J. M. Henson

J. M. Henson
Short Name: J. M. Henson
Full Name: Henson, J. M. (John Melvin), 1887-
Birth Year: 1887
Death Year: 1972
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by J. M. Henson (957)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A brighter beautiful light now dispels darkness of nightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
A call comes ringing from the KingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
A glad new feeling now is stealing sweetly over meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
A gospel wave is sweeping 'round meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
A happy song of love is ringingJ. M. Henson (Author)2
A message divine across the universe is ringingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
A million more would like to singJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
A song of gladness I am aingingJ. M. Henson (Author)3
A stranger knocks at your heart's door, So often He has knocked beforeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
A wonderful vision has dawned on my soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Abiding grace, how sweet to meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
After all life's storms are ended and my trials here are overJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
After my story I shall have glory in a wonderful landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
All along on the road to the soul's true abodeJ. M. H. (Author)English61
All like sheep we've gone astray, turned each one to His own wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
All my life long I have heard of JesusJ. M. H. (Author)English2
All my sins have been forgiven, and I'm happy all the timeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
All that I need is my SaviorJohn M. Henson (Author)2
All the redeemed ones are singingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
All the stars in the heavens are countlessJ. M. H. (Author)English2
All the world is just a flower garden, ringing out a beautiful songJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Anchor in the SaviorJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Angel choirs are singing with their many millions strongJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Armed for the fight God's soldiers standJohn M. Henson (Author)2
As I go along life's rugged pathwayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
As I go on the way to glory keeping the cross of Christ in sightJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
As I go onward singing of the loveJ. M. Henson (Author)2
As I go through life in peace or strifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
As I journey on my heart is singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
As I journey onward over life's rugged wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
As I look across the plainJohn M. Henson (Author)2
As I look out my window tonightJ. M. H. (Author)English2
As I stand by the broad rolling riverJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
As I stand by the side of the mountainJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
As I travel life's highway, I keep singing a songJ. M. H. (Author)English2
As I walk through the valley of shadows at lastJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
As on through life I go, meeting both friend and foeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
As we labor and singJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
As we travel life's way in our efforts to prayJ. M. H. (Author)English2
As you go along keep within your heart a songJ. M. Henson (Author)2
As you make your way through this world belowJohn M. Henson (Author)2
As you travel life's roadJ. M. Henson (Author)3
At the dawn Mary came seeking JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Awake and join the song of battle as we goJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Awake and let songs of joy your heart and tongue now employJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Awake and praise the matchless Savior who forever keeps us strongJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Away with sadness, O friend, let days of trouble all endJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Be mindful O my brotherJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Be near me Lord till life'sJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Behold the King expected soonJ. M. Henson (Author)English6
Behold, a voice is callingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Behold ahead I hear sweet singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Behold our risen Lord todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Behold the Lamb of Calvary, Who paid sin's debt to set men freeJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
Bless us we pray, all through the dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Blessed Jesus, hear me, Now to Thee I prayJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Blessed King divine keep this soul of mineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Blessed Lord divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Blessed Lord let me walk with TheeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Blessed Savior draw Thou near meJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Blessed Savior, I'm a long way from homeJ. M. Henson (Author)English11
Blessed Savior, keep us, Till the morn shall breakJ. M. H. (Author)English6
Blessed Savior keep us in Thy loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Blessings now descend like the summer raindrops and my soul hath perfect peaceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Bow down Thine ear O mighty OneJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Bright is the way ahead, for I am safely ledJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Brighter grows the pathway as we travel alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Brother along on the highway of lifeJohn M. Henson (Author)English6
By faith we see beyond the barJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Carry the light to the lost out on sin's mountainJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Chiming and rhyming bells are ringingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Christ had to go to Calvary, The law's demands to satisfyJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
Christ is calling, O hear His voiceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Christ is coming back to the earth some morningJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Christ is near, love and cheer To extendJ. M. H. (Author)English7
Close to my soul, Jesus abidesJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Come all ye people of God and rejoiceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Come before the Lord with praiseJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Come before the Lord with singing, Make His matchless goodness knownJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Come, friends, let us rejoice in our King divineJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Come let us sing a glad new songJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Come Lord Jesus, hold my handJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Come to Jesus, weary sinner, Come and lean upon His breastJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Come unto Jesus ye who are sadJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Come, ye lovers of the Savior, work and singJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Comrades join our song as we go alongJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Comrades march along with an endless happy songJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Comrades of the King, lift your voices and singJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Consecrate your all to JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Constantly meditating on the Savior's words of loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Daily letting Christ my Savior lead onward in the light we goJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Darkness of earth will vanish awayJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Day by day we travel on in the light of love divineJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Dear friends and kindred gathered hereJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Deep in my heart keeps ringingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Deep in Thy love O my gracious RedeemerJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Don't you hear the tender voice of Jesus nowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Draw me O Savior, close to Thy sideJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Draw nigh unto ImmanuelJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Each day I sing of ChristJohn M. Henson (Author)3
Each day we sing of Christ our KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Earthly wealth and fame may never come to meJ. M. Henson (Author)English30
Every morning I go to the gardenJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Everybody praise Him, praise Him, praise HimJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
Far over the sea, sad voices still cryJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
Fear not, O soul, along life's wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English14
Fear ye the Lord ye who believeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Fellow pilgrim sing a glad song as with Christ you travel alongJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
For all the benefits and blessingsJ. M. Henson (Author)2
For so long the sky was clouded and no light was over headJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Forth to the golden harvestJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Friend of sinners, hear usJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
Give out the story, sing of His gloryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Give praise to our eternal SaviorJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Gladness and glory I am finding each day (Henson)J. H. Henson (Author)English2
Glories all gleaming, oft in my dreamingJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
Glory fills my being since Jesus pardoned meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Glory is waiting for the redeemedJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Glory to Jesus He is my songJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Glowing sunshine keeps us happy as we go along our wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Go forth in the name of the LordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Go forth to service loyal comrades of the KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Go, ye, to the harvest for the blessed KingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
God gives the roses their beautyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
God's go'nna deal with this wicked world after a whileJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
God's love is boundless, so full and so freeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Gone is my sadness, great is my gladnessJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Gone is our sadness, great is the gladnessJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Guide thou my feet, O blessedJohn M. Henson (Author)3
Hail to the wonderful Lord of allJ. M. H. (Author)English3
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, My soul is freeJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Hand in hand we walk togetherJohn M. Henson (Author)English7
Happy am I in Jesus my SaviorJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Happy are we in the Lord's employJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Happy in the service of my blessed LordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Happy in the service of my blessed MasterJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Happy in the service of my KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Happy in the service of our everlasting KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Happy is the man who takes the Savior as His guideJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Happy on the way to gloryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Hark! A plaintive cry comes ringingJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Hark! I hear a glad song ringingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Hark! we hear the music of the reapers as they gather golden grainJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Hark, what a carol of joy we hearJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
He can move the mountainsJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
He has saved my soul, My JesusJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Hear a mighty harvest song ringing clear and sweet and strongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Hear the tramp, tramp, tramp of the royal marchJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Hear Thou my prayer, O blessed LordJ. M. H. (Author)English4
Hear ye now the call my brother, to the field awayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Hearken O man across the borderJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Heavenly music is ringing todayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Here I wander in heed of the things of this lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
Here the Christian doth meet with temptationsJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Here there are trials and sore temptationsJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Here there is trouble, burdens just doubleJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Here there's sorrow, toil and painJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Here this world is filled with trouble as we go along our wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Here we have sorrow, pain and griefJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Here we often sighJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Here we talk and sing together of the Savior's precious loveJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Here we wander as sheep with no shepherdJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Ho! ye who are idle, there is need of service trueJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
Holy Father, keep us, till the mornJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Homeward, homeward I am going, with my King divineJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Homeward with my Savior walkingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Honor His name, wonderful nameJ. M. H. (Author)English2
How my soul will sweetly sing to my blessed Lord and KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
How sweet is the promise of Jesus our SaviorJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am a pilgrim going to my eternal homeJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I am abiding safe in God's loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am always happy in my Savior's loveJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I am always singing, to my Savior clingingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am clinging sweetly singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
I am content to serve JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am deep in love with JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I am delighted with my precious FriendJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am filled with new delightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am following the King of whose love I singJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am giving out love's storyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am giving out the storyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am going along in the pathway of loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am going home to glory and I'm on my way there nowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am going onward singing of my Savior and His loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am happy in Jesus, becauseJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I am happy in Jesus each hour of the dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am happy in my Lord's employJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I am happy in my Savior keeping, As I work along the shining wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am happy in my Savior's keeping, Sweetly singing all day longJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am happy in my Savior's loveJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
I am happy in the Lord today, Happy singing in the good old wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am happy now in my Savior's loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am happy on the shining wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
I am happy on the way to Glory-landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am happy on the way, with my Savior day by dayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am here for a day to make brighter the wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am holding to Christ my Redeemer and King John M. Henson (Author)2
I am holding to my Redeemer's handJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am in the army of the LordJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am in the light, of JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am in the light of love divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am in the shining way, leading on to endless dayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am letting Jesus lead meJ.M. Henson (Author)1
I am living in the land of CanaanJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am living in the love of my Redeemer dear aboveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am looking away to a beautiful landJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I am looking by faith to a beautiful landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am needy, Lord, and am prone to strayJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I am often tossed and driven over this weary pilgrim landJ. M. H. (Author)English10
I am on my way to glory, In the steps of Christ my KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am on the glory roadJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am on the gospel highway with the King divineJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I am on the homeward road to the soul's divine abodeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am on the mountain with my Lord todayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am on the road to my soul abodeJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I am on the shining road to gloryJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I am pressing along with a smileJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I am rejoicing glad carols voicingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am rejoicing in the promise in God's holy wordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am shouting up the holy hills, by the way of grace divineJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am singing of Jesus as I travel alongJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I am singing of my Savior who is precious to meJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I am singing on the journey to the land of endless dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am singing on the upward road, for the Lord has set me freeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am singing on the way, To the happy land of dayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am sweetly singing, Of my Savior's loveJ.M.H. (Author)English3
I am sweetly singing on the glory land wayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I am traveling on to a heavenly home, Where the light of God's love is adorningJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I am traveling onward to a countryJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I am trusting in my Savior, Who has died for meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am trusting in my Savior day by dayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I am walking close to Jesus, and am happy in His loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am walking daily by my Savior's sideJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I am walking each day along the bright wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am walking each day in the heavenly wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am walking with Jesus on the highway of lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I am walking with my Redeemer on the Glory-land roadJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am walking with my Savior in the gospel lightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I am walking with my Savior to the glory landJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
I am working and singing, ever trusting and clingingJ. M. Henson (Author)4
I can feel the hand of Jesus leading me onJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I can feel the presence of a precious FriendJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I can feel the spirit now, as to Thee I humbly bowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I can see the sun creeping over the hillJ. M. H. (Author)English3
I can sing a song as I go alongJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I can sing all the dayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I can sing of my Lord with a jubilant voiceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I can sing to my KingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I can smile on the way as I work for my KingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I come to thee poor and undoneJohn M. Henson (Author)3
I feel love's showers falling, cheering my soulJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I felt my heavy burdens leave me and I caught a song of joyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I go to my Lord each hour of the dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a deep abiding peaceJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I have a friend who keeps me trueJ. M. Henson (Author)3
I have a Guide close by my sideJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a happy song of praise each dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a happy song while traveling alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a home beyond the tideJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I have a lot of friends so true and kindJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
I have a most wonderful Friend indeedJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
I have a new song deep down in my soul Since Jesus came in and took full controlJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a new song deep down in my soul, For Jesus speaks peace and I am made wholeJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
I have a safe retreat in Jesus my KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I have a Savior who keeps my soulJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a song all the day longJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I have a song down in my soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a song each day to singJ. M. Henson (Author)3
I have a song in my heart all the timeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a song in my soul todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a song my heart is singingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a song within my soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I have a sweet peace in my heart everJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I have a wonderful feeling, In this new heart of mineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have a wonderful Savior so trueJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I have assurance sweet, a solace most completeJ. M. Henson (Author)English8
I have been alone with Christ my SaviorJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I have dear ones gone on who so sweetly are singingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have fixed mine eyes upon the goalJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found a Friend I long have soughtJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found a friend that is true to meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found a friend that will stand the testJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found a Friend who is all to meJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found a helperJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I have found a precious friend in JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found a precious Friend who walks beside meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found my Lord and Savior precious to my soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found my Redeemer and made Him my ownJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have found the way that leads to heaven's happy landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have gladness, no more sadnessJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have heard a precious story, Of the Christ of CalvaryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have heard the call of Jesus and am on my journey homeJohn M. Henson (Author)English13
I have many blessings from Jesus ev'ry dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have many friends over yonderJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have met a most wonderful Redeemer from GloryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have no earthly friend to guide me as I make my way alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have no fear along the roadJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I have sought the world daily for things of true worthJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I have the blessing of my SaviorJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I have the love of Jesus abiding in my soulJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I have toiled through the years 'mid the sorrow and tearsJ. M. H. (Author)English3
I hear holy voices over the seaJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I heard a voice from heaven aboveJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I heard an old, old story About a home aboveJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I heard my Savior calling, I went to Him, but slowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I kneel at the cross in contritionJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I know my Savior leads me onward by the power of His handJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I know my Savior's love will keep meJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I know not why the leaves put forth in springJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I know of a Name heard over the earthJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I live in a garden of rosesJohn M. Henson (Author)English4
I look beyond the clouds of darkness todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I look up today across the broad wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I love Thee Lord, with all my heartJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I love to praise my great RedeemerJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I love to think of Jesus and His love, And how He died to set me freeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I need the love of Christ my KingJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I often have to do the will of mortal manJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
I once had wandered far from GodJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I once was sad, without a friendJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I once was steeped in sin and shameJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I receive so many blessings dailyJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I sat by my Savior and looked on his faceJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I see the ghosts that follow meJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I shall lose my heavy burdenJ. M. H. (Author)English9
I shall not fear the valley that lieth aheadJ. M. H. (Author)English3
I shall not walk alone, while Christ is nearJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I shall not walk in ways forbiddenJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I shall sing with the throng heaven's wonderful songJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I travel along the blessed old wayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I travel down this road a strangerJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I travel onward in the lightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I traveled the highway of evil so longJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I trudge along a lonesome roadJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I walk in the light of love pure and brightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I walk with Jesus each day along the beautiful wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I walked life's road amid the strifeJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I want my Lord to use my lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I want to be a lightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I want to be like the one great friendJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I want to do something for JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)1
I want to sing in glory landJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I was a sinner, sad and forlornJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I was burdened with sin and no hope could I seeJ. M. H. (Author)English7
I was climbing the steeps of the world in the nightJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I was going on with no aim in lifeJ. M. H. (Author)English3
I was lost and sad, but today I'm gladJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I was walking the way that led me astrayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I went into a home where riches did aboundJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I will sing of my Redeemer who is all to meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I will sing of the love, Of the Christ from aboveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I will soon have had enough of this road that is so roughJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I will tell and sing the gospel storyJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I will tell the story of my Savior's loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I will work for Jesus while the day is brightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I would be closer to thee, blessed LordJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I'd like to be here when Jesus shall comeJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I'd like to see that cityJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I'd like to stay here longer than man's allotted daysJ. M. H. (Author)English36
If I could tell every soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
If we care not for a brotherJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
If you are on the downward wayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
If you are on the outward pathJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
If you have no chart or compassJ. M. Henson (Author)3
If you look toward home as Moses didJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
If your soul is despairing and for you none is caringJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
If you're on the way to glory, in the path that Jesus trodJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I'll be ready to go to the home aboveJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'll soon be leaving for a country that is brighter far than thisJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I'll work for my Savior in sunshine or gloomJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I'm a child of the FatherJ. M. Henson (Author)2
I'm an heir to the throne of the King aboveJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'm clinging to my Savior dearJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
I'm going homeward with the King divineJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I'm happy as I go along, and there is naught to fearJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm happy in the love of Jesus, And singing on the homeward wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm happy on the journey to glory landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm happy today along on my wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I'm laboring on with patience each dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm living in the presence of JesusJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'm living with Jesus my Savior as I go on life's wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English11
I'm lonesome for heaven, the land of my dreamsJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'm looking away beyond this desert landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm looking away to a beautiful countryJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'm not alone on the journey of lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm often blue, and so are youJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm pressing on the upward wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm sailing along in safety todayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'm singing my song while goingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'm singing of Jesus my wonderful SaviorJohn M. Henson (Author)3
I'm singing of Jesus, the soul's blessed friendJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm telling out the storyJohn M. Henson (Author)2
I'm trusting in Jesus as on I goJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I'm walking in the Light DivineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I'm walking with my Savior today along the blessed glory-landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
In a vision I see Christ of dark CalvaryJ. M. H. (Author)English2
In everything that I do, and everything that I sayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
In His love rejoicing, God's praise still voicingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
In mercy Jesus looked on meJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
In my fancy I wait by the beautiful gateJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
In the Bible we read a sweet story of loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
In the Book we read that the Savior diedJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
In the gospel light we march alongJ. M. Henson (Author)4
In the light of His love let us press alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
In the service of our eternal KingJ. M. Henson (Author)2
In the sunlight of God's precious love eternalJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
In visions grand I fondly viewJ. M. H. (Author)English2
In your joy or your pain, in your loss or your gainJ. M. H. (Author)English2
It will be a happy day, When we shall singJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
It will be a wonderful morning when the dead in Christ shall riseJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I've a Friend that to me is most preciousJ. M. Henson (Author)3
I've a friend to guide over the waters wideJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I've a longing today of a home far awayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I've a precious Savior that I love and praiseJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I've a Savior and a friend who will keep me to the endJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I've been lifted out of bondage into Canaan's landJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I've been redeemed by Jesus's bloodJohn M. Henson (Author)3
I've found a friend in Jesus who fills my every needJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I've found the way of life eternal, and I sing as on I goJ. M. H. (Author)English3
I've had a hard time on this rough road while bearing a weary, heavy loadJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I've heard of a city where cometh no nightJohn M. Henson (Author)3
I've heard the call of Jesus and am on myJohn M. Henson (Author)3
I've left the broad pathway of sorrowJ. M. H. (Author)English2
I've read about the holy city that John saw once coming downJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I've selected the pathway my Savior hath shown meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
I've started to a country beyond the reach of nightJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
I've turned away from sin and shameJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jehovah leads and all is wellJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Jesus ascended sad Calvary's hillJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus came to bring salvation to a sinful raceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus comforts my soul, keeps me happy and wholeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus fills my heart with gladness as I go alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus found me and unbound meJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus gives me sweet peace, and with joy I am singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus has banished all my sadnessJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus has lifted me from sin and shameJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is a friend to all who will trust His loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is a Friend unfailing, and a comfort to my soulJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
Jesus is a friend you ought to knowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is a loving FriendJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is a precious FriendJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus is all I need to keep singing, for He gives my heart its happy songJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is always beside meJohn M. Henson, 1887-1972 (Author)2
Jesus is coming, O shout the refrainJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Jesus is guiding me over life's stormy seaJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus is keeping me by grace, helping me run life's busy raceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is leading all of the way, and we shall have no fearJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is my light and gloryJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus is my sunshine and my songJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus is our best friend, and keeps us daily singingJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus is the dearest Friend I knowJ.M.H. (Author)English1
Jesus is the soul's unending FriendJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is with me, cheering my soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is with me each hour of the dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus is with me, O praiseJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus is with me, praise His nameJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Jesus leads me all the wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
Jesus saves me, and my soul is singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Jesus sought and found usJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Jesus sought me when I was a strangerJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Jesus will come in His bright glory in His own appointed timeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
John saw a white City to earth coming downJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Joybells ringing, glad praise singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Joybells within me are ringingJohn M. Henson (Author)3
Just a few more days on this weary roadJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Just tell the Lord you love HimJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Just to glorify the Lord, and to spreadJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Keep a happy heartJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
Keep me forever, Savior divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Kept in the hollowJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Know ye not that the world goes wrongJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Labor on in the vineyardJ. Henson (Author)2
Lead me O Thou great JehovahJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Lead on, O King Eternal, The day of march has comeJ. M. H. (Author (Refrain))English1
Let love control your daily lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Let me go down by the riverJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Let others follow the worlds alluring wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Let the world go by, do not stop and sighJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Let us have love, love for one anotherJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Let us run our race with patienceJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Let us tell of the love of our SaviorJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Let us toil for the Master and His gloryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Let us travel along with a jubilant songJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Life has many dangers as we go on our wayJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Life is speeding awayJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Life is speeding away Life a very brief dayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Lift up your hands O weeping pilgrims and rejoiceJ. M. H. (Author)English2
List! To the song of the ransomed throngJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Listen to the glad soldiers workingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Lonely days are left behind me, and I sing for joyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Long long ago in the book that I loveJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
Look for a day of rejoicingJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Look to the Savior, In the time of dangerJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Look unto Jesus, weary one lookJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Look up, look up O troubled soulJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Looking and listening for my dear SaviorJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Looking away from sinJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Looking to Jesus, letting Him leadJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Lord art Thou willing to forgive?J. M. Henson (Author)English2
Lord I want more love in my heartJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Lord, my all to Thee I'm bringingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Lord now dismiss usJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Love looked on me, From CalvaryJohn M. Henson (Author)English25
Love never dies, but cheers the soulJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Love shall control my heartJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Loved ones and friends are partedJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Make peace with JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Many are bearing burdens aloneJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Many are the burdens we must bearJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Many are the pitfalls on the way as I travel onward day by dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Many dear ones and friends have crossed over the tideJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Many people withhold their silver and goldJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Many years I did spend in the lowland of lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Many years I've read the BibleJohn M. Henson (Author)2
March along to gloryJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Marching onward soldiers loyal, work for the Lord each dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Marching to glory with our Leader beside usJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Me soul is singing every dayJohn M. Henson (Author)1
Meet me where the angels gatherJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Millions of voices are praising our Savior with one accordJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Mine eyes are fixed on the heavenly prizeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Mourn not the dead, They sleep in GodJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Moving along, having no dreadJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Moving on the highway of the blessed King divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Music fills the airJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
My bark was on a stormy seaJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
My days of loneliness are goneJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
My earthly friends are dear to meJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
My Father is richer than kings of this earthJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
My guilt has all been washed awayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
My heart a glad carol is voicingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
My heart is singing, the joybells ringing, Because my Savior has set me freeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
My heavenly home is bright and fair, Nor pain nor death can enter thereJ. M. Henson (Alterer)English2
My Master is tender and lovingJ. M. Henson (Author)2
My path grows brighter each day, along the beautiful wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
My pathway is bright, I walk in the lightJ. M. Henson (Author)2
My pathway was so rough and steepJ. M. H. (Author)English2
My Savior calls and I must goJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
My Savior has gone to prepare me a place (Henson)J. M. Henson (Author)English2
My Savior is with me by day and by nightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
My Savior's love is true and strongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
My soul has a song and I'm singingJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
My soul has a song since Jesus came inJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
My soul is happy in the love of JesusJohn M. Henson (Author)2
My soul is rejoicing in JesusJohn M. Henson (Author)2
My soul is singing each day along the beautiful wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
My soul is singing hallelujah as I go along the wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
My soul is truly happy all the timeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
My soul rejoices in my Redeemer who is the soul's unending songJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
No human tongue can tell the lossJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
No more hindered by strife, I have answers of lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
No mortal tongue can tell the loveJohn M. Henson (Author)2
No wealth I own, my song has flownJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Now I can let all the troubles of this busy life goJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Now with joy my heart is tunedJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
O, a happy time is coming for the childrenJ. M. Henson (Author)2
O behold a Savior bleedingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O bless the Lord, yes bless the LordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O, blessed morn when I shall beJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O blessed Savior divineJohn M. Henson (Author)2
O careless soul, on life's broad wayJ. M. H. (Author)English2
O come before HimJ. M. H. (Author)English2
O comrades travel onward ever singingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
O dear Lord! walk with meJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
O God of love renew our strengthJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O happy day when Jesus came To take away my sin and shameJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
O happy is the man who believeth in Christ the blessed SonJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
O homeland in glory I long to be thereJohn M. Henson (Author)2
O I want to leave this old world of sorrowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O let me live dear Lord for TheeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O Lord of love Thou art, With us abideJohn M. Henson (Author)English4
O Lord! our Lord, Have mercy upon usJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
O love unending, That God bestowsJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
O pilgrim on life's weary roadJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O pilgrim seeking that fair land aboveJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
O, praise the great eternal KingJ. M. H. (Author)English3
O praise the mighty King of kingsJ. M. H. (Author)English2
O proclaim the gospel of the SaviorJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
O rejoice in the mighty King, for His power hath no boundsJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O rejoice today along the wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O sailor out on the broad ocean of timeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O Savior, dear Savior, I need Thee sorely nowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O Savior dear, I come to TheeJ. M. H. (Author)English3
O sing for joy for Christ is nearJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O sinner, hearken to the Savior's callJ. M. Henson (Author)3
O soul astray, look up todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O soul on life's highway without a songJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
O sweet the thought as onward I goJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O the Holy Ghost came inJ. M. H. (Author)English4
O the love of our Redeemer is so boundless, full and freeJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
O the peace that I feel, it is trueJohn M. Henson (Author)2
O what a great triumphant song we'll sing with all the ransomed throngJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O what a happy song is mine while pressing alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O what a joy it is to knowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O what a message we sing todayJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
O what a song of gladness is in my soul todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O what a song of joy my heart is singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O what a story now I am tellingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
O what glory 'twill beJohn M. Henson (Author)2
O what wonderful rejoicingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O ye comrades of Jesus in the work of your choiceJ. M. H. (Author)English2
O ye people of creation, lift your eyes, behold a KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O ye souls redeemed by JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
O ye who are walking destruction's dark wayJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Oft in dreams I hear voices sweet and clearJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Oft my way grows drearyJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Oft my way is filled with dangersJ. M. H. (Author)English4
Often burdens bend me lowJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Often here we have sorrow, and oft it is painJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Often I read of a home land fairJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Often I'm heart-sick and sigh for a restJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Often strange voices we hear in the nightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Often the darkness surrounds you with gloomJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Often we here assemble, Jesus to glorifyJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
O pilgrim on the glory road now raise a happy songJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
O the road to Calvary is rough and steepJ. M. H. (Author)English2
O ye, in the service of Jesus our KingJ. M. H. (Author)English2
On that morning when we shall riseJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Once a Galilean cameJohn M. Henson (Author)3
Once a mighty Savior spoke unto the peopleJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
Once I bore a burden greatJ. M. Henson (Author)English1
Once I was friendless, sorrow was endlessJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
Once I was lone and sad, burdened by sinJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Once I was void of sweet singingJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Onward O throng, travel alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Others may fail me in time of great needJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Our Hero strong once conquered wrongJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Our Lord was tried in Pilate's hallJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Our Savior laid His crown asideJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Out on the ocean, facing the galeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Over all the universe with gladnessJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Over the restless ocean to the souls in sinJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
Over the river, fields are all greenJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Overcoming evil with the goodJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Perfect joy in my heart is aboundingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Praise anew the Savior of the world todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Praise God for His redeeming grace, It makes me shout, and sing, and prayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Pray without ceasing the Master saidJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Press along O care worn pilgrim, dread not the wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Press along O children of the LordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Press along O pilgrim, ever singing on your wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Press along your journey with a happy song each dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Press on ye soldiers of the crossJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Pressing on to glory in the light divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Put Him to the test todayJ. M. H. (Author)English4
Raindrops are falling from the clouds over headJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Raise a happy song to God's gloryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Rapture fills my trusting soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Reapers! the harvest Master now is callingJ. M. H. (Author)English3
Renew my strength, O Lord divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Rivers of love freely flowing from mount CalvaryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Running the race of lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Sailing home, sailing home, We are sailing home to JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sailing on life's sea, look on aheadJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Sailor, tempest tossed, fearing all is lostJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Savior Divine, tarry with meJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Since I took the blessed Savior as my ownJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Sing a happy song of great rejoicingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Singing a happy song of praise to Christ our KingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Singing along the way, happy from day to dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Singing on the journey to my happy homeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Singing praise, happy days, onward I goJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Singing singing Happy along the wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
So heavy the load, so weary the roadJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
So heavy was sin's awful weightJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
So many are our needs, O LordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
So often bleak shadows come over my wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
So often the night time brings sadnessJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
So often the way is rugged and steepJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Some day I'll sing a sweeter songJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Some glad day when trials here are overJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Some one is coming some morningJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Some people of earth of excellent worthJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Some speak of the LordJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Someone is drifting far out on the seaJohn M. Henson (Author)English4
Someone touched my heart with loveJ. M. Henson (Author)4
Sometime the clouds will disappearJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Sometimes I am lonely, sometimes I am blueJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Sometimes my heart is lonelyJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Sometimes my way is hard to seeJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Sometimes our eyes are blinded by sorrow's tearJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sometimes we feel discouraged as on we goJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Somewhere the angels are singingJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
Soon the Savior will come from His heavenly throneJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Soon upon a cloud of glory Jesus will comeJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Sorrows often meet us hereJohn M. Henson (Author)English12
Soul whither bound?J. M. H. (Author)English3
Souls forgiven and made whole lift your voice, the Lord extolJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sound the news over the worldJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sound the praise of our RedeemerJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sound the praise of the King who redeems by graceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Spread a little sunshine about you as on you goJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Spread the love of JesusJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Stay near me, Lord, I cannot walk aloneJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Stay with me, SaviorJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Streams may run dry, the trees bend lowJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Strong is our faith in the Leader we loveJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Strong is the hand that is leading me daily along the wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sunset is nearingJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Sweet is my song as onward I goJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Sweet is the love that holds me fastJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Sweet is Thy love, O Savior divineJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Sweet peace is in my soul todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sweet the friendship of those that we loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Sweetly I trust in my Redeemer as I go singing on my wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English12
Sweetly sound the words of JesusJ. M. H. (Arranger)English1
Take my hand dear LordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Tell Him you love Him and show Him as wellJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The burdens of life are heavy to bearJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The burdens of the world grow heavyJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
The clouds hang low, all moving slowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The final day of reckoning will dawn upon us allJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
The harvest Lord is sweetly calling you todayJ. M. H. (Author)English2
The King of the earth and heaven tooJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The Lord has done wonders for all here belowJ. M. Henson (Author)2
The Lord hath need of many workers in His harvest fieldJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The Lord he is my shepherdJohn M. Henson (Author)2
The Lord is leading all the way and we shall reach our home some dayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
The Lord is my light and my joy every dayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
The Lord is my Shepherd, No wanting shall I ever knowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The Lord is now my joy and songJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
The Lord is now my life and lightJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
The Lord of love has shown to meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The love of Christ, my FriendJohn M. Henson (Author)2
The love of Jesus is my song, And so with Him I press alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The love of my Lord is boundless and freeJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
The men who crucified JesusJ. M. H. (Author)English2
The mighty love of Christ is reaching over all the world todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The mighty Savior leads us on to victoryJohn M. Henson (Author)2
The old Ship of Zion glides up to the shoreJ. M. H. (Author)English2
The rivers bear it on their wayJ. M. H. (Author)English2
The Savior came and he found meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The Savior of the world is ChristJohn M. Henson (Author)3
The Savior once suffered on CalvaryJ. M. H. (Author)English4
The song that I sing is of my king, and so I shall labor onJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
The sun of my life now is sinkingJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
The things of earth soon pass awayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
The voice of our Savior is callingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
The world is in a hurry, but few will stop and prayJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
The world looks on us as mere strangers as we travel through this landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There are many decisions you surely must makeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There are many who have gone astrayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There are many whose friendship we treasureJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There are missiles floating on the skywayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There are waves that are rollingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
There is a better world above, where nothing can annoyJ. M. H. (Author)English2
There is a city whose streets are goldJ. M. Henson (Author)4
There is a home beyond the skies, A place of rest called paradiseJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is a land where falls no tearsJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is a name that I hold dearJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
There is a peace I am feelingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
There is a place of matchless beautyJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There is a place that I go for reposeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is a song of gladness ringingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
There is a way by CalvaryJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There is joy divine that is ever mineJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
There is joy each day in the upward wayJ. M. Henson (Author)2
There is joy in knowing that the LordJ. M. Henson (Author)2
There is joy in my soul, for I am made wholeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There is joy In service trueJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is joy in the Lord each day as we walk in the gospel wayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is joy in the love of my Savior aboveJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is much to do in this broad landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is one whose love surpasses allJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There is perfect joy in singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There is something in my soul that keeps me happyJohn M. Henson (Author)3
There is struggle and strife in the battle of lifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There was no Savior in days of long agoJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There will be a great assemblyJ. M. Henson (Author)2
There will be a happy time when we'll all have joy sublimeJ. M. Henson (Author)2
There will come a day when the saved shall meetJohn M. Henson (Author)2
There will come a time when here I will be leavingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a call that is sweetly ringing, coming from the mighty KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a city we are seeking whose bright pavements are goldJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
There's a dear and scared placeJ. M. Henson (Author)2
There's a fountain of grace from the throne we can traceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a great throng up in gloryJ. M. Henson (Author)2
There's a happy carol in my soul that I sing the whole day longJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a happy home in glory free from sorrowJohn M. Henson (Author)2
There's a happy land, And I'm going there when this life is overJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a happy land of promise just beyond the great divideJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a home beyond the river Where someday I shall abideJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a home of delight on an evergreen shoreJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a home of wondrous beauty for the saved by graceJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a home where glories gleam brighter than the fondest dreamJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a land beyond the shadows and by faith I seeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a land of delight where there never is nightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a land of endless glory just beyond the swelling floodJ. M. H. (Author)English2
There's a light still brightly shining, from the cross of CalvaryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a little painted church standing by the wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a love most true shown by Christ for youJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a love that is outreaching to poor mortal manJ. M. H. (Author)English2
There's a mighty army marching on to gloryJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a perfect silver lining from the heavens shiningJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a precious flowJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a ringing call to serviceJohn M. Henson (Author)2
There's a song my soul shall singJ. M. Henson (Author)2
There's a song of love within my soulJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a song of praise that I singJ. M. H. (Author)English2
There's a starry crown in the glory landJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a thought that fills my soul with peace and loveJ. M. H. (Author)English2
There's a volume that's dearer than any bookJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
There's a way that leads to life, That is free from care and strifeJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
There's a world above this lowlandJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
They crucified our blessed SaviorJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
They say there is a happy homeJohn M. Henson (Author)English5
This I fully realize, Now that I am freeJ. M. Henson (Author)2
This is a world of beautyJ. M. H. (Author)English2
This is the song my soulJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Though oft I bend beneath a weightJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Through the shadows brightly gleamingJohn M. Henson (Author)2
'Tis sweet to go alone with my LordJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
To my Savior I'm clinging, and his praises I'm singingJ. M. Henson (Author)2
To our friends and loved ones here we say goodbyeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
To the hand of my Lord I am clingingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
To the promise of Christ I'm clingingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
To the sad and loneJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Tomorrow, tomorrow, a day of song or sorrowJ. M. H. (Author)English4
Too long you have slightedJ. M. Henson (Author)2
Travel onward pilgrims in the light of love divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Traveling in the way that leads to Glory landJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Trusting in Jesus as I journey to my eternal homeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Tune our hearts Lord, to praise TheeJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Use me SaviorJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Voices blending, never endingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Walking in the sunlight that around the blessed Lord is gleamingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We are bravely fighting for JehovahJohn M. Henson (Author)2
We are bravely marching onwardJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We are fighting for Jehovah and the blessed cause of rightJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
We are going away on the Special trainJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We are going onward to a CityJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We are happy singers on the glory roadJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We are in the service of the Master dearJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We are in the way of the King todayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We are marching along in the gospel lightJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We are marching along to gloryJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We are marching along with a wonderful songJohn M. Henson (Author)2
We are marching on to glory In the path the Martyrs trod (Henson)John M. Henson (Author)English2
We are marching onward at our Master's commandJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We are marching onward with the King of all the worldJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We are marching to victory todayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We are not left alone in our sorrowJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We are on the shining road to the glory landJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We are pressing on to the land of dawnJ. M. Henson (Author)3
We are redeemed by loveJohn M. Henson (Author)2
We are winning endless victoryJ. M. Henson (Author)2
We are working for our Master in His vineyard here belowJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We belong to Jesus our KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
We come this happy morning here to meet youJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We come today to praise the One who crowned our daysJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We follow our eternal SaviorJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We gather here, Our songs to raiseJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We go along all together in the service of songJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We go the highway of song, with voices happy and strongJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We have a Friend who never failsJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We have a song of gladness, taking the place of sadnessJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We have accepted Christ the Lord of allJ. M. Henson (Author)English4
We have been looking to JesusJ. M. H. (Author)English3
We have dear ones gone on to that beautiful shoreJ. M. H. (Author)English3
We have fixed our minds on JesusJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We have heard about a land of love beyond the starry skyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We hear the sound of mighty wavesJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
We hear the tread of royal footsteps marching onJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We know not what awaits us thereJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We march away to war, O comrades, with a song of joy each dayJ.M. Henson (Author)English3
We may walk in the beauty of holinessJ. M. Henson (Author)4
We meet in thy temple, dear Lord, to prayJ. M. Henson (Author)2
We meet to worship our dear Savior in the spirit of sweet songJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We often dream of joys sublimeJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We read in His Word that Jesus is comingJ. M. H. (Author)English2
We read of a City where death cannot comeJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We read of a country where cometh no nightJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We read of a land, a beautiful strand just over the wayJ. M. Henson (Author)3
We read of a place we shall reachJohn M. Henson (Author)2
We read of a place where ransomed ones dwellJ. M. Henson (Author)3
We see our friends now leaving one by oneJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We shall meet our friends when our journeyJ. M. Henson (Author)3
We sing of the love of our SaviorJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We travel here in life's hard raceJ. M. Henson (Author)2
We travel onward all rejoicingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We would be true to Thee, Savior divineJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
We're on a great voyage to heaven's fair climeJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
We've enlisted in the fight For the blessed truth and rightJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
We've heard it proclaimed through the agesJohn M. Henson (Author)2
What a friend is my RedeemerJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
What a great throng I shall behold, walking the streets of shining goldJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
What a happy song is mine since Jesus made me freeJ. M. Henson (Author)2
What a song of delight I sing day and nightJohn M. Henson, 1887-1972 (Author)English3
What a song of joy hearts will all employJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
What a song of joy I'm singingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When Christ was crucifeidJ. M. H. (Author)English2
When discouraged on the upward wayJohn M. Henson (Author)2
When earthly toiling shall be endedJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Whenever you need a friendJ. M. H. (Author)English3
When I am destitute of friendsJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
When I am tempted to turn from the rightJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When I go to my garden each morningJohn M. Henson (Author)2
When I go to the home of my childhoodJ. M. Henson (Author)English9
When I hear the voice of strangersJ. M. H. (Author)English2
When I reach my home in Heaven where no sorrows betideJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
When I remember the story so trueJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When I see the King, of Whose love I singJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
When I shall come to the riverJ. M. H. (Author)English4
When I shall cross the turbulent river to the city of endless restJohn M. Henson (Author)English3
When I think of Calvary where the Savior died for meJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When it seems I'm aloneJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
When Jesus cleansed my heart from sinJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
When Jesus comes some day for meJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
When Jesus shall leave His bright home in the skyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When my traveling days are o'erJohn M. Henson (Author)3
When my work here is doneJohn M. Henson (Author)2
When rough the road and great the loadJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
When shall end toil and strifeJ. M. Henson (Author)2
When storms are raging, Dreary is the dayJ. M. H. (Author)English7
When the Book of life is opened, by the King upon His throneJ. M. H. (Author)English2
When the clouds are hanging low, And we know not where to goJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When the Lord calls the ransomedJohn M. Henson (Author)2
When the Lord shall come from the lofty skiesJ. M. Henson (Author)3
When the night comes on, and all the world is stillJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
When the Savior beheld all the world steeped in sinJ. M. H. (Author)English2
When the Savior came to this sinful earthJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When the shadows flee, O what a day 'twill beJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When trouble comes along to take away your songJ. M. H. (Author)English3
When we come to the river that flows dark and chillJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
When we in faith to Jesus pray doing His bidding day by dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
When we meet in a city on the golden shoreJ. M. Henson (Author)3
When we reach Heaven, that sweet home of the soulJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
When we reach the hills of gloryJohn M. Henson (Author)2
When we shall meet the ones we love in yonder happy world aboveJ. M. H. (Author)English2
When we think of how our SaviorJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
When we've told our eartly storyJ. M. Henson (Author)5
When you need someone to help you as you tread life's rugged wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
When your heart is overburdened with a load of careJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Where Christ was crucified, Stay by the crossJ. M. H. (Author)English11
While days are sunny and you're gayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
While going through this pilgrim land, I'll sing my song of loveJ. M. Henson (Author)English3
Who but the Lord can make the sun to shine by dayJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Winning the battle in the name of Jesus our KingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
With a song and smile, happy all the whileJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
With gladness the days may go byJ. M. Henson (Author)7
With happy song we make our way alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
With Him walking sweetly talkingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
With Jesus my Savior I go hand in handJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
With joyous song we press alongJ. M. Henson (Author)2
With praise overflowing, I'm homeward goingJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
With shouts of joy still press alongJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
With steady step we march along for Christ our KingJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Work and sing for Jesus all the whileJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Workers for Jesus who is yourJ. M. Henson (Author)3
Working on in the field of dutyJ. M. Henson (Author)English2
Ye followers of Jesus, nowJ. M. Henson (Author)English5
Ye harpers strike Heaven's chord in praise to Jesus our LordJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Ye sleeping saints, awake, ariseJohn M. Henson (Author)2
Ye sons of men rejoiceJ. M. H. (Author)English2
Ye who are in the homeward wayJohn M. Henson (Author)English2
Yonder in glory where the angels singJ. M. Henson (Author)2
You ask me whom am IJ. M. Henson (Author)English2

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