1820 - 1883 Unknown of "O Bønnestund" in Evangeli harpe Heede, Elevine. (Arendal, Norway, 1820-1883). A Norwegian teacher, who studied in France and England as well, and who was also a teacher in a Methodist seminary in Oslo, Norway, from 1873-1883. She was at the same time the editor of the Methodist Sunday School weekly magazine Børnenes Søndagsblad, in which she published from 1874 onward her own Norwegian renderings of the Sankey songs. She also published her own compositions in this magazine. These songs soon came out in books, first called De lille Zions Harpe, then Zions Harpe I (containing 160 songs) and Zions Harpe II (containing 103 songs). Her own songs were "borrowed" widely and wildly, without crediting her. Even the Norwegian-Danish Methodist Conference hymnal Evangeliske Toner (Chicago, 1922), which does giver her credit for about 25 hymns, omits giving her credit for an equal number of hymns.
--Letter from Willy Heggoy to Mary Louise VanDyke, DNAH Archives
There is also a lengthy, but anonymous, paper on Elevine Heede in the DNAH Archives.
Elevine Heede