Oh, Won­der­ful Morn­ing! © 1967 On the Rest­less Sea of Life Open to the House of Da­vid Peace That Pass­eth Un­der­stand­ing Praise the Lord, All Ye Peo­ple Praise Savior, Lead Me Lest I Wan­der Sing a Song of Glo­ry So Oft I’ve Heard of a City of Light So Often in Fond­est Dreams I Stroll Story of the Cross, The © 1968 There Is a City of Beau­ty Untold There Is a Gar­den Where Oft­en I Meet There Will Be Joy for All There Will Come a Day of Glad­ness By and By There Will Dawn a Hap­py Morn­ing There’ll Be a Hap­py Time To­mo­rrow There’s a Crown of Life Await­ing the Faith­ful There’s a Friend Who’s Dear­er There’s a Hap­py Home Await­ing Me There’s a Hap­py Land of Beau­ty Trusting in the Love of Je­sus Walking in the Way of Won­der­ful Love Walking in the Way We Have Oft­en Been Told of a Ci­ty We’re a Hap­py Band of Sing­ers What Joy Be­yond Ex­pres­sion When My Heart Is Sore, and by Tri­als When Our Jour­ney of Life Is End­ed When the Gates of Glo­ry Open When We Stood in Sin Con­demned Where Look­est Thou, O Weary With Faith in the Lord I Hold With God’s Love My Heart Is Over­flow­ing

V. O. Fossett

1904 - 1964 Hymnal Number: 104 Arranger of "[I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun]" in Songs of Joy Died: December 20, 1964. Buried: Laurel Land Memorial Park, Dallas, Texas. A native of DeKalb County, Alabama, Fossett attended his first Gospel Music School at age 12. At age 16, he attended Thomas Mosley’s Normal School. By age 19, he began singing and playing in a quartet. By 1937, he was teaching in High Point, North Carolina, where he married Katherine Strother. Three years later, he joined the Chattanooga, Tennessee, office of the Stamps-Baxter music publishers. Fossett’s works include: Fossett’s Inspirational Melodies (Dallas, Texas: Stamps-Baxter Music & Printing Company, 1952)


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